#!/bin/bash set -e -o pipefail help() { echo echo 'Usage ./setup.sh ~/path/to/TRITON_PRIVATE_KEY ~/path/to/CA_CRT ~/path/to/SERVER_KEY ~/path/to/SERVER_CRT' echo echo 'Checks that your Triton and Docker environment is sane and configures' echo 'an environment file to use.' echo echo 'TRITON_PRIVATE_KEY is the filesystem path to an SSH private key' echo 'used to connect to Triton.' echo } # Check for correct configuration check() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Please provide a path to a SSH private key to access Triton.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'SSH private key for Triton is unreadable.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi # Assign args to named vars TRITON_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=$1 if [ -z "$2" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Please provide a path to the NGINX CA crt file.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$2" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'CA certificate for NGINX is unreadable.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi NGINX_CA_CRT_PATH=$2 if [ -z "$3" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Please provide a path to the server key file.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$3" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Server key file for NGINX is unreadable.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi NGINX_SERVER_KEY_PATH=$3 if [ -z "$4" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Please provide a path to the server crt file.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$4" ]; then tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Server crt file for NGINX is unreadable.' tput sgr0 # clear help exit 1 fi NGINX_SERVER_CRT_PATH=$4 command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Docker is required, but does not appear to be installed.' tput sgr0 # clear echo 'See https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/api-access/docker' exit 1 } command -v triton >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo tput rev # reverse tput bold # bold echo 'Error! Joyent Triton CLI is required, but does not appear to be installed.' tput sgr0 # clear echo 'See https://www.joyent.com/blog/introducing-the-triton-command-line-tool' exit 1 } TRITON_USER=$(triton profile get | awk -F": " '/account:/{print $2}') TRITON_DC=$(triton profile get | awk -F"/" '/url:/{print $3}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}') TRITON_ACCOUNT=$(triton account get | awk -F": " '/id:/{print $2}') echo '# docker-compose-client for Triton' > _env TRITON_CREDS_PATH=/root/.triton echo TRITON_CREDS_PATH=${TRITON_CREDS_PATH} >> _env echo DOCKER_CERT_PATH=${TRITON_CREDS_PATH} >> _env echo DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 >> _env echo COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=300 >> _env echo DOCKER_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=300 >> _env echo DOCKER_HOST=${DOCKER_HOST} >> _env echo SDC_URL=${SDC_URL} >> _env echo SDC_ACCOUNT=${SDC_ACCOUNT} >> _env echo SDC_KEY_ID=${SDC_KEY_ID} >> _env echo TRITON_USER=${TRITON_USER} >> _env echo TRITON_DC=${TRITON_DC} >> _env echo CONSUL=copilot-consul.svc.${TRITON_ACCOUNT}.${TRITON_DC}.cns.joyent.com >> _env echo TRITON_CA=$(cat "${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}"/ca.pem | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo TRITON_CA_PATH=${TRITON_CREDS_PATH}/ca.pem >> _env echo TRITON_KEY=$(cat "${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}"/key.pem | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo TRITON_KEY_PATH=${TRITON_CREDS_PATH}/key.pem >> _env echo TRITON_CERT=$(cat "${DOCKER_CERT_PATH}"/cert.pem | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo TRITON_CERT_PATH=${TRITON_CREDS_PATH}/cert.pem >> _env echo SDC_KEY=$(cat "${TRITON_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH}" | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo SDC_KEY_PUB=$(cat "${TRITON_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH}.pub" | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo NGINX_CA_CRT=$(cat "${NGINX_CA_CRT_PATH}" | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo NGINX_SERVER_KEY=$(cat "${NGINX_SERVER_KEY_PATH}" | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo NGINX_SERVER_CRT=$(cat "${NGINX_SERVER_CRT_PATH}" | tr '\n' '#') >> _env echo >> _env } # --------------------------------------------------- # parse arguments # Get function list funcs=($(declare -F -p | cut -d " " -f 3)) until if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then # check if the first arg is a function in this file, or use a default if [[ " ${funcs[@]} " =~ " $1 " ]]; then cmd=$1 shift 1 else cmd="check" fi $cmd "$@" if [ $? == 127 ]; then help fi exit else help fi do echo done