import React from 'react'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import PropTypes from '@root/prop-types'; import { LayoutContainer } from '@components/layout'; import ServiceItem from '@components/service/item'; import UnmanagedInstances from '@components/services/unmanaged-instances'; import { toggleTooltip } from '@state/actions'; import ServicesTooltip from '@components/services/tooltip'; import { subscribeMetric } from '@state/thunks'; import { orgByIdSelector, projectByIdSelector, servicesByProjectIdSelector, serviceUiTooltipSelector } from '@state/selectors'; const StyledContainer = styled.div` position: relative; `; // TMP - single source of truth const duration = '1 hour'; const interval = '2 minutes'; class Services extends React.Component { // we DON'T want to unsubscribe once we started going componentWillMount() { this.props.subscribeMetric(interval); } ref(name) { this._refs = this._refs || {}; return (el) => { this._refs[name] = el; }; } render() { const { org = {}, project = {}, services = [], toggleTooltip = () => ({}), uiTooltip = {} } = this.props; const onQuickActions = (evt, service) => { const list = this._refs.container; const listRect = list.getBoundingClientRect(); const button = evt.currentTarget; const buttonRect = button.getBoundingClientRect(); const position = { left: buttonRect.left - listRect.left + (buttonRect.right - buttonRect.left)/2, top: buttonRect.bottom - }; toggleTooltip({ service: service, position: position }); }; const handleTooltipBlur = (evt) => onQuickActions(evt, uiTooltip.service); const serviceList = => ( )); // TODO replace `false` with a check for existence unmanaged instances // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition const unmanagedInstances = false ? ( ) : null; return ( {unmanagedInstances}
); } } Services.propTypes = { org:, project: PropTypes.project, services: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.service), toggleTooltip: React.PropTypes.func, uiTooltip: React.PropTypes.object, subscribeMetric: React.PropTypes.func }; const mapStateToProps = (state, { match = { params: {} }, push }) => ({ org: orgByIdSelector(, project: projectByIdSelector(match.params.projectId)(state), services: servicesByProjectIdSelector(match.params.projectId, { duration, interval })(state), uiTooltip: serviceUiTooltipSelector(state) }); const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({ toggleTooltip: (data) => dispatch(toggleTooltip(data)), subscribeMetric: (payload) => dispatch(subscribeMetric(payload)) }); export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(Services);