import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { destroy } from 'redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import punycode from 'punycode'; import { CnsIcon, H3, Button } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import Title from '@components/create-instance/title'; import Cns, { Footer, AddServiceForm } from '@components/cns'; import Description from '@components/description'; import GetAccount from '@graphql/get-account.gql'; import { fieldError } from '@root/constants'; const CNS_FORM = 'create-instance-cns'; const CNSContainer = ({ submitted, expanded, proceeded, serviceNames = [], instanceName, cnsEnabled = true, hostnames = [], handleNext, handleEdit, handleToggleCnsEnabled, handleAddService, handleRemoveService, step, shouldAsyncValidate, handleAsyncValidate }) => ( } > Container Name Service {expanded ? ( Triton CNS is used to automatically update hostnames for your instances*. You can serve multiple instances (with multiple IP addresses) under the same hostname by matching the CNS service names.{' '} Read the docs ) : null}
{expanded && cnsEnabled ? ( {props => } ) : null} {expanded ? (
); export default compose( graphql(GetAccount, { options: () => ({ ssr: false }), props: ({ data: { account: { id = '' } = [] } }) => ({ id }) }), connect(({ form, values }, { id }) => { const proceeded = get(values, `${CNS_FORM}-proceeded`, false); const instanceName = get( form, '', '' ); const serviceNames = get(values, `${CNS_FORM}-services`, []); // REPLACE WITH DATA CENTER const dataCenter = 'us-east-1'; const hostnames = [ { values: [`${instanceName}.inst.${id}.${dataCenter}`], public: true }, { values: [`${instanceName}.inst.${id}.${dataCenter}`] }, { values: [], public: true, service: true }, { values: [], service: true } ]; hostnames.forEach(hostname => { if (!hostname.service) { return hostname; } serviceNames.forEach(name => { const postfix = hostname.public ? '' : ''; const value = `${name}.svc.${id}.${dataCenter}${postfix}`; hostname.values.push(value); }); }); return { cnsEnabled: get(values, `${CNS_FORM}-enabled`, true), instanceName, proceeded: proceeded || serviceNames.length, hostnames, serviceNames }; }), connect(null, (dispatch, { history, cnsEnabled, serviceNames = [] }) => ({ handleNext: () => { dispatch(set({ name: `${CNS_FORM}-proceeded`, value: true })); return history.push(`/~create/affinity${}`); }, shouldAsyncValidate: ({ trigger }) => trigger === 'change', handleAsyncValidate: async ({ name = '', value = '' }) => { const isNameValid = /^[a-zA-Z_.-]{1,16}$/.test(name); const isValueValid = /^[a-zA-Z_.-]{1,16}$/.test(value); if (isNameValid && isValueValid) { return; } throw { name: isNameValid ? null : fieldError, value: isValueValid ? null : fieldError }; }, handleEdit: () => history.push(`/~create/cns${}`), handleToggleCnsEnabled: ({ target }) => dispatch(set({ name: `${CNS_FORM}-enabled`, value: !cnsEnabled })), handleAddService: ({ name }) => { const serviceName = punycode .encode(name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-')) .replace(/-$/, ''); dispatch([ destroy(`${CNS_FORM}-new-service`), set({ name: `${CNS_FORM}-services`, value: serviceNames.concat(serviceName) }) ]); }, handleRemoveService: value => { return dispatch( set({ name: `${CNS_FORM}-services`, value: serviceNames.filter(name => name !== value) }) ); } })) )(CNSContainer);