import React from 'react'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import paramCase from 'param-case'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import { SubmissionError, reset, stopSubmit, startSubmit } from 'redux-form'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import find from 'lodash.find'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import intercept from 'apr-intercept'; import remcalc from 'remcalc'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import { ViewContainer, StatusLoader, Divider, H3, TagList, TagItem, KeyValue } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import ToolbarForm from '@components/instances/toolbar'; import GetTags from '@graphql/list-tags.gql'; import UpdateTags from '@graphql/update-tags.gql'; import DeleteTag from '@graphql/delete-tag.gql'; import parseError from '@state/parse-error'; import { addTag as validateTag } from '@state/validators'; import Confirm from '@state/confirm'; const MENU_FORM_NAME = 'instance-tags-list-menu'; const ADD_FORM_NAME = 'instance-tags-add-new'; const EDIT_FORM_KEY = field => `instance-tags-${paramCase(field)}`; const TagsAddForm = props => ( ); const TagsEditForm = props => ( ); const Tag = ({ name, value, onRemoveClick, onClick }) => ( {name ? `${name}: ${value}` : value} ); export const Tags = ({ tags = [], addOpen, editing, editable, loading, handleToggleAddOpen, handleToggleEditing, handleCancel, handleEdit, handleRemove, handleCreate, shouldAsyncValidate, handleAsyncValidate }) => { const _loading = !(loading && !tags.length) ? null : ; const _add = addOpen ? ( handleToggleAddOpen(false)} > {TagsAddForm} ) : null; const _line = !_loading && !addOpen ? [ , ] : null; const _count = !_loading ? (

{tags.length} tag{tags.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}

) : null; const _tags = !_loading ? ( {{ id, name, value }) => ( handleToggleEditing(name))} /> ))} ) : null; const _edit = editing ? ( {props => ( handleToggleEditing(false)} onToggleExpanded={() => handleToggleEditing(false)} onRemove={() => handleRemove(editing.form, editing)} removing={editing.removing} /> )} ) : null; return ( {props => ( handleToggleAddOpen(!addOpen)} /> )} {_line} {_loading} {_add} {_edit} {_count} {_tags} ); }; export default compose( graphql(UpdateTags, { name: 'updateTags' }), graphql(DeleteTag, { name: 'deleteTag' }), graphql(GetTags, { options: ({ match }) => ({ ssr: false, pollInterval: 1000, variables: { id: get(match, 'params.instance') } }), props: ({ data: { loading, error, machine, refetch, } }) => { const tags = get(machine, 'tags', []).filter( ({ name = '' }) => !/^triton\.cns\./i.test(name) ); const index = new Fuse(tags, { keys: ['name', 'value'] }); return { tags, instance: machine, index, loading, error, refetch }; } }), connect( ({ values, form }, { tags, index, ...ownProps }) => { // get search value const filter = get(form, `${MENU_FORM_NAME}.values.filter`, false); // if user is searching something, get items that match that query // if user is searching something, get items that match that query const filtered = filter ? : tags; const addOpen = get(values, 'add-tags-open', false); const editingTagName = get(values, 'editing-tag', null); const removingTagName = get(values, 'removing-tag', null); const removingTag = editingTagName === removingTagName; const editingTag = editingTagName && find(filtered, ['name', editingTagName]); return { ...ownProps, tags: filtered, addOpen, // are existing tags editable? editable: !addOpen && !editingTag, // if a tag is being edited, which one? editing: editingTag && { ...editingTag, removing: Boolean(removingTag), form: EDIT_FORM_KEY( } }; }, (dispatch, ownProps) => { return { shouldAsyncValidate: ({ trigger }) => { return trigger === 'submit'; }, handleAsyncValidate: validateTag, handleToggleAddOpen: value => { return dispatch(set({ name: `add-tags-open`, value })); }, handleToggleEditing: value => { return dispatch(set({ name: `editing-tag`, value })); }, handleEdit: async ({ name, value }, _, { form, initialValues }) => { const { instance, deleteTag, updateTags, refetch } = ownProps; const replaceTag = async () => { // we can't mutate in parallel because if the tag name is the // same we can have a race condition and remove after updating await updateTags({ variables: { id:, tags: [{ name, value }] } }); await deleteTag({ variables: { id:, name: } }); }; const updateValue = async () => { await updateTags({ variables: { id:, tags: [{ name, value }] } }); }; const mutation = === name ? updateValue : replaceTag; const [err] = await intercept(mutation()); if (err) { // show mutation error throw new SubmissionError({ _error: parseError(err) }); } dispatch([ set({ name: `editing-tag`, value: false }), reset(form), startSubmit(form) ]); // fetch tags again (even though we are polling) return refetch(); }, handleRemove: async (form, { name }) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if (!await Confirm(`Do you want to remove "${name}"?`)) { return; } const { instance, deleteTag, refetch } = ownProps; dispatch([ set({ name: `removing-tag`, value: name }), startSubmit(form) ]); // call mutation const [err] = await intercept( deleteTag({ variables: { id:, name } }) ); if (err) { // show mutation error throw new SubmissionError({ _error: parseError(err) }); } dispatch([ set({ name: `editing-tag`, value: false }), set({ name: `removing-tag`, value: false }), reset(form), startSubmit(form) ]); // fetch tags again (even though we are polling) return refetch(); }, handleCreate: async ({ name, value }) => { const { updateTags, instance, refetch } = ownProps; // call mutation const [err] = await intercept( updateTags({ variables: { id:, tags: [{ name, value }] } }) ); if (err) { // show mutation error throw new SubmissionError({ _error: parseError(err) }); } dispatch([ // reset create new tags form reset(ADD_FORM_NAME), stopSubmit(ADD_FORM_NAME), // close add form set({ name: `add-tags-open`, value: false }) ]); // fetch tags again (even though we are polling) return refetch(); } }; } ) )(Tags);