'use strict'; // const Assert = require('assert'); const TritonWatch = require('triton-watch'); const Get = require('lodash.get'); const Find = require('lodash.find'); const Boom = require('boom'); const Util = require('util'); const ForceArray = require('force-array'); const VAsync = require('vasync'); const Queue = require('./queue'); const DEPLOYMENT_GROUP = 'docker:label:com.docker.compose.project'; const SERVICE = 'docker:label:com.docker.compose.service'; const HASH = 'docker:label:com.docker.compose.config-hash'; const ACTION_REMOVE_STATUSES = [ 'STOPPING', 'STOPPED', 'OFFLINE', 'DELETED', 'DESTROYED', 'FAILED', 'INCOMPLETE', 'UNKNOWN' ]; const ACTION_CREATE_STATUSES = [ 'READY', 'ACTIVE', 'RUNNING', 'STOPPED', 'OFFLINE', 'FAILED', 'INCOMPLETE', 'UNKNOWN' ]; const SERVICE_STOPPING_STATUSES = [ 'STOPPED', 'OFFLINE', 'FAILED', 'INCOMPLETE', 'UNKNOWN' ]; const SERVICE_DELETING_STATUSES = [ 'DELETED', 'DESTROYED', 'FAILED', 'INCOMPLETE', 'UNKNOWN' ]; const isNotFound = (err) => { return err && (err['typeof'] === Boom.notFound); }; module.exports = class MachineWatcher { constructor (options) { options = options || {}; // todo assert options this._data = options.data; this._server = options.watch; this._frequency = 200; this._tritonWatch = new TritonWatch({ frequency: this._frequency, triton: { profile: { url: options.url || process.env.SDC_URL, account: options.account || process.env.SDC_ACCOUNT, keyId: options.keyId || process.env.SDC_KEY_ID } } }); this._waitingForPlan = []; this._isTritonWatchPolling = false; this._tritonWatch.on('change', (machine) => { return this.onChange(machine); }); this._tritonWatch.on('all', (machines) => { machines.forEach((machine) => { this.onChange(machine); }); }); } poll () { if (!this._isTritonWatchPolling) { this._tritonWatch.poll(); this._isTritonWatchPolling = true; } if (this._isWaitingPolling) { return; } this._isWaitingPolling = true; setTimeout(() => { this._isWaitingPolling = false; this._checkForWaiting(); }, this._frequency); } _checkForWaiting () { this._waitingForPlan.forEach(this.onChange); } getContainers () { return this._tritonWatch.getContainers(); } getDeploymentGroup (name, cb) { this._data.getDeploymentGroup({ name }, (err, deploymentGroup) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } return cb(null, deploymentGroup); }); } getService ({ serviceName, deploymentGroupId }, cb) { this._data.getServices({ name: serviceName, deploymentGroupId }, (err, services) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!services || !services.length) { return cb(); } return cb(null, services.pop()); }); } getInstances (service, cb) { service.instances() .then((instances) => { return cb(null, instances); }) .catch((err) => { return cb(err); }); } getVersion (deploymentGroup, cb) { deploymentGroup.version() .then((version) => { return cb(null, version); }) .catch((err) => { return cb(err); }); } createInstance ({ deploymentGroup, machine, instances, service }, cb) { this._server.log(['debug', 'error'], `-> detected that machine ${machine.name} was created`); const status = (machine.state || '').toUpperCase(); if (status === 'DELETED') { return cb(); } const instance = { name: machine.name, status, deploymentGroupId: deploymentGroup.id, machineId: machine.id }; this._server.log(['debug'], '-> creating instance', Util.inspect(instance)); this._data.createInstance(instance, (err, instance) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } const payload = { id: service.id, instances: instances.concat(instance) }; this._server.log(['debug'], '-> updating service', Util.inspect(payload)); this._data.updateService(payload, cb); }); } updateInstance ({ machine, instance, instances, service }, cb) { console.error(`-> detected that machine ${machine.name} was updated`); const updatedInstance = { id: instance.id, status: (machine.state || '').toUpperCase() }; this._server.log(['debug'], '-> updating instance', Util.inspect(updatedInstance)); this._data.updateInstance(updatedInstance, (err) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (['DELETED', 'DESTROYED'].indexOf(machine.state.toUpperCase()) < 0) { return cb(); } const payload = { id: service.id, instances: instances.filter(({ id }) => { return id !