import React from 'react'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { stopSubmit, startSubmit, reset, change } from 'redux-form'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import forceArray from 'force-array'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import intercept from 'apr-intercept'; import find from 'lodash.find'; import sort from 'lodash.sortby'; import remcalc from 'remcalc'; import { ViewContainer, Message, MessageDescription, MessageTitle, StatusLoader, Divider } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import ListInstances from '@graphql/list-instances.gql'; import StopInstance from '@graphql/stop-instance.gql'; import StartInstance from '@graphql/start-instance.gql'; import RebootInstance from '@graphql/reboot-instance.gql'; import ResizeInstance from '@graphql/resize-instance.gql'; import EnableInstanceFw from '@graphql/enable-instance-fw.gql'; import DisableInstanceFw from '@graphql/disable-instance-fw.gql'; import CreateSnapshot from '@graphql/create-snapshot.gql'; import StartSnapshot from '@graphql/start-from-snapshot.gql'; import ToolbarForm from '@components/instances/toolbar'; import Index from '@state/gen-index'; import parseError from '@state/parse-error'; import { default as InstanceList, Item as InstanceListItem } from '@components/instances/list'; import InstanceListActions from '@components/instances/footer'; const TABLE_FORM_NAME = 'instance-list-table'; const MENU_FORM_NAME = 'instance-list-menu'; export const List = ({ instances = [], selected = [], allowedActions, statuses, sortBy = 'name', sortOrder = 'desc', loading = false, error = null, mutationError = null, submitting, handleAction, toggleSelectAll, handleSortBy }) => { const _instances = forceArray(instances); const _loading = loading && !_instances.length ? [ , ] : null; const _error = error && !_instances.length && !_loading ? ( Ooops! An error occurred while loading your instances ) : null; const _mutationError = mutationError && ( Ooops! {mutationError} ); const handleStart = selected => handleAction({ name: 'start', selected }); const handleStop = selected => handleAction({ name: 'stop', selected }); const handleReboot = selected => handleAction({ name: 'reboot', selected }); const handleDelete = selected => handleAction({ name: 'delete', selected }); const _table = !loading ? ( {props => ( {{ id, }) => ( handleStart([{ id }])} onStop={() => handleStop([{ id }])} onReboot={() => handleReboot([{ id }])} onDelete={() => handleDelete([{ id }])} /> ))} )} ) : null; const _footer = !loading && selected.length ? ( handleStart(selected)} onStop={() => handleStop(selected)} onReboot={() => handleReboot(selected)} onDelete={() => handleDelete(selected)} /> ) : null; return ( {props => ( )} {!_mutationError ? _error : null} {_mutationError} {_loading} {_table} {_footer} ); }; export default compose( graphql(StopInstance, { name: 'stop' }), graphql(StartInstance, { name: 'start' }), graphql(RebootInstance, { name: 'reboot' }), graphql(ResizeInstance, { name: 'resize' }), graphql(EnableInstanceFw, { name: 'enableFw' }), graphql(DisableInstanceFw, { name: 'disableFw' }), graphql(CreateSnapshot, { name: 'createSnapshot' }), graphql(StartSnapshot, { name: 'startSnapshot' }), graphql(ListInstances, { options: () => ({ pollInterval: 1000 }), props: ({ data: { machines, loading, error, refetch } }) => { const instances = forceArray(machines).map(({ state, ...machine }) => ({ ...machine, state, allowedActions: { start: state !== 'RUNNING', stop: state === 'RUNNING' } })); return { instances, loading, error, index: Index(instances), refetch }; } }), connect( ({ form, values }, { index, error, instances = [] }) => { // get search value const filter = get(form, `${MENU_FORM_NAME}.values.filter`, false); // check checked items ids const checked = get(form, `${TABLE_FORM_NAME}.values`, {}); // check whether the main form is submitting const submitting = get(form, `${TABLE_FORM_NAME}.submitting`, false); // check whether the main form has an error const mutationError = get(form, `${TABLE_FORM_NAME}.error`, null); // get sort values const sortBy = get(values, 'instance-list-sort-by', 'name'); const sortOrder = get(values, 'instance-list-sort-order', 'asc'); // if user is searching something, get items that match that query const filtered = filter ?