The node-triton test suite. There are two sets of tests here: *unit* tests which can be run in your local clone (see "test/unit/") and *integration* tests which are run against a cloudapi. **WARNING**: While this test suite should strive to not be destructive to existing data in the used account, one should take pause before blindly running it with one's cloudapi creds. # Usage Unit tests should be run before commits: make test Or you can run a specific test file via: cd test ./runtest unit/foo.test.js Integration tests: XXX how to run? # Development Guidelines - We are using [tape]( - Use "test/lib/\*.js" and "test/{unit,integration}/helpers.js" to help make ".test.js" code more expressive: - Unit tests (i.e. not requiring the cloudapi endpoint) in "unit/\*.test.js". Integration tests "integration/\*.test.js".