#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # SpearHead Systems # flex_blade_bays_module_state = { 0: 'standby', 1: 'on', 2: 'notPresent', 255: 'notApplicable', } def flex_blade_bays_make_item(line): # "3.IO Module 5" pd, name = line[0].split(".", 1) if pd == '2': power_domain = 1 else: power_domain = 2 return "PD%d %s" % (power_domain, name) def inventory_flex_blade_bays(info): # find only modules that are present and switched on or standby inventory = [] for line in info: if line[1] in [ '0', '1' ]: item = flex_blade_bays_make_item(line) inventory.append((item, None)) return inventory def check_flex_blade_bays(item, _no_params, info): for line in info: if item == flex_blade_bays_make_item(line): state = saveint(line[1]) type = line[2].split('(')[0] if state == 1: return (0, "State %s (Type: %s, ID: %s)" % (flex_blade_bays_module_state.get(state, 'Unhandled'), type, line[3])) elif state == 2: return (1, "Not present") elif state == 3: return (1, "Device is switched off") elif state == 0: return (1, "Device is in standby") else: return (2, "invalid state %d" % state) return (3, "no data for '%s' in SNMP info" % item) check_info["flex_blade_bays"] = { 'check_function': check_flex_blade_bays, 'inventory_function': inventory_flex_blade_bays, 'service_description': 'IBM Flex Bay %s', 'snmp_info': ( ".", [ "2", # powerDomain1 "3", # powerDomain2 ], [ "1.1.5", "1.1.6", "1.1.2", "1.1.1" ] ), # BLADE-MIB 'snmp_scan_function': \ lambda oid: re.match('IBM Flex Chassis Management Module', oid(".")) != None, }