import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { compose, graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import find from 'lodash.find'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { set } from 'react-redux-values'; import intercept from 'apr-intercept'; import { ViewContainer, StatusLoader, Message, MessageDescription, MessageTitle } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import GetInstance from '@graphql/get-instance.gql'; import StartInstance from '@graphql/start-instance.gql'; import StopInstance from '@graphql/stop-instance.gql'; import RebootInstance from '@graphql/reboot-instance.gql'; import DeleteInstance from '@graphql/delete-instance.gql'; import HomeScreen from '@components/instances/home'; import parseError from '@state/parse-error'; const Home = ({ instance, loading, loadingError, mutationError, handleAction, starting, stopping, rebooting, deleteing, }) => { const { name } = instance || {}; const _loading = loading && !name && ; const _summary = !_loading && instance && ( ); const _error = loadingError && !_loading && !instance && ( Ooops! An error occurred while loading your instance summary ); const _mutationError = mutationError && ( Ooops! {mutationError} ); return ( {_loading} {_error} {_mutationError} {_summary} ); }; Home.propTypes = { loading: PropTypes.bool }; export default compose( graphql(StopInstance, { name: 'stop' }), graphql(StartInstance, { name: 'start' }), graphql(RebootInstance, { name: 'reboot' }), graphql(DeleteInstance, { name: 'reboot' }), graphql(GetInstance, { options: ({ match }) => ({ pollInterval: 1000, variables: { name: get(match, 'params.instance') } }), props: ({ data: { loading, error, variables, } }) => ({ instance: find(get(rest, 'machines', []), ['name',]), loading, loadingError: error }) }), connect( (state, ownProps) => { const { instance = {} } = ownProps; const { id } = instance; if (!id) { return ownProps; } return { ...ownProps, starting: state.values[`${id}-home-starting`], stopping: state.values[`${id}-home-stoping`], rebooting: state.values[`${id}-home-rebooting`], deleteing: state.values[`${id}-home-deleteing`], mutationError: state.values[`${id}-home-mutation-error`] }; }, (disptach, ownProps) => ({ handleAction: async (action) => { const { instance } = ownProps; const { id } = instance; const gerund = `${action}ing`; const name = `${id}-home-${gerund}`; // sets loading to true disptach(set({ name, value: true })); // calls mutation and waits while loading is still true const [err] = await intercept(ownProps[action]({ variables: { id } })); if (!err && (action === 'delete')) { const { history } = ownProps; return history.push(`/instances/`); } // after mutation, sets loading back to false const setLoadingFalse = set({ name, value: false }); // if error, sets error value const mutationError = err && set({ name: `${id}-home-mutation-error`, value: parseError(err) }); return disptach([mutationError, setLoadingFalse].filter(Boolean)); } }) ) )(Home);