import React, { Component } from 'react'; import paramCase from 'param-case'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import { SubmissionError, reset, stopSubmit } from 'redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import find from 'lodash.find'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import { ViewContainer, StatusLoader, Message, MessageDescription, MessageTitle } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import TagsComponent from '@components/instances/tags'; import GetTags from '@graphql/list-tags.gql'; import UpdateTags from '@graphql/update-tags.gql'; import DeleteTag from '@graphql/delete-tag.gql'; const TAG_FORM_KEY = (name, field) => `instance-tag-${name}-${field}`; const CREATE_TAG_FORM_KEY = name => `instance-create-tag-${name}`; class Tags extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const { values: tags } = props; this.state = { tags, edit: false }; } componentWillReceiveProps = ({ values: tags }) => { this.setState({ tags }); }; filterTags = e => { const value =; const { values: tags } = this.props; this.setState({ tags: tags.filter( tag => tag.initialValues.value.includes(value) || ) }); }; removeTag = (name, value) => { const { handleRemove } = this.props; handleRemove(name); this.setState({ [`${name}-${value}-deleting`]: true }); }; toggleEdit = () => { const { edit } = this.state; this.setState({ edit: !edit }); }; render = () => { const { instance, values = [], loading, error, handleRemove, handleClear, handleCreate } = this.props; const _loading = !(loading && !values.length) ? null : ; const _addKey = instance && CREATE_TAG_FORM_KEY(; const { edit, tags } = this.state; // tags items forms const _tags = !_loading && ( ); // fetching error const _error = error && !values.length && !_loading ? ( Ooops! An error occurred while loading your instance tags ) : null; return ( {_loading} {_error} {_tags} ); }; } export default compose( graphql(UpdateTags, { name: 'updateTags' }), graphql(DeleteTag, { name: 'deleteTag' }), graphql(GetTags, { options: ({ match }) => ({ pollInterval: 1000, variables: { name: get(match, 'params.instance') } }), props: ({ data: { loading, error, variables, refetch, } }) => { const { name } = variables; const instance = find(get(rest, 'machines', []), ['name', name]); const tags = get(instance, 'tags', []); const values ={ name, value }) => { const field = paramCase(name); const form = TAG_FORM_KEY(name, field); return { form, initialValues: { name, value } }; }); return { values, instance, loading, error, refetch }; } }), connect(null, (dispatch, ownProps) => { const { instance, refetch, updateTags, deleteTag } = ownProps; return { // reset sets values to initialValues handleClear: form => dispatch(reset(form)), handleRemove: name => Promise.resolve( // set removing=true (so that we can have a specific removing spinner) // because remove button is not a submit button, we have to manually flip that flag dispatch([set({ name: `${name}-removing`, value: true })]) ) .then(() => // call mutation deleteTag({ variables: { id:, name } }) ) // fetch tags again .then(() => refetch()) // we only flip removing and submitting when there is an error. // the reason for that is that tags is updated asyncronously and // it takes longer to have an efect than the mutation .catch(error => dispatch([ set({ name: `${name}-removing`, value: false }), stopSubmit(name, { _error: error.graphQLErrors .map(({ message }) => message) .join('\n') }) ]) ), handleCreate: ({ name, value }) => // call mutation updateTags({ variables: { id:, tags: [{ name, value }] } }) // fetch tags again .then(() => refetch()) // reset create new tags form .then(() => dispatch(reset(CREATE_TAG_FORM_KEY( // submit is flipped once the promise is resolved .catch(error => { throw new SubmissionError({ _error: error.graphQLErrors .map(({ message }) => message) .join('\n') }); }) }; }) )(Tags);