== instance.id; }) }; this._server.log(['debug'], '-> updating service', Util.inspect(payload)); this._data.updateService(payload, cb); }); } resolveChange ({ deploymentGroup, version, service, instances, machine }, cb) { console.error(`-> resolving change for machine ${machine.name}`); const SERVICE_STATUS = Get(service, 'status', 'UNKNOWN').toUpperCase(); const MACHINE_STATUS = Get(machine, 'state', 'UNKNOWN').toUpperCase(); const hasPlan = Boolean(Get(version, 'plan.hasPlan', true)); const serviceName = service.name; console.error(`-> detected meta for machine ${machine.name} ${Util.inspect({ SERVICE_STATUS, MACHINE_STATUS, hasPlan, serviceName })}`); const ActionResolvers = { '_CREATE_OR_REMOVE': (action, cb) => { console.error(`-> got _CREATE_OR_REMOVE action for "${machine.name}"`); let processed = ForceArray(action.processed); const completed = processed.length === action.toProcess; if (completed) { console.error('-> action was already completed'); return cb(null, { action, completed: true }); } if (processed.indexOf(machine.id) >= 0) { console.error('-> machine was already processed'); return cb(null, { action, completed }); } processed = processed.concat([machine.id]); cb(null, { action: Object.assign({}, action, { processed }), completed: processed.length === action.toProcess }); }, 'NOOP': (action, cb) => { console.error(`-> got NOOP action for "${machine.name}"`); cb(null, { action, completed: true }); }, // scenarios: scale down or removed service // so far, the logic is the same for CREATE and REMOVE 'REMOVE': (action, cb) => { console.error(`-> got REMOVE action for "${machine.name}"`); if (ACTION_REMOVE_STATUSES.indexOf(MACHINE_STATUS) < 0) { console.error(`-> since "${machine.name}" is "${MACHINE_STATUS}", nothing to do here`); return cb(null, { action, completed: false }); } if (action.machines.indexOf(machine.id) < 0) { console.error(`-> since "${machine.name}" didn't exist, no need to process its removal`); return cb(null, { action, completed: false }); } ActionResolvers._CREATE_OR_REMOVE(action, cb); }, // scenarios: scale up, recreate, create // so far, the logic is the same for CREATE and REMOVE 'CREATE': (action, cb) => { console.error(`-> got CREATE action for "${machine.name}"`); if (ACTION_CREATE_STATUSES.indexOf(MACHINE_STATUS) < 0) { console.error(`-> since "${machine.name}" is "${MACHINE_STATUS}", nothing to do here`); return cb(null, { action, completed: false }); } if (action.machines.indexOf(machine.id) >= 0) { console.error(`-> since "${machine.name}" already existed, no need to process its creation`); return cb(null, { action, completed: false }); } ActionResolvers._CREATE_OR_REMOVE(action, cb); }, 'START': (action, cb) => { console.error(`-> got START action for "${machine.name}". redirecting`); return ActionResolvers.NOOP(action, cb); } }; const toBeActiveServiceResolver = (cb) => { VAsync.forEachParallel({ inputs: version.plan, func: (action, next) => { if (action.service !== serviceName) { return next(null, { action }); } const ACTION_TYPE = Get(action, 'type', 'NOOP').toUpperCase(); ActionResolvers[ACTION_TYPE](action, next); } }, (err, result) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } const newActions = ForceArray(result.successes); console.error(`-> got new actions for "${service.name}" ${Util.inspect(newActions)}`); const newServiceActions = newActions.filter(({ action }) => { return action.service === serviceName; }); const isCompleted = newServiceActions.every(({ completed }) => { return completed; }); console.error(`-> are all actions for "${service.name}" completed? ${isCompleted}`); const newPlan = newActions.map(({ action }) => { return action; }); VAsync.parallel({ funcs: [ (cb) => { console.error(`-> updating Version ${version.id} with new plan ${Util.inspect(newPlan)}`); this._data.updateVersion({ id: version.id, plan: newPlan }, cb); }, (cb) => { if (!isCompleted) { return cb(); } console.error(`-> updating Service ${service.name} with new status: ACTIVE`); return this._data.updateService({ id: service.id, status: 'ACTIVE' }, cb); } ] }, cb); }); }; const ServiceResolvers = { 'ACTIVE': (cb) => { console.error(`-> got ACTIVE service "${service.name}". nothing to do`); cb(); }, 'PROVISIONING': (cb) => { console.error(`-> got PROVISIONING service "${service.name}"`); toBeActiveServiceResolver(cb); }, 'SCALING': (cb) => { console.error(`-> got SCALING service "${service.name}"`); toBeActiveServiceResolver(cb); }, 'STOPPING': (cb) => { console.error(`-> got STOPPING service "${service.name}"`); if (SERVICE_STOPPING_STATUSES.indexOf(MACHINE_STATUS) < 0) { return cb(); } const isComplete = instances .filter(({ machineId }) => { return machineId !