const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid'); const paramCase = require('param-case'); const camelCase = require('camel-case'); const buildArray = require('build-array'); const forceArray = require('force-array'); const lfind = require('lodash.find'); const findIndex = require('lodash.findindex'); const flatten = require('lodash.flatten'); const random = require('lodash.random'); const uniq = require('lodash.uniq'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const hasha = require('hasha'); const Boom = require('boom'); const wpData = require('./wp-data.json'); const cpData = require('./cp-data.json'); const complexData = require('./complex-data.json'); const { datacenter, portal } = require('./data.json'); const deploymentGroups = [ wpData.deploymentGroup, cpData.deploymentGroup, complexData.deploymentGroup ]; const services = .concat( .concat(; const instances = wpData.instances .concat(cpData.instances) .concat(complexData.instances); const INTERPOLATE_REGEX = /\$([_a-z][_a-z0-9]*)/gi; const find = (query = {}) => item => Object.keys(query).every(key => item[key] === query[key]); const cleanQuery = (q = {}) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(q)); const getInstances = query => { return Promise.resolve(instances.filter(find(cleanQuery(query)))); }; const getUnfilteredServices = query => { const instancesResolver = ({ id }) => query => getInstances( Object.assign({}, query, { serviceId: id }) ); const addNestedResolvers = service => Object.assign({}, service, { instances: instancesResolver(service), branches: (service.branches || []).map(service => Object.assign({}, service, { id: hasha(JSON.stringify(service)), instances: query => Promise.resolve( flatten( => instances.filter(find(Object.assign({}, query, { id }))) ) ) ) }) ) }); return Promise.resolve( services.filter(find(cleanQuery(query))).map(addNestedResolvers) ); }; const getServices = query => { // get all services const services = getUnfilteredServices(query) // get all instances .then(services => Promise.all( => service.instances()) ).then(instances => ({ services, instances })) ) .then(({ services, instances }) => { // filter all available instances const availableInstances = flatten( instances.filter( ({ status }) => ['DELETED', 'EXITED'].indexOf(status) < 0 ) ); // get all the serviceIds of the available instances // and then get the servcies with those ids return uniq({ serviceId }) => serviceId) ).map(serviceId => lfind(services, ['id', serviceId])); }); return Promise.resolve(services) .then((services) => { if(!services || !services.length) { throw Boom.notFound(); } return services; }); }; const getDeploymentGroups = query => { const servicesResolver = ({ id }) => query => getServices( Object.assign({}, query, { deploymentGroupId: id }) ); const addNestedResolvers = dg => Object.assign({}, dg, { services: servicesResolver(dg) }); return Promise.resolve( deploymentGroups.filter(find(cleanQuery(query))).map(addNestedResolvers) ).then((deploymentGroups) => { if(!deploymentGroups || !deploymentGroups.length) { throw Boom.notFound(); } return deploymentGroups; }); }; const getPortal = () => Promise.resolve( Object.assign({}, portal, { datacenter, deploymentGroups: getDeploymentGroups }) ); const createDeploymentGroup = ({ name }) => { const _dg = { slug: paramCase(name), name }; const dg = Object.assign({}, _dg, { id: hasha(JSON.stringify(_dg)) }); deploymentGroups.push(dg); return Promise.resolve(dg); }; const deleteDeploymentGroup = options => { const dgId =; const deleteDeploymentGroup = getServices({ deploymentGroupId: dgId }) .then(services => Promise.all( => handleStatusUpdateRequest(, 'DELETING', 'STOPPING', 'DELETED', 'DELETED' ) ) ) ) .then(() => Object.assign({}, deploymentGroups.filter(dg => === dgId).shift(), { status: 'DELETING' }) ); setTimeout(() => { const deploymentGroup = deploymentGroups .filter(dg => === dgId) .shift(); deploymentGroup.status = 'DELETED'; }, 5000); return Promise.resolve(deleteDeploymentGroup); }; const createServicesFromManifest = ({ deploymentGroupId = '', environment = '', files = [], type, format, raw = '' }) => { const _config = config({ environment, files, raw, _plain: true }); const manifest = yaml.safeLoad(raw); const version = { id: uuid(), manifest: { id: uuid(), type, format, environment, files, raw } }; Object.keys(manifest).forEach(name => { const _service = { deploymentGroupId, slug: paramCase(name), name, config: lfind(_config, ['name', name]).config }; const service = Object.assign({}, _service, { id: hasha(JSON.stringify(_service)) }); const _instance = { name: camelCase(`${service.slug}_01`), serviceId:, deploymentGroupId }; const instance = Object.assign({}, _instance, { id: hasha(JSON.stringify(_instance)) }); services.push(service); instances.push(instance); }); const dgIndex = findIndex(deploymentGroups, ['id', deploymentGroupId]); deploymentGroups[dgIndex] = Object.assign(deploymentGroups[dgIndex], { version, history: forceArray(deploymentGroups[dgIndex].history).concat([version]) }); return Promise.resolve(undefined); }; const scale = ({ serviceId, replicas }) => { const serviceIndex = findIndex(services, ['id', serviceId]); const currentScale = instances.filter( find({ serviceId }) ).length; const version = { id: uuid() }; if (currentScale === replicas) { return version; } services[serviceIndex].status = 'SCALING'; const up = n => { buildArray(n).forEach((_, i) => { const instance = { name: `${services[serviceIndex].slug}_${currentScale + i}`, serviceId, deploymentGroupId: services[serviceIndex].deploymentGroupId, status: 'RUNNING', healthy: 'UNKNOWN' }; instances.push( Object.assign({}, instance, { id: hasha(JSON.stringify(instance)) }) ); }); }; const down = n => { buildArray(n).forEach((_, i) => { instances.splice(findIndex(instances, ['serviceId', serviceId]), 1); }); }; setTimeout(() => { const diff = replicas - currentScale; if (diff >= 0) { up(diff); } else { down(Math.abs(diff)); } services[serviceIndex].status = 'ACTIVE'; }, random(1500, 3000)); return version; }; const updateInstancesStatus = (is, status) => { is.forEach(i => { const instance = instances.filter(instance => ===[0]; instance.status = status; }); return null; }; const updateServiceStatus = (ss, status) => { ss.forEach(s => { const service = services.filter(service => ===[0]; service.status = status; }); return null; }; const updateServiceAndInstancesStatus = ( serviceId, serviceStatus, instancesStatus ) => { return Promise.all([ getServices({ id: serviceId }), getServices({ parentId: serviceId }) ]) .then(services => services.reduce((services, service) => services.concat(service), []) ) .then(services => { updateServiceStatus(services, serviceStatus); return Promise.all( services.reduce( (instances, service) => service.instances ? instances.concat(service.instances()) : instances, [] ) ).then(instances => updateInstancesStatus( instances.reduce((is, i) => is.concat(i), []), instancesStatus ) ); }) .then(() => Promise.all([ getUnfilteredServices({ id: serviceId }), getUnfilteredServices({ parentId: serviceId }) ]) ) .then(services => services.reduce((services, service) => services.concat(service), []) ); }; const handleStatusUpdateRequest = ( serviceId, transitionalServiceStatus, transitionalInstancesStatus, serviceStatus, instancesStatus ) => { // this is what we need to delay setTimeout(() => { updateServiceAndInstancesStatus(serviceId, serviceStatus, instancesStatus); }, 5000); // this is what we'll need to return return updateServiceAndInstancesStatus( serviceId, transitionalServiceStatus, transitionalInstancesStatus ); }; const deleteServices = options => { // service transitional 'DELETING' // instances transitional 'STOPPING' // service 'DELETED' // instances 'DELETED' const deleteService = handleStatusUpdateRequest( options.ids[0], 'DELETING', 'STOPPING', 'DELETED', 'DELETED' ); return Promise.resolve(deleteService); }; const stopServices = options => { // service transitional 'STOPPING' // instances transitional 'STOPPING' // service 'STOPPED' // instances 'STOPPED' const stopService = handleStatusUpdateRequest( options.ids[0], 'STOPPING', 'STOPPING', 'STOPPED', 'STOPPED' ); return Promise.resolve(stopService); }; const startServices = options => { // service transitional ... // instances transitional ... // service 'ACTIVE' // instances 'RUNNING' const startService = handleStatusUpdateRequest( options.ids[0], 'PROVISIONING', 'PROVISIONING', 'ACTIVE', 'RUNNING' ); return Promise.resolve(startService); }; const restartServices = options => { // service transitional 'RESTARTING' // instances transitional 'STOPPING' // service 'ACTIVE' // instances 'RUNNING' const restartService = handleStatusUpdateRequest( options.ids[0], 'RESTARTING', 'STOPPING', 'ACTIVE', 'RUNNING' ); return Promise.resolve(restartService); }; const parseEnvVars = (str = '') => str .split(/\n/g) .filter(line => line.match(/\=/g)) .map(line => line.split(/\=/)) .reduce( (acc, [name, value]) => Object.assign(acc, { [name.trim()]: value.trim() }), {} ); const findEnvInterpolation = (str = '') => uniq(str.match(INTERPOLATE_REGEX).map(name => name.replace(/^\$/, ''))); const config = ({ environment = '', files = [], raw = '', _plain = false }) => { const interpolatableNames = findEnvInterpolation(raw); const interpolatableEnv = parseEnvVars(environment); const interpolatedRaw = interpolatableNames.reduce( (str = '', name) => str.replace(new RegExp(`\\$${name}`), interpolatableEnv[name]), raw ); const manifest = yaml.safeLoad(interpolatedRaw); const services = || manifest; const config = Object.keys(services) .map(name => Object.assign(services[name], { name }) ) // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase .map(({ name, image, env_file, environment }) => ({ name, slug: paramCase(name), instances: [], config: { image, environment: forceArray(env_file).reduce( (env, file) => Object.assign( env, parseEnvVars(lfind(files, ['name', file]).value) ), forceArray(environment) .map(parseEnvVars) .reduce( (genv, variable) => Object.assign(genv, variable), interpolatableEnv ) ) } })) .map(service => Object.assign(service, { id: hasha(JSON.stringify(service)), config: Object.assign(service.config, { id: hasha(JSON.stringify(service.config)), environment: Object.keys(service.config.environment).map(name => ({ name, id: hasha(JSON.stringify(service.config.environment[name])), value: service.config.environment[name] }) ) }) }) ); return _plain ? config : Promise.resolve(config); }; module.exports = { portal: getPortal, deploymentGroups: getDeploymentGroups, deploymentGroup: query => getDeploymentGroups(query).then(dgs => dgs.shift()), services: getServices, service: query => getServices(query).then(services => services.shift()), instances: getInstances, instance: query => getInstances(query).then(instances => instances.shift()), createDeploymentGroup, provisionManifest: options => createServicesFromManifest(options).then(() => ({ id: hasha(JSON.stringify(options)), type: options.type, format: options.format })), deleteDeploymentGroup: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, deleteDeploymentGroup(options)), deleteServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, deleteServices(options)), scale: (options, reguest, fn) => fn(null, scale(options)), restartServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, restartServices(options)), stopServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, stopServices(options)), startServices: (options, request, fn) => fn(null, startServices(options)), config };