#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2019 tribe29 GmbH - License: GNU General Public License v2 # This file is part of Checkmk (https://checkmk.com). It is subject to the terms and # conditions defined in the file COPYING, which is part of this source code package. factory_settings["cisco_ip_sla_default_levels"] = { "state": "active", "connection_lost_occured": "no", "timeout_occured": "no", "completion_time_over_treshold_occured": "no", "latest_rtt_completion_time": (250, 500), "latest_rtt_state": "ok", "packets_lost_src->dest": (100, 1000), "packets_lost_dest->src": (100, 1000), } def parse_cisco_ip_sla(info): precisions = {line[0]: "ms" if line[-1] == "1" else "us" for line in info[0]} rtt_types = { "1": "echo", "2": "path echo", "3": "file IO", "4": "script", "5": "UDP echo", "6": "TCP connect", "7": "HTTP", "8": "DNS", "9": "jitter", "10": "DLSw", "11": "DHCP", "12": "FTP", "13": "VoIP", "14": "RTP", "15": "LSP group", "16": "ICMP jitter", "17": "LSP ping", "18": "LSP trace", "19": "ethernet ping", "20": "ethernet jitter", "21": "LSP ping pseudowire", } states = { "1": "reset", "2": "orderly stop", "3": "immediate stop", "4": "pending", "5": "inactive", "6": "active", "7": "restart", } rtt_states = { "0": "other", "1": "ok", "2": "disconnected", "3": "over threshold", "4": "timeout", "5": "busy", "6": "not connected", "7": "dropped", "8": "sequence error", "9": "verify error", "10": "application specific error", } def to_ip_address(int_list): if len(int_list) == 4: return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple(int_list) elif len(int_list) == 6: return "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d" % tuple(int_list) return "" # contains description, parse function, unit and type contents = [ ( # rttMonEchoAdminEntry ("Target address", to_ip_address, "", None), ("Source address", to_ip_address, "", None), # rttMonEchoAdminPrecision is deliberatly dropped by zip below ), ( # rttMonCtrlAdminEntry ("Owner", None, "", None), ("Tag", None, "", None), ("RTT type", lambda x: rtt_types.get(x, "unknown"), "", "option"), ("Threshold", int, "ms", "option"), ), ( # rttMonCtrlOperEntry ("State", lambda x: states.get(x, "unknown"), "", "option"), ("Text", None, "", None), ("Connection lost occured", lambda x: "yes" if x == "1" else "no", "", "option"), ("Timeout occured", lambda x: "yes" if x == "1" else "no", "", "option"), ( "Completion time over treshold occured", lambda x: "yes" if x == "1" else "no", "", "option", ), ), ( # rttMonLatestRttOperEntry ("Latest RTT completion time", int, "ms/us", "level"), ("Latest RTT state", lambda x: rtt_states.get(x, "unknown"), "", "option"), ), ( # rttMonJitterStatsEntry ("Packets lost src->dest", int, "packets", "level"), ("Packets lost dest->src", int, "packets", "level"), ), ] parsed = {} for content, entries in zip(contents, info): if not entries: continue for entry in entries: index, values = entry[0], entry[1:] data = parsed.setdefault(index, []) for (description, parser, unit, type_), value in zip(content, values): if parser: value = parser(value) if unit == "ms/us": unit = precisions[index] data.append((description, value, unit, type_)) return parsed def inventory_cisco_ip_sla(parsed): for index in parsed: yield index, {} @get_parsed_item_data def check_cisco_ip_sla(_item, params, data): for description, value, unit, type_ in data: if not value and "packets" not in unit: continue state = 0 if unit: infotext = "%s: %s %s" % (description, value, unit) else: infotext = "%s: %s" % (description, value) perfdata = [] param = params.get(description.lower().replace(" ", "_")) if type_ == "option": if param and param != value: state = 1 infotext += " (expected %s)" % param elif type_ == "level": warn, crit = param # a default level hat to exist if value >= crit: state = 2 elif value >= warn: state = 1 if state: infotext += " (warn/crit at %s/%s)" % (warn, crit) if unit == "ms/us": factor = 1e3 if unit == "ms" else 1e6 perfdata = [ ("rtt", value / factor, warn / factor, crit / factor) ] # fixed: true-division elif unit == "packets": perfdata = [ ("lost", value, warn, crit) ] yield state, infotext, perfdata check_info["cisco_ip_sla"] = { "parse_function": parse_cisco_ip_sla, "inventory_function": inventory_cisco_ip_sla, "check_function": check_cisco_ip_sla, "service_description": "Cisco IP SLA %s", "group": "cisco_ip_sla", "default_levels_variable": "cisco_ip_sla_default_levels", "has_perfdata": True, "snmp_scan_function": lambda oid: "cisco" in oid(".").lower() and "ios" in oid(".").lower() and oid(".*"), "snmp_info": [ ( ".", [ OID_END, BINARY(2), # rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress BINARY(6), # rttMonEchoAdminSourceAddress # only needed to determine the unit (ms/us) 37, # rttMonEchoAdminPrecision ], ), ( ".", [ OID_END, 2, # rttMonCtrlAdminOwner 3, # rttMonCtrlAdminTag 4, # rttMonCtrlAdminRttType 5, # rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold ], ), ( ".", [ OID_END, 10, # rttMonCtrlOperState 2, # rttMonCtrlOperDiagText 5, # rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred 6, # rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred 7, # rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred ], ), ( ".", [ OID_END, 1, # rttMonLatestRttOperCompletionTime 2, # rttMonLatestRttOperSense ], ), ( ".", [ OID_END, 26, # rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossSD 27, # rttMonLatestJitterOperPacketLossDS ] ) ], }