import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { If, Then, Else } from 'react-if'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import { change } from 'redux-form'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import intercept from 'apr-intercept'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import isString from 'lodash.isstring'; import sort from 'lodash.sortby'; import reverse from 'lodash.reverse'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import { ViewContainer, Message, MessageTitle, MessageDescription } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import ServiceGroupsList, { Item as ServiceGroupsItem, EmptyCard as ServiceGroupsEmptyCard, EmptyRow as ServiceGroupsEmptyRow, LoadingRow, BulkFooter } from '@components/list'; import { Toolbar } from '@components/toolbar'; import ListServiceGroups from '@graphql/list-service-groups.gql'; import RemoveServiceGroup from '@graphql/remove-service-group.gql'; import { Forms, Values } from '@root/constants'; import parseError from '@state/parse-error'; import Confirm from '@state/confirm'; const { SGL_F_F, SGL_T_F } = Forms; const { SGL_R_V, SGL_E_V, SGL_SB_V, SGL_SO_V } = Values; const ServiceGroups = ({ filter, empty, checked = [], groups = [], error = false, loading = false, sortBy = 'name', sortOrder = 'asc', handleSortBy, handleToggleCheckAll, handleRemove }) => ( {() => (
Ooops! {error} An error occurred while loading your service groups {props => ( handleSortBy(newSortBy, { sortOrder, sortBy }) } onToggleCheckAll={() => handleToggleCheckAll(checked.length !== groups.length) } > {{ id, removing, }) => ( Removing... ))} )}
); export default compose( graphql(RemoveServiceGroup, { name: 'removeGroup' }), graphql(ListServiceGroups, { options: ({ location }) => ({ ssr: true, pollInterval: 1000 }), props: ({ data: { error, groups = [], networkStatus, refetch } }) => ({ refetch, error, loading: networkStatus === 1, groups, index: new Fuse(groups, { keys: ['id', 'name', 'created'] }) }) }), connect( (state, ownProps) => { const { form, values: flags } = state; const { groups: items, index, loading, error: loadingError } = ownProps; const filter = get(form, `${SGL_F_F}.values.filter`, ''); const mutationError = get(flags, SGL_E_V, null); const sortBy = get(flags, SGL_SB_V, 'name'); const sortOrder = get(flags, SGL_SO_V, 'asc'); const groups = sort( (filter.length ? : items).map( ({ id, ...groups }) => ({ ...groups, removing: get(flags, SGL_R_V(id), false), id }) ), [sortBy] ); const values = get(form, `${SGL_T_F}.values`, {}); const checked = groups.length && groups.filter(({ id }) => values[id]); return { filter, empty: !filter && !loading && !groups.length, error: Boolean(loadingError) || mutationError, groups: sortOrder === 'asc' ? groups : reverse(groups), checked, sortBy, sortOrder }; }, (dispatch, { templates = [], refetch, removeGroup }) => { return { handleToggleCheckAll: newChecked => { return dispatch({ id }) => change(SGL_T_F, id, newChecked)) ); }, handleSortBy: (newSortBy, { sortBy: currentSortBy, sortOrder }) => { // sort prop is the same, toggle if (currentSortBy === newSortBy) { return dispatch( set({ name: SGL_SO_V, value: sortOrder === 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc' }) ); } dispatch([ set({ name: SGL_SO_V, value: 'desc' }), set({ name: SGL_SB_V, value: newSortBy }) ]); }, handleRemove: async (ev, checked = []) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert if ( !await Confirm( `Do you want to remove ${ checked.length === 1 ? `"${checked[0].name}"` : `${checked.length} service groups` }` ) ) { return; } dispatch({ id }) => set({ name: SGL_R_V(id), value: true }) ) ); const [err] = await intercept( Promise.all({ id }) => removeGroup({ variables: { id } }) ) ) ); await refetch(); dispatch( [{ id }) => set({ name: SGL_R_V(id), value: false }) ), err ? set({ name: SGL_E_V, value: parseError(err) }) : undefined ].filter(Boolean) ); } }; } ) )(ServiceGroups);