import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import unitcalc from 'unitcalc'; import { H2, P, Button } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import { FormGroup, NumberInput, NumberInputNormalize, FormMeta } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; const StyledH2 = styled(H2)` margin: 0 0 ${unitcalc(2)} 0; `; const ServiceScale = ({ service, handleSubmit, onCancelClick, invalid, pristine }) =>
Scaling a service:

Choose how many instances of a service you want to have running.

; ServiceScale.propTypes = { service: PropTypes.object, onSubmitClick: PropTypes.func, onCancelClick: PropTypes.func }; export default ServiceScale;