import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import forceArray from 'force-array'; import sortBy from 'lodash.sortby'; import ServicesQuery from '@graphql/Services.gql'; import ServicesRestartMutation from '@graphql/ServicesRestartMutation.gql'; import ServicesStopMutation from '@graphql/ServicesStopMutation.gql'; import ServicesStartMutation from '@graphql/ServicesStartMutation.gql'; import { processServices } from '@root/state/selectors'; import { toggleServicesQuickActions } from '@root/state/actions'; import { LayoutContainer } from '@components/layout'; import { Loader, ErrorMessage } from '@components/messaging'; import { ServiceListItem } from '@components/services'; import { ServicesQuickActions } from '@components/services'; import { withNotFound, GqlPaths } from '@containers/navigation'; const StyledContainer = styled.div` position: relative; `; class ServiceList extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { errors: {} }; } ref(name) { this._refs = this._refs || {}; return el => { this._refs[name] = el; }; } render() { const { deploymentGroup, services, loading, error, servicesQuickActions, toggleServicesQuickActions, url, push, restartServices, stopServices, startServices, location } = this.props; if (loading && !forceArray(services).length) { return ( ); } if (error) { return ( ); } if ( deploymentGroup && deploymentGroup.status === 'PROVISIONING' && !forceArray(services).length ) { return ( ); } const handleQuickActionsClick = (evt, service) => { const list = this._refs.container; const listRect = list.getBoundingClientRect(); const button = evt.currentTarget; const buttonRect = button.getBoundingClientRect(); const position = { left: buttonRect.left - listRect.left + (buttonRect.right - buttonRect.left) / 2, top: buttonRect.bottom - }; toggleServicesQuickActions({ service, position }); }; const handleRestartClick = (evt, service) => { this.setState({ errors: {} }); restartServices( => { this.setState({ errors: { restart: err } }); }); }; const handleStopClick = (evt, service) => { this.setState({ errors: {} }); stopServices( => { this.setState({ errors: { stop: err } }); }); }; const handleStartClick = (evt, service) => { this.setState({ errors: {} }); startServices( => { this.setState({ errors: { start: err } }); }); }; const handleScaleClick = (evt, service) => { toggleServicesQuickActions({ show: false }); push(`${url}/${service.slug}/scale`); }; const handleDeleteClick = (evt, service) => { toggleServicesQuickActions({ show: false }); push(`${url}/${service.slug}/delete`); }; const handleQuickActionsBlur = o => { toggleServicesQuickActions({ show: false }); }; let renderedError = null; if ( this.state.errors.stop || this.state.errors.start || this.state.errors.restart ) { const message = this.state.errors.stop ? 'An error occured while attempting to stop your service.' : this.state.errors.start ? 'An error occured while attempting to start your service.' : this.state.errors.restart ? 'An error occured while attempting to restart your service.' : ''; renderedError = ( ); } const serviceList = sortBy(services, ['slug']).map(service => { return ( ); }); return ( {renderedError}
); } } const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({ servicesQuickActions:, url: ownProps.match.url.replace(/\/$/, ''), push: ownProps.history.push }); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ toggleServicesQuickActions: data => dispatch(toggleServicesQuickActions(data)) }); const UiConnect = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps); const ServicesGql = graphql(ServicesQuery, { options(props) { return { pollInterval: 1000, variables: { deploymentGroupSlug: props.match.params.deploymentGroup } }; }, props: ({ data: { deploymentGroup, loading, error }}) => ({ deploymentGroup, services: deploymentGroup ? processServices(, null) : null, loading, error }) }); const ServicesRestartGql = graphql(ServicesRestartMutation, { props: ({ mutate }) => ({ restartServices: serviceId => mutate({ variables: { ids: [serviceId] } }) }) }); const ServicesStopGql = graphql(ServicesStopMutation, { props: ({ mutate }) => ({ stopServices: serviceId => mutate({ variables: { ids: [serviceId] } }) }) }); const ServicesStartGql = graphql(ServicesStartMutation, { props: ({ mutate }) => ({ startServices: serviceId => mutate({ variables: { ids: [serviceId] } }) }) }); const ServiceListWithData = compose( ServicesGql, ServicesRestartGql, ServicesStopGql, ServicesStartGql, ServicesGql, UiConnect, withNotFound([ GqlPaths.DEPLOYMENT_GROUP ]) )(ServiceList); export default ServiceListWithData;