import React, { Component } from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import remcalc from 'remcalc'; import { FormGroup, FormLabel, Input, Select, Button, InputDropdown } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import { Row, Col } from 'react-styled-flexboxgrid'; import { Padding, Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; const RowFullWidth = styled(Row)` width: 100%; `; const Divider = styled.div` width: ${remcalc(1)}; background: ${props => props.theme.grey}; height: ${remcalc(66)}; margin: 0 ${remcalc(14)}; margin-bottom: ${remcalc(9)}; display: flex; align-self: flex-end; `; const isToBeMultiplied = (name, state, target) => (name === 'ram' && state[name][`${target}Selected`] === 'MB') || (name === 'disk' && state[name][`${target}Selected`] === 'GB'); const valuesToSend = (changed, target, value) => ({ min: !isNaN(parseFloat(changed.min)) ? parseFloat(changed.min) : 0, max: !isNaN(parseFloat(changed.max)) ? parseFloat(changed.max) : 0, [target]: parseFloat(value) }); const ramLogic = ram => ({ min: ram.min > 1 ? ram.min : ram.min * 1000, minSelected: 'MB', max: ram.max > 1 ? ram.max : ram.max * 1000, maxSelected: 'GB' }); const diskLogic = disk => ({ min: disk.min > 1 ? disk.min : disk.min * 1000, minSelected: 'GB', max: disk.max > 1 ? disk.max : disk.max * 1000, maxSelected: 'TB' }); class Inputs extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); const { filters: { cpu, cost, ram, disk }, reset } = this.props; this.state = { ram: ramLogic(ram), cpu, disk: diskLogic(disk), cost, reset }; } componentWillReceiveProps = nextProps => { const { filters: { cpu, cost, ram, disk }, reset } = nextProps; if (reset !== this.state.reset) { this.setState({ ram: ramLogic(ram), cpu, disk: diskLogic(disk), cost, reset }); } }; handleChange = (e, name, target) => { const changed = this.state[name]; const value = ( || {}).value; setTimeout(() => { this.props[`${name}Change`]( valuesToSend( { min: isToBeMultiplied(name, this.state, 'min') ? changed.min / 1000 : changed.min, max: isToBeMultiplied(name, this.state, 'max') ? changed.max / 1000 : changed.max }, target, isToBeMultiplied(name, this.state, target) ? value / 1000 : value ) ); }, 1000); this.setState({ ...this.state, [name]: { ...this.state[name], [target]: value } }); }; handleSelectChange = (e, name, target, valueTarget) => { const value = ( || {}).value; const isToBeMultiplied = (name === 'ram' && value === 'MB') || (name === 'disk' && value === 'GB'); this.setState({ ...this.state, [name]: { ...this.state[name], [target]: value } }); this.props[`${name}Change`]( valuesToSend( this.state[name], valueTarget, isToBeMultiplied ? this.state[name][valueTarget] / 1000 : this.state[name][valueTarget] ) ); }; handleBlur = (e, name, target) => { const changed = this.state[name]; const value = ( || {}).value; this.props[`${name}Change`]( valuesToSend( { min: isToBeMultiplied(name, this.state, 'min') ? changed.min / 1000 : changed.min, max: isToBeMultiplied(name, this.state, 'max') ? changed.max / 1000 : changed.max }, target, isToBeMultiplied(name, this.state, target) ? value / 1000 : value ) ); this.setState({ ...this.state, [name]: { ...this.state[name], [target]: value } }); }; render() { const { cpu, cost, ram, disk } = this.state; const { onResetClick, disabled } = this.props; return [ RAM this.handleChange(e, 'ram', 'min')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'ram', 'min')} value={ram.min} /> to this.handleChange(e, 'ram', 'max')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'ram', 'max')} value={ram.max} /> Disk this.handleChange(e, 'disk', 'min')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'disk', 'min')} value={disk.min} /> to this.handleChange(e, 'disk', 'max')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'disk', 'max')} value={disk.max} /> , vCPUs this.handleChange(e, 'cpu', 'min')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'cpu', 'min')} value={cpu.min} /> to this.handleChange(e, 'cpu', 'max')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'cpu', 'max')} value={cpu.max} /> $/hour this.handleChange(e, 'cost', 'min')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'cost', 'min')} value={cost.min} /> to this.handleChange(e, 'cost', 'max')} onBlur={e => this.handleBlur(e, 'cost', 'max')} value={cost.max} /> , ]; } } export default Inputs;