import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Margin, Padding } from 'styled-components-spacing'; import { graphql, compose } from 'react-apollo'; import ReduxForm from 'declarative-redux-form'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { SubmissionError, destroy } from 'redux-form'; import { set, destroyAll } from 'react-redux-values'; import intercept from 'apr-intercept'; import get from 'lodash.get'; import { H3, ViewContainer, Button } from 'joyent-ui-toolkit'; import { Provider as ResourceSteps } from 'joyent-ui-resource-step'; import { Name, Image, Package, Networks, Tags, Metadata, UserScript, Firewall, CNS, Affinity, generatePayload } from 'joyent-ui-instance-steps'; import { Forms } from '@root/constants'; import parseError from '@state/parse-error'; import CreateInstanceMutation from '@graphql/create-instance.gql'; const { IC_F } = Forms; const names = { name: 'IC_NAME', image: 'IC_IMAGE', package: 'IC_PACKAGE', networks: 'IC_NETWORKS', tags: 'IC_TAGS', metadata: 'IC_METADATA', 'user-script': 'IC_USERSCRIPT', firewall: 'IC_FIREWALL', cns: 'IC_CNS', affinity: 'IC_AFFINITY' }; class CreateInstance extends Component { constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.isValids = {}; } setIsValid = name => ref => { if (!ref) { return; } const { isValid } = ref; if (!isValid) { return; } this.isValids = Object.assign({}, this.isValids, { [name]: isValid }); }; isFormValid = () => { const { steps } = this.props; return Object.keys(this.isValids).every(name => this.isValids[name](steps[name] || {}) ); }; isStepValid = step => { const { steps } = this.props; const fn = this.isValids[step]; const values = steps[step]; if (!fn || !values) { return true; } return fn(values); }; render() { const { match, steps, handleDefocus, handleSubmit, disabled } = this.props; const { params } = match; const { step } = params; const { name, image, package: pkg, networks, tags, metadata, firewall, cns, affinity } = steps; return (

Create Instance

{({ handleSubmit, submitting }) => (
); } } export default compose( graphql(CreateInstanceMutation, { name: 'createInstance' }), connect(({ form, values = {} }, { match, location }) => { const steps = { name: values[], image: values[names.image], package: values[names.package], networks: values[names.networks], tags: values[names.tags], metadata: values[names.metadata], 'user-script': values[names['user-script']], firewall: values[names.firewall], cns: values[names.cns], affinity: values[names.affinity] }; const error = get(form, `${IC_F}.error`, null); // Maybe re-use saved to only write the rule once const disabled = !( !error && && && steps.image && && steps.package && && steps.networks && Array.isArray(steps.networks) ); return { disabled, forms: Object.keys(form), // improve this error, steps }; }), connect(null, (dispatch, { steps = {}, forms, history, createInstance }) => { return { handleDefocus: name => value => { return dispatch(set({ name: names[name], value })); }, handleSubmit: async () => { const [err, res] = await intercept( createInstance({ variables: generatePayload(steps) }) ); if (err) { throw new SubmissionError({ _error: parseError(err) }); } dispatch([destroyAll(), => destroy(name))]); history.push(`/instances/${}`); } }; }) )(CreateInstance);