'use strict'; const Lab = require('lab'); const PortalWatch = require('../'); const lab = exports.lab = Lab.script(); const it = lab.it; const expect = Lab.expect; it('updates instances with the current status', (done) => { const data = { getDeploymentGroup: (options, next) => { expect(options.name).to.equal('test-project'); next(null, { id: 'deployment-group-id' }); }, getServices: (options, next) => { expect(options.deploymentGroupId).to.equal('deployment-group-id'); expect(options.name).to.equal('test-service'); next(null, [{ id: 'service-id' }]); }, getInstances: (options, next) => { expect(options.machineId).to.equal('test-id'); next(null, [{ id: 'instance-id' }]); }, updateInstance: (options, next) => { expect(options.id).to.equal('instance-id'); expect(options.status).to.equal('DELETED'); done(); } }; const machine = { id: 'test-id', tags: { 'docker:label:com.docker.compose.project': 'test-project', 'docker:label:com.docker.compose.service': 'test-service', 'docker:label:com.docker.compose.config-hash': 'test-hash' }, state: 'deleted' }; const portalOptions = { data, url: 'url', account: 'account', keyId: 'de:e7:73:9a:aa:91:bb:3e:72:8d:cc:62:ca:58:a2:ec' }; const portalWatch = new PortalWatch(portalOptions); portalWatch._tritonWatch.removeAllListeners('change'); portalWatch.onChange(machine); });