const React = require('react'); const { storiesOf, // action, // linkTo } = require('@kadira/storybook'); const { Base, Button, Container, Checkbox, Row, Column, Avatar, Tabs, Tab, Toggle, Widget, Radio } = require('../src/'); const styles = { base: { backgroundColor: '#FFEBEE' }, row: { backgroundColor: '#EF5350' }, column: { backgroundColor: '#B71C1C', textAlign: 'center', color: 'white' } }; storiesOf('Grid', module) .add('Row and Column', () => ( 1 2 3 )); const profile = '' + '641289584580493312/VBfsPlff_400x400.jpg'; storiesOf('Avatar', module) .add('Avatar Picture', () => ( )) .add('Avatar Text', () => ( )); storiesOf('Button', module) .add('With text', () => ( )).add('Secondary', () => ( )).add('Disabled', () => ( )); storiesOf('Checkbox', module) .add('Default', () => ( )) .add('Checked', () => ( )) .add('Disabled', () => ( )); storiesOf('Tabs', module) .add('Default', () => (



)) storiesOf('Toggle', module) .add('checked', () => ( )) .add('unchecked', () => ( )) .add('defaultChecked', () => ( )) .add('no props', () => ( )) storiesOf('Widget', module) .add('single', () => (

Some text

)) storiesOf('Radio', module) .add('Default', () => ( Video killed the radio star )) .add('Checked', () => ( )) .add('Disabled', () => ( ));