import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import { compose } from 'react-apollo'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import Step, { Header as StepHeader, Description as StepDescription, Preview as StepPreview, Outlet as StepOutlet } from 'joyent-ui-resource-step'; import { ScriptIcon, Button } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import { Forms, Values } from '../constants'; import UserScriptForm, { Overview } from './components'; const { IC_US_F } = Forms; const { IC_US_V_OPEN } = Values; const UserScript = ({ handleGetValue, preview = {}, script = {}, lines, handleChangeOpenForm, handleSubmit, handleEdit, ...props }) => ( }>User script Insert code to execute when the machine starts (first boot only for KVM, every boot for infrastructure containers). {({ next }) => ( {props => ( )} )} ); export default compose( connect( ({ values, form }, ownProps) => { const formOpen = get(values, IC_US_V_OPEN, false); const script = get(form, `${IC_US_F}.values.value`, ''); const lines = script.trim() === '' ? 0 : script.trim().split('\n').length; return { script, lines, handleGetValue: () => ({ script, lines }), create: !script.value, edit: script.value, formOpen }; }, (dispatch, { history }) => ({ handleEdit: () => { dispatch([set({ name: IC_US_V_OPEN, value: true })]); }, handleChangeOpenForm: value => { return dispatch([set({ name: IC_US_V_OPEN, value })]); }, handleSubmit: value => { dispatch([set({ name: IC_US_V_OPEN, value: false })]); } }) ) )(UserScript);