import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import forceArray from 'force-array'; import includes from 'lodash.includes'; import find from 'lodash.find'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import remcalc from 'remcalc'; import Step, { Header as StepHeader, Description as StepDescription, Preview as StepPreview, Outlet as StepOutlet } from 'joyent-ui-resource-step'; import { Button, StatusLoader, NetworkIcon } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import ListNetworks from '../graphql/list-networks.gql'; import { Network as NetworkWidget } from 'joyent-ui-resource-widgets'; import { Forms, Values } from '../constants'; const { IC_NW_F } = Forms; const { IC_NW_V_INFO_EXPANDED, IC_NW_V_MACHINES_EXPANDED } = Values; const Form = styled.form` padding-top: ${remcalc(1)}; `; const Networks = ({ preview = [], initialValues, handleGetValue, selected = [], setInfoExpanded, setMachinesExpanded, networks = [], loading, ...props }) => ( }>Networks Instances are automatically connected to a private fabric network, which is the best choice for internal communication within your application. Data center networks are the best choice for exposing your application to the public internet (if the data center network is a public network). { ({ id, selected, infoExpanded, machinesExpanded, }) => ( setInfoExpanded(id, !infoExpanded)} onMachinesClick={() => setMachinesExpanded(id, !machinesExpanded)} small {} /> ) )} {({ next }) => ( {props => loading ? ( ) : (
{ ( { id, selected, infoExpanded, machinesExpanded, }, index ) => ( setInfoExpanded(id, !infoExpanded)} onMachinesClick={() => setMachinesExpanded(id, !machinesExpanded) } {} /> ) )}
) }
); export default compose( graphql(ListNetworks, { options: () => ({ ssr: false }), props: ({ data }) => { const { networks = [], loading = false, error = null, refetch } = data; return { networks: forceArray(networks), loading, error, refetch }; } }), connect( ({ values, form }, { networks }) => { const selected = get(form, `${IC_NW_F}.values`, {}); const empty = id => !includes(Object.keys(selected), id); const _public = find(networks, ['name', 'Joyent-SDC-Public']); const initialValues = _public ? { []: true } : {}; const _networks ={ id, name, }) => { if (empty(id) && name === 'Joyent-SDC-Public') { selected[id] = true; } return {, id, name, selected: empty(id) && name === 'Joyent-SDC-Public' ? true : Boolean(selected[id]), machinesExpanded: get(values, IC_NW_V_MACHINES_EXPANDED(id), false), infoExpanded: get(values, IC_NW_V_INFO_EXPANDED(id), false) }; }); return { networks: _networks, initialValues, handleGetValue: () => _networks.filter(n => n.selected), selected: Object.keys(selected).filter(n => selected[n]) }; }, (dispatch, { history }) => ({ setInfoExpanded: (id, expanded) => { return dispatch( set({ name: IC_NW_V_INFO_EXPANDED(id), value: expanded }) ); }, setMachinesExpanded: (id, expanded) => { return dispatch( set({ name: IC_NW_V_MACHINES_EXPANDED(id), value: expanded }) ); } }) ) )(Networks);