/* eslint-disable camelcase */ import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Margin } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import Flex, { FlexItem } from 'styled-flex-component'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import forceArray from 'force-array'; import { FirewallIcon, H3, Button, P } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import { ToggleFirewallForm, ToggleInactiveForm, TagRules, DefaultRules } from '@components/firewall'; import Title from '@components/create-instance/title'; import Description from '@components/description'; import Empty from '@components/empty'; import ListFwRules from '@graphql/list-fw-rules.gql'; import { Forms, Values } from '@root/constants'; const { IC_FW_F_ENABLED, IC_FW_F_INACTIVE } = Forms; const { IC_FW_V_PROCEEDED, IC_TAG_V_TAGS } = Values; const Firewall = ({ defaultRules = [], tagRules = [], expanded = false, proceeded = false, loading = false, enabled = false, handleNext, handleEdit, step }) => ( } > Firewall {expanded ? ( Cloud Firewall rules control traffic across instances. Enabling the firewall adds a default set of rules and rules defined by your chosen tags.{' '} Read more ) : null} {props => expanded ? ( ) : null } {props => enabled && expanded && !loading ? ( ) : null } {enabled && expanded && !loading && !defaultRules.length && !tagRules.length ? ( Sorry, but we weren’t able to find any firewall rules. ) : null} {!loading && expanded && enabled && defaultRules.length ? ( ) : null} {!loading && expanded && enabled && tagRules.length ? ( ) : null} {!loading && expanded && enabled && (tagRules.length || defaultRules.length) ? (

*Other firewall rules may apply as defined by wildcard(s), IP(s), subnet(s), tag(s) or VM(s). Please see{' '} firewall rule list {' '} for more details.

) : null} {proceeded && !expanded ? (

{enabled ? 'Firewall enabled' : 'Firewall not enabled'}

) : null} {expanded ? ( ) : proceeded ? ( ) : null}
); export default compose( connect( ({ form, values }, ownProps) => ({ ...ownProps, proceeded: get(values, IC_FW_V_PROCEEDED, false), enabled: get(form, `${IC_FW_F_ENABLED}.values.enabled`, false), showInactive: get(form, `${IC_FW_F_INACTIVE}.values.inactive`, false), tags: get(values, IC_TAG_V_TAGS, []) }), (dispatch, { history }) => ({ handleNext: () => { dispatch(set({ name: IC_FW_V_PROCEEDED, value: true })); return history.push(`/~create/cns${history.location.search}`); }, handleEdit: () => { dispatch(set({ name: IC_FW_V_PROCEEDED, value: true })); return history.push(`/~create/firewall${history.location.search}`); } }) ), graphql(ListFwRules, { options: ({ tags, expanded, enabled }) => ({ ssr: false, fetchPolicy: expanded && enabled ? 'cache-first' : 'cache-only', variables: { tags: tags.map(({ name, value }) => ({ name, value })) } }), props: ({ ownProps, data }) => { const { showInactive } = ownProps; const { firewall_rules_create_machine = [], loading, error, refetch } = data; const rules = forceArray(firewall_rules_create_machine).filter( ({ enabled }) => enabled || showInactive ); return { defaultRules: rules.filter(({ rule_obj = {} }) => rule_obj.isWildcard), tagRules: rules.filter(({ rule_obj = {} }) => rule_obj.tags.length), loading, error, refetch }; } }) )(Firewall);