[![Docker Repository on Quay](https://quay.io/repository/yldio/joyent-dashboard-cloudapi-graphql/status?token=bddd694a-a913-4b66-b7bc-fb71992672c4 "Docker Repository on Quay")](https://quay.io/repository/yldio/joyent-dashboard-cloudapi-graphql) # cloudapi-graphql Proof-of-Concept of the [Joyent Cloud API](https://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/) running on GraphQL. ## Setup ### Setup Credentials Create `credentials.json`, TODO, use environment variables. ```json5 { "url": "https://us-sw-1.api.joyentcloud.com", "keyId": "", //public key fingerprint ex: 35:jh:42:56... "account": "", // account ex: raoulmillais "user": "" // sub-account ex: ramitos } ``` ### Install Dependencies and run ```bash yarn install yarn start ``` ### Visit GraphiQL Go-to to use the REPL with interactive documentation. ![GraphiQL](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/524382/19242455/1e371978-8f0b-11e6-9563-d6f5b93fa63c.png) ## API - [x] Account - [x] GetAccount - [x] UpdateAccount - [x] Keys - [x] ListKeys - [x] GetKey - [x] CreateKey - [x] DeleteKey - [x] Users - [x] ListUsers - [x] GetUser - [x] CreateUser - [x] UpdateUser - [ ] ChangeUserPassword - [x] DeleteUser - [x] Roles - [x] ListRoles - [x] GetRole - [x] CreateRole - [x] UpdateRole - [x] DeleteRole - [x] Role Tags - [x] SetRoleTags - [x] Policies - [x] ListPolicies - [x] GetPolicy - [x] CreatePolicy - [x] UpdatePolicy - [x] DeletePolicy - [x] User SSH Keys - [x] ListUserKeys - [x] GetUserKey - [x] CreateUserKey - [x] DeleteUserKey - [ ] Config - [ ] GetConfig - [ ] UpdateConfig - [x] Datacenters - [x] ListDatacenters - [x] GetDatacenter - [x] Services - [x] ListServices - [x] Images - [x] ListImages - [x] GetImage - [x] DeleteImage - [x] ExportImage - [x] CreateImageFromMachine - [ ] UpdateImage - [x] Packages - [x] ListPackages - [x] GetPackage - [x] Instances - [x] ListMachines - [x] GetMachine - [x] CreateMachine - [x] StopMachine - [x] StartMachine - [x] RebootMachine - [ ] ResizeMachine - [ ] RenameMachine - [x] EnableMachineFirewall - [x] DisableMachineFirewall - [x] CreateMachineSnapshot - [x] StartMachineFromSnapshot - [x] ListMachineSnapshots - [x] GetMachineSnapshot - [x] DeleteMachineSnapshot - [ ] UpdateMachineMetadata - [ ] ListMachineMetadata - [ ] GetMachineMetadata - [ ] DeleteMachineMetadata - [ ] DeleteAllMachineMetadata - [x] AddMachineTags - [x] ReplaceMachineTags - [ ] ListMachineTags - [x] GetMachineTag - [x] DeleteMachineTag - [x] DeleteMachineTags - [x] DeleteMachine - [x] MachineAudit - [ ] Analytics - [ ] DescribeAnalytics - [ ] ListInstrumentations - [ ] GetInstrumentation - [ ] GetInstrumentationValue - [ ] GetInstrumentationHeatmap - [ ] GetInstrumentationHeatmapDetails - [ ] CreateInstrumentation - [ ] DeleteInstrumentation - [x] FirewallRules - [x] Firewall Rule Syntax - [x] ListFirewallRules - [x] GetFirewallRule - [x] CreateFirewallRule - [x] UpdateFirewallRule - [x] EnableFirewallRule - [x] DisableFirewallRule - [x] DeleteFirewallRule - [x] ListMachineFirewallRules - [x] ListFirewallRuleMachines - [ ] Fabrics - [ ] ListFabricVLANs - [ ] CreateFabricVLAN - [ ] GetFabricVLAN - [ ] UpdateFabricVLAN - [ ] DeleteFabricVLAN - [ ] ListFabricNetworks - [ ] CreateFabricNetwork - [ ] GetFabricNetwork - [ ] DeleteFabricNetwork - [x] Networks - [x] ListNetworks - [x] GetNetwork - [ ] Nics - [ ] ListNics - [ ] GetNic - [ ] AddNic - [ ] RemoveNic