== machine.id; }) .every(({ status }) => { return SERVICE_STOPPING_STATUSES.indexOf(status) >= 0; }); if (!isComplete) { return cb(); } this._data.updateService({ id: service.id, status: 'STOPPED' }, cb); }, 'STOPPED': (cb) => { return ServiceResolvers.ACTIVE(cb); }, 'DELETING': (cb) => { console.error(`-> got DELETING service "${service.name}"`); if (SERVICE_DELETING_STATUSES.indexOf(MACHINE_STATUS) < 0) { return cb(); } const isComplete = instances .filter(({ machineId }) => { return machineId !== machine.id; }) .every(({ status }) => { return SERVICE_DELETING_STATUSES.indexOf(status) >= 0; }); if (!isComplete) { return cb(); } VAsync.parallel({ funcs: [ (cb) => { console.error(`-> updating Service ${service.name} to set it DELETED`); this._data.updateService({ id: service.id, status: 'DELETED' }, cb); }, (cb) => { console.error(`-> updating DeploymentGroup ${deploymentGroup.id} to remove Service ${service.name}`); deploymentGroup.services({}, (err, services) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } this._data.updateDeploymentGroup({ id: deploymentGroup.id, services: services.filter(({ id }) => { return service.id !== id; }) }, cb); }); } ] }, cb); }, 'DELETED': (cb) => { return ServiceResolvers.ACTIVE(cb); }, 'RESTARTING': (cb) => { return ServiceResolvers.ACTIVE(cb); }, 'UNKNOWN': (cb) => { return ServiceResolvers.ACTIVE(cb); } }; const instance = Find(instances, ['machineId', machine.id]); const isNew = instances .every(({ machineId }) => { return machine.id !== machineId; }); const handleCreateOrUpdatedInstance = (err) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } console.error(`-> created/updated machine ${machine.name}`); if (!hasPlan) { console.error(`-> plan for ${service.name} is still not available. queuing`); this._waitingForPlan.push(machine); return cb(); } const serviceResolver = ServiceResolvers[SERVICE_STATUS] ? ServiceResolvers[SERVICE_STATUS] : ServiceResolvers.UNKNOWN; serviceResolver(cb); }; const createOrUpdateInstance = isNew ? this.createInstance : this.updateInstance; createOrUpdateInstance.call(this, { deploymentGroup, machine, instances, instance, service }, handleCreateOrUpdatedInstance); } onChange (machine) { if (!machine) { console.error('-> `change` event received without machine data'); return; } // console.log('-> `change` event received', Util.inspect(machine)); const { id, tags = {} } = machine; // assert id existence if (!id) { console.error('-> `change` event received for a machine without `id`'); return; } // assert that it's a docker-compose project const isCompose = [DEPLOYMENT_GROUP, SERVICE, HASH].every( (name) => { return tags[name]; } ); if (!isCompose) { console.error(`-> Changed machine ${id} was not provisioned by docker-compose`); return; } const deploymentGroupName = tags[DEPLOYMENT_GROUP]; const serviceName = tags[SERVICE]; const getInstancesAndVersion = ({ service, deploymentGroup }, cb) => { this.getInstances(service, (err, instances = []) => { if (err && !isNotFound(err)) { return cb(err); } this.getVersion(deploymentGroup, (err, version) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } this.resolveChange({ deploymentGroup, version, service, instances, machine }, cb); }); }); }; // assert that service exists const assertService = (deploymentGroup, cb) => { this.getService({ serviceName, deploymentGroupId: deploymentGroup.id }, (err, service) => { if (isNotFound(err) || !service) { console.error(`Service "${serviceName}" form DeploymentGroup "${deploymentGroupName}" for machine ${id} not found`); return cb(); } if (err) { return cb(err); } getInstancesAndVersion({ service, deploymentGroup }, cb); }); }; // assert that project managed by this portal // also, lock into `deploymentGroupId` queue this.getDeploymentGroup(deploymentGroupName, (err, deploymentGroup) => { if (isNotFound(err) || !deploymentGroup) { console.error(`DeploymentGroup "${deploymentGroupName}" for machine ${id} not found`); return; } if (err) { console.error(err); return; } Queue(deploymentGroup.id, () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { assertService(deploymentGroup, (err) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } resolve(); }); }); }); }); } }; module.exports.DEPLOYMENT_GROUP = DEPLOYMENT_GROUP; module.exports.SERVICE = SERVICE; module.exports.HASH = HASH;