const KeyType = require('../types/key'); const api = require('../../api'); const { GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLString, GraphQLID } = require('graphql'); module.exports.createKey = { type: KeyType, description: 'Uploads a new OpenSSH key to Triton for use in HTTP signing and SSH', args: { name: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) }, key: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) }, userId: { type: GraphQLID, description: 'UserId to add this key to. Leaving this in blank will add the key to the account' } }, resolve: (root, args) => { const _api = args.userId ? api.keys.user : api.keys.account; return _api.create(args); } }; module.exports.deleteKey = { type: GraphQLID, description: 'Deletes a single SSH key, by name or fingerprint', args: { name: { type: GraphQLString }, fingerprint: { type: GraphQLString }, userId: { type: GraphQLID, description: 'UserId who this key belongs to. Leaving this in blank will delete an account key' } }, resolve: (root, args) => { const _api = args.userId ? api.keys.user : api.keys.account; return _api.destroy(args).then(() => { return || args.fingerprint; }); } };