import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { Field } from 'redux-form'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { Margin, Padding } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import Flex from 'styled-flex-component'; import bytes from 'bytes'; import is, { isNot } from 'styled-is'; import remcalc from 'remcalc'; import { H3, H4, Sup, FormGroup, Card, Button, TableTh as BaseTableTh, TableTr, TableThead as BaseTableThead, Divider, TableTbody, Table, TableTd as BaseTableTd, Radio, Checkbox, FormLabel, GeneralIcon, StorageIcon, CpuIcon, MemoryIcon } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import { NoPackages } from 'joyent-logo-assets'; import { ValueBreakpoints as breakpoints } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import { EmptyState } from 'joyent-icons'; const GroupIcons = { MEMORY: , STORAGE: , GENERAL: , COMPUTE: }; const fourDecimals = n => parseFloat(Math.round(n * 10000) / 10000).toFixed(4); const TableTrActionable = styled(TableTr)` cursor: pointer; `; const NoPackagesTitle = styled(H3)` color: ${props => props.theme.greyDark}; text-align: center; `; const FullWidthCard = styled(Card)` width: calc(100% - ${remcalc(2)}); ${is('transparent')` background: transparent; `}; ${isNot('borderTop')` border-top: none; `}; `; const TableThead = styled(BaseTableThead)` ${is('smallScreen')` background-color: transparent; `}; `; const TableTh = styled(BaseTableTh)` @media only screen and (min-width: ${remcalc( breakpoints.medium.lower )}) and (max-width: ${remcalc(700)}) { &:not(:first-child) { width: auto; } padding: 0 ${remcalc(3)}; } ${is('smallScreen')` border: none; color: ${props => props.theme.greyDark}; font-size: ${remcalc(13)}; height: auto; padding: 0; `}; `; const TableTd = styled(BaseTableTd)` @media only screen and (min-width: ${remcalc( breakpoints.medium.lower )}) and (max-width: ${remcalc(700)}) { &:not(:first-child) { width: auto; } padding: 0 ${remcalc(3)}; } ${is('smallScreen')` border: none; font-size: ${remcalc(15)}; height: auto; padding: ${remcalc(4)} 0; `}; `; const FormItem = styled('form')` border: 1px solid ${props => props.theme.grey}; border-radius: 4px; ${is('selected')` border-color: ${props => props.theme.primary}; background-color: rgba(59,70,204,0.05); `}; `; const PackageSpecs = styled('div')` border-top: 1px solid ${props => props.theme.grey}; ${is('selected')` border-color: ${props => props.theme.primary}; `}; `; export const Filters = ({ onResetFilters }) => (


{GroupIcons.COMPUTE} Compute Optimized {GroupIcons.MEMORY} Memory Optimized {GroupIcons.GENERAL} General Purpose {GroupIcons.GENERAL} Storage Optimized SSD
); export const MobilePackage = ({ selected = false, id, name, group, memory, price, vcpus, disk, ssd, hasVms, sortBy, onRowClick }) => ( onRowClick(id)}> {GroupIcons[group]} {`${name} `} {ssd && SSD} RAM Disk {hasVms && ( vCPU )} $/hour onRowClick(id)}> {bytes(memory, { decimalPlaces: 0, unitSeparator: ' ' })} {bytes(disk, { decimalPlaces: 0, unitSeparator: ' ' })} {hasVms && ( {vcpus} )} {fourDecimals(price)}
); export const Package = ({ selected = false, id, name, group, memory, price, vcpus, disk, ssd, hasVms, sortBy, onRowClick }) => ( onRowClick(id)}> {GroupIcons[group]} {name} {bytes(memory, { decimalPlaces: 0, unitSeparator: ' ' })} {bytes(disk, { decimalPlaces: 0, unitSeparator: ' ' })} {ssd && SSD} {hasVms && ( {vcpus} )} {fourDecimals(price)} ); export const Packages = ({ pristine, sortBy = 'name', sortOrder = 'desc', onSortBy = () => null, hasVms, children, packages }) => (
onSortBy('name', sortOrder)} sortOrder={sortOrder} showSort={sortBy === 'name'} left middle xs="200" actionable > Name onSortBy('memory', sortOrder)} sortOrder={sortOrder} showSort={sortBy === 'memory'} right middle actionable > RAM onSortBy('disk', sortOrder)} sortOrder={sortOrder} showSort={sortBy === 'disk'} right middle actionable > Disk {hasVms && ( onSortBy('vcpus', sortOrder)} sortOrder={sortOrder} showSort={sortBy === 'vcpus'} right middle actionable > vCPU )} onSortBy('price', sortOrder)} sortOrder={sortOrder} showSort={sortBy === 'price'} right middle actionable > $/hour {children}
{packages ? null : ( Sorry, but we weren’t able to find any packages with that filter )}
); export const Overview = ({ name, price, memory, vcpus, hasVms, ssd, disk, onCancel }) => (


{price} $ {bytes(memory, { decimalPlaces: 0, unitSeparator: ' ' })} {hasVms && ( {vcpus} vCPUS )} {bytes(disk, { decimalPlaces: 0, unitSeparator: ' ' })} disk {ssd && SSD}
); export const Empty = ({ children, }) => ( {children} );