import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import Flex from 'styled-flex-component'; import { Field } from 'redux-form'; import titleCase from 'title-case'; import remcalc from 'remcalc'; import { H5, Select, Input, FormGroup } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; const style = { lineHeight: '48px', fontSize: '18px' }; const Values = touched => ( ); export const Rule = rule => (
The instance
be on
node as the instance(s) identified by the
{rule['rule-type'] === 'tag' ? (
and value{' '}
) : ( {Values(rule['rule-instance-name-pattern'])} )}
); export const Header = rule => ( {titleCase(rule['rule-instance-conditional'])}: be on a{' '} {rule['rule-instance-placement']} node as the instance(s) identified by the instance {rule['rule-type']} {rule['rule-type'] === 'name' ? ( {' '} {rule['rule-instance-name-pattern']} “{rule['rule-instance-name']}” ) : ( {' '} key “{rule['rule-instance-tag-key']}" and the instance tag value{' '} {rule['rule-instance-tag-value-pattern'] && rule['rule-instance-tag-value-pattern'].split('-').join(' ')}{' '} "{rule['rule-instance-tag-value']}” )} );