const { NODE_ENV } = process.env; const env = NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'prod' : 'dev'; // const resolvePkg = require('resolve-pkg'); const webpackConfig = require(`joyent-react-scripts/config/webpack.config.${env}.js`); const { defaultHandlers } = require('react-docgen'); const dnHandler = require('react-docgen-displayname-handler'); const path = require('path'); module.exports = { highlightTheme: 'base16-light', webpackConfig: Object.assign(webpackConfig, { resolve: Object.assign(webpackConfig.resolve, { alias: Object.assign(webpackConfig.resolve.alias, { 'rsg-components/Wrapper': path.join(__dirname, 'src/styleguide/wrapper') }) }) }), styleguideComponents: { StyleGuideRenderer: path.join(__dirname, 'src/styleguide/renderer'), TableOfContentsRenderer: path.join(__dirname, 'src/styleguide/sidebar'), ReactComponentRenderer: path.join(__dirname, 'src/styleguide/component'), PlaygroundRenderer: path.join(__dirname, 'src/styleguide/playground'), TabButtonRenderer: path.join(__dirname, 'src/styleguide/tabs'), SectionHeadingRenderer: path.join( __dirname, 'src/styleguide/sectionHeading' ), SectionRenderer: path.join(__dirname, 'src/styleguide/section') }, title: 'Design System', showCode: true, sections: [ { name: 'Base Language', sections: [ { name: 'Color Palette', description: 'Triton’s color palette aim to accessible and clear, whilst making distinctions between elements that are alive and elements that are static. We’ve split our palette into two sections; Action colors and Greys. ', content: 'src/theme/' }, { name: 'Typography', content: 'src/text/' } ] }, { name: 'Basic Components', components: () => [ 'src/button/index.js', 'src/form/input.js', 'src/form/radio.js', 'src/form/select.js', 'src/form/checkbox.js', 'src/form/toggle.js', 'src/card/card.js', 'src/tooltip/index.js', 'src/popover/index.js' ] }, { name: 'Compound Components', components: () => [ 'src/table/index.js', 'src/header/index.js', 'src/message/index.js', 'src/section-list/index.js', 'src/breadcrumb/index.js', 'src/progress-bar/index.js' ] }, { name: 'Assets', sections: [ { name: 'Section Iconography', content: 'src/icons/' }, { name: 'Functional Iconography', content: 'src/icons/' } ] }, { name: 'Developer', sections: [ { name: 'Download', content: 'src/' }, { name: 'Contribute', content: 'src/' }, { name: 'FAQ', content: 'src/' } ] } ], theme: { color: { base: '#494949', link: '#3B46CC', linkHover: '#5a62c5', sidebarBackground: '#1E313B' }, fontSize: { base: 15, text: 15, small: 13, h1: 36, h2: 30, h3: 26, h4: 15, h5: 14, h6: 12 }, fontFamily: { base: ['"Libre Franklin", -apple-system, sans-serif'], monospace: [ 'Roboto Mono', 'Consolas', '"Liberation Mono"', 'Menlo', 'monospace' ] }, sidebarWidth: 300, spaceFactor: 6 }, styles: { Styleguide: { sidebar: { color: '#FFFFFF' } }, Logo: { border: 'none', logo: { 'text-indent': -999, 'background-image': 'url("./etc/joyent-white.png")', 'background-size': 'cover', width: 180, 'background-position': 0, height: 39, padding: 0, margin: '0 auto' } } }, handlers: componentPath => defaultHandlers.concat(dnHandler.createDisplayNameHandler(componentPath)) };