import React from 'react'; import distanceInWordsToNow from 'date-fns/distance_in_words_to_now'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { Row, Col } from 'joyent-react-styled-flexboxgrid'; import Flex, { FlexItem } from 'styled-flex-component'; import { Margin, Padding } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { Field } from 'redux-form'; import { Card, CardOutlet, Anchor, Button, H3, P, FormGroup, Checkbox, Table, TableThead, TableTr, TableTh, TableTd, TableTbody, StickyFooter, StatusLoader, DeleteIcon, EmptyStateIcon } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; const A = styled(Anchor)` color: ${props => props.theme.text}; text-decoration: none; font-weight: ${props => props.theme.font.weight.semibold}; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 100%; display: block; `; export const BulkFooter = ({ items = [], onRemove }) => { const disabled = items.some(({ removing }) => removing); return ( ); }; export const LoadingRow = ({ children }) => ( {children} ); export const EmptyCard = () => (

No service groups found

You can create a new service group with the below button.

); export const EmptyRow = () => (

You have no service groups that match your query

); export const Item = ({ id = '', name, capacity, template, created, }) => ( {name} {capacity} {} {distanceInWordsToNow(created)} ); export default ({ sortBy = 'name', sortOrder = 'desc', submitting = false, checked = false, onToggleCheckAll = () => null, onSortBy = () => null, children }) => (
onSortBy('name')} left middle actionable > Name onSortBy('capacity')} xs="0" sm="120" left middle actionable > Desired # onSortBy('template')} xs="0" sm="180" left middle actionable > Template onSortBy('created')} xs="0" sm="180" left middle actionable > Created {children}