{ ref }) => find(instances, ['id', ref])) : instances; // from filtered instances, sort asc // set's mutating flag const ascSorted = sort(filtered, [sortBy]).map(({ id, ...item }) => ({ ...item, id, mutating: get(values, `${id}-mutating`, false) })); // if "select-all" is checked, all the instances are selected // otherwise, map through the checked ids and get the instance value const selected = Object.keys(checked) .filter(id => Boolean(checked[id])) .map(id => find(ascSorted, ['id', id])) .filter(Boolean); const allowedActions = { start: selected.some(({ state }) => state !== 'RUNNING'), stop: selected.some(({ state }) => state === 'RUNNING') }; // get mutating statuses const statuses = { starting: get(values, 'instance-list-starting', false), stopping: get(values, 'instance-list-stoping', false), rebooting: get(values, 'instance-list-rebooting', false), deleting: get(values, 'instance-list-deleteing', false) }; return { // is sortOrder !== asc, reverse order instances: sortOrder === 'asc' ? ascSorted : ascSorted.reverse(), allowedActions, selected, statuses, submitting, mutationError, index, sortOrder, sortBy }; }, (dispatch, { refetch, ...ownProps }) => ({ handleSortBy: ({ sortBy: currentSortBy, sortOrder }) => newSortBy => { // sort prop is the same, toggle if (currentSortBy === newSortBy) { return dispatch( set({ name: `instance-list-sort-order`, value: sortOrder === 'desc' ? 'asc' : 'desc' }) ); } dispatch([ set({ name: `instance-list-sort-order`, value: 'desc' }), set({ name: `instance-list-sort-by`, value: newSortBy }) ]); }, toggleSelectAll: ({ selected = [], instances = [] }) => () => { const same = selected.length === instances.length; const hasSelected = selected.length > 0; // none are selected, toggle to all if (!hasSelected) { return dispatch({ id }) => change(TABLE_FORM_NAME, id, true)) ); } // all are selected, toggle to none if (hasSelected && same) { return dispatch({ id }) => change(TABLE_FORM_NAME, id, false)) ); } // some are selected, toggle to all if (hasSelected && !same) { return dispatch({ id }) => change(TABLE_FORM_NAME, id, true)) ); } }, handleAction: async ({ selected, name }) => { const action = ownProps[name]; const gerund = `${name}ing`; // flips submitting flag to true so that we can disable everything const flipSubmitTrue = startSubmit(TABLE_FORM_NAME); // sets (starting/rebooting/etc) to true so that we can, for instance, // have a spinner on the correct button const setIngTrue = set({ name: `instance-list-${gerund}`, value: true }); // sets the individual item mutation flags so that we can show a // spinner in the row const setMutatingTrue ={ id }) => set({ name: `${id}-mutating`, value: true }) ); // wait for everything to finish and catch the error const [err] = await intercept( Promise.resolve( dispatch([flipSubmitTrue, setIngTrue, ...setMutatingTrue]) ).then(() => { // starts all the mutations for all the selected items return Promise.all({ id }) => action({ variables: { id } })) ); }) ); // reverts submitting flag to false and propagates the error if it exists const flipSubmitFalse = stopSubmit(TABLE_FORM_NAME, { _error: err && parseError(err) }); // if no error, clears selected const clearSelected = !err && reset(TABLE_FORM_NAME); // reverts (starting/rebooting/etc) to false const setIngFalse = set({ name: `instance-list-${gerund}`, value: false }); // reverts the individual item mutation flags const setMutatingFalse ={ id }) => set({ name: `${id}-mutating`, value: false }) ); const actions = [ flipSubmitFalse, clearSelected, setIngFalse, ...setMutatingFalse ].filter(Boolean); // refetch list - even though we poll anyway - after clearing everything return Promise.resolve(dispatch(actions)).then(() => refetch()); } }), (stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) => { const { selected, instances, sortBy, sortOrder } = stateProps; const { toggleSelectAll, handleSortBy } = dispatchProps; return { ...ownProps, ...stateProps, selected, instances, ...dispatchProps, toggleSelectAll: toggleSelectAll({ selected, instances }), handleSortBy: handleSortBy({ sortBy, sortOrder }) }; } ) )(List);