global log local2 chroot /var/lib/haproxy pidfile /var/run/ maxconn 4000 user haproxy group haproxy daemon stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats mode 644 level admin stats timeout 2m #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will # use if not designated in their block #--------------------------------------------------------------------- defaults mode http log global option httplog option dontlognull option http-server-close option forwardfor except option redispatch retries 3 timeout http-request 10s timeout queue 1m timeout connect 10s timeout client 1m timeout server 1m timeout http-keep-alive 10s timeout check 10s maxconn 3000 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # main frontend which proxys to the backends #--------------------------------------------------------------------- frontend main *:5000 acl url_static path_beg -i /static /images /javascript /stylesheets acl url_static path_end -i .jpg .gif .png .css .js #use_backend static if url_static #default_backend appname ## listen appname mode http stats enable stats uri /haproxy?stats stats realm Strictly\ Private stats auth marius:marius balance roundrobin option httpclose option forwardfor # we are adding our hosts manually .. # we could populate this dynamically from our inventory server web1 check server web2 check