#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # Author: Marius Pana # EXAMPLE DATA FROM: # format: [datastore] [path] [size] [last mod date] #<<>> # [EUFRLHODS01] EUFRLHOAPP30/EUFRLHOAPP30-000002.vmdk 0.02 2015-1-29 # [EUFRLHODS01] EUFRLHOAPP30/EUFRLHOAPP30_1-000002.vmdk 0.02 2015-1-29 # [EUFRLHODS01] EUFRLHOAPP30/EUFRLHOAPP30_2-000002.vmdk 0.02 2015-1-29 def inventory_vmware_orphaned_files(info): if len(info) >= 1 and len(info[0]) >= 1: return [ (None, None) ] else: return [ (None, None) ] # return [('No VMware orphan files detected', None)] def check_vmware_orphaned_files(item, params, info): #if not item: # return (0, "No VIMII orphan files found.") if len(info) >= 1 and len(info[0]) >= 1: total = len(info) extended_info="" for line in info: if not line[0].startswith("["): return (3, "There is a problem running the plugin. Please verify server") else: datastore = line[0] path = line[1] whichorphs = datastore + " " + path extended_info += ' '.join(map(str,line)) + "
" return (1, "WARN - VMware Orphan Files Detected: There are %d orphan files: %s" % (total, extended_info), [ ("vmware_orphaned_files", total) ]) else: return (0, "OK - No VMware Orphan Files Detected") check_info["vmware_orphaned_files"] = { 'check_function': check_vmware_orphaned_files, 'inventory_function': inventory_vmware_orphaned_files, 'service_description': 'VMware Orphaned Files', 'group': 'vmware_orphaned_files', }