import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { change } from 'redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import includes from 'lodash.includes'; import sortBy from 'lodash.sortby'; import findIndex from 'lodash.findindex'; import groupBy from 'lodash.groupby'; import values from 'lodash.values'; import reverse from 'lodash.reverse'; import flatten from 'lodash.flatten'; import find from 'lodash.find'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import { InstanceTypeIcon, StatusLoader, Button } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import Image, { Preview, ImageType } from '@components/create-instance/image'; import Title from '@components/create-instance/title'; import Description from '@components/description'; import imageData from '@data/images-map.json'; import GetImages from '@graphql/get-images.gql'; import { Forms, Values } from '@root/constants'; const { IC_IMG_F } = Forms; const { IC_IMG_V_PROCEEDED, IC_IMG_V_VMS } = Values; const HarcodedImage = (image = {}) => ( } collapsed={true}> Instance type and image { ? ( {props => ( )} ) : null} ); const ImageContainer = ({ expanded, proceeded, hardcoded, image = {}, handleNext, handleEdit, handleSelectLatest, setImageType, loading, images, vms, step }) => hardcoded ? ( ) : ( } > Instance type and image {expanded ? ( Hardware virtual machines are generally used for non-containerized applications. Infrastructure containers are generally for running any Linux image on secure, bare metal containers.{' '} Read the docs ) : null} {props => loading && expanded ? ( ) : expanded ? ( i.isVm === vms)} onSelectLatest={handleSelectLatest} /> ) : ? ( ) : null } {expanded ? ( ) : proceeded ? ( ) : null} ); export default compose( connect( ({ form, values }, ownProps) => { const proceeded = get(values, IC_IMG_V_PROCEEDED, false); const image = get(form, `${IC_IMG_F}.values.image`, null); const vms = get(values, IC_IMG_V_VMS, true); return { ...ownProps, proceeded: proceeded || image, vms, image }; }, (dispatch, { history }) => ({ handleNext: () => { dispatch(set({ name: IC_IMG_V_PROCEEDED, value: true })); return history.push( `/instances/~create/package${}` ); }, handleEdit: () => { return history.push( `/instances/~create/image${}` ); }, handleSelectLatest: ({ versions }) => { return dispatch(change(IC_IMG_F, 'image', versions[0].id)); }, setImageType: isVm => { return dispatch(set({ name: IC_IMG_V_VMS, value: isVm })); } }) ), graphql(GetImages, { options: ({ query }) => ({ ssr: false, variables: { public: !query.image } }), props: ({ ownProps, data }) => { const { image = '', query } = ownProps; const { loading = false, images = [] } = data; if (query.image) { return { loading, image: find(images, ['id', query.image], {}), hardcoded: true }; } const _images = images .reduce((acc, img) => { const isVm = !includes(img.type, 'DATASET'); const imageName = imageData[ .split('-')[0] .split(' ')[0] .toLowerCase() ]; const exists = Boolean(find(acc, { imageName, isVm })); const version = { name:, version: img.version, published: new Date(img.published_at).getTime(), id: }; if (!exists) { return acc.concat([ { isVm, imageName, versions: [version] } ]); } const index = findIndex(acc, { imageName, isVm }); const versions = acc[index].versions.concat([version]); acc[index] = { ...acc[index], versions }; return acc; }, []) .map(({ versions, ...img }) => { return { ...img, active: Boolean(find(versions, ['id', image])), versions: reverse( flatten( values(groupBy(versions, 'name')).map(groupedVersion => sortBy(groupedVersion, 'published').pop() ) ) ) }; }); const selected = find(images, ['id', image]) || {}; return { loading, images: _images, image: { ...selected, isVm: !includes(selected.type || '', 'DATASET') } }; } }) )(ImageContainer);