# Triton `triton` is a CLI tool for Joyent's Triton (a.k.a. SmartDataCenter), either for on-premises installations of Triton or Joyent's Public Cloud (, ). **This project is experimental and probably broken. For now, please look at [node-smartdc](https://github.com/joyent/node-smartdc).** ## Installation 1. Install [node.js](http://nodejs.org/). 2. `npm install -g git://github.com/joyent/node-triton` Verify that installed and is on your PATH: $ triton --version Triton client 1.0.0 Before you can used the CLI you'll need a Joyent account, an SSH key uploaded and `triton` configured with those account details. ## Setup TODO ## Example Get a quick overview of your account $ triton info dave.eddy@joyent.com - Dave Eddy https://us-east-3b.api.joyent.com 5 instance(s) - 1 stopped - 4 running - 610.3 MiB RAM Total - 14.3 GiB Disk Total See running instances $ triton instances ID NAME STATE TYPE IMG MEMORY DISK AGO 908a781b-e4c8-4291-dcf5-b0fcbcc0cb8a machine-1 stopped smartmachine 5c7d0d24-3475-11e5-8e67-27953a8b237e 128 3072 2h 7807f369-79eb-ebe9-85f6-db3017a75f0f machine-2 running smartmachine 5c7d0d24-3475-11e5-8e67-27953a8b237e 128 3072 2h a2d537b4-feb1-c530-f1ff-e034eb73adaa machine-3 running smartmachine 5c7d0d24-3475-11e5-8e67-27953a8b237e 128 3072 2h 7db6c907-2693-42bc-ea9b-f38678f2554b machine-4 running smartmachine 5c7d0d24-3475-11e5-8e67-27953a8b237e 128 3072 2h 8892b12f-60e9-c4ba-f0f8-a4ca9714ea9c machine-5 running smartmachine 5c7d0d24-3475-11e5-8e67-27953a8b237e 128 3072 2h Connect to an instance over SSH $ triton ssh machine-4 Last login: Wed Aug 26 17:59:35 2015 from __ . . _| |_ | .-. . . .-. :--. |- |_ _| ;| || |(.-' | | | |__| `--' `-' `;-| `-' ' ' `-' / ; Instance (base-64 15.2.0) `-' https://docs.joyent.com/images/smartos/base [root@7db6c907-2693-42bc-ea9b-f38678f2554b ~]# uptime 20:08pm up 2:27, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.01 [root@7db6c907-2693-42bc-ea9b-f38678f2554b ~]# logout Connection to closed. Or non-interactively $ triton ssh machine-4 uname -v joyent_20150826T120743Z ## node-triton differences with node-smartdc - There is a single `sdc` command instead of a number of `sdc-FOO` commands. - The `SDC_USER` envvar is accepted in preference to `SDC_ACCOUNT`. ## cloudapi2.js differences with node-smartdc/lib/cloudapi.js The old node-smartdc module included an lib for talking directly to the SDC Cloud API (node-smartdc/lib/cloudapi.js). Part of this module (node-sdc) is a re-write of the Cloud API lib with some backward incompatibilities. The differences and backward incompatibilities are discussed here. - Currently no caching options in cloudapi2.js (this should be re-added in some form). The `noCache` option to many of the cloudapi.js methods will not be re-added, it was a wart. - The leading `account` option to each cloudapi.js method has been dropped. It was redundant for the constructor `account` option. - "account" is now "user" in the CloudAPI constructor. - All (all? at least at the time of this writing) methods in cloudapi2.js have a signature of `function (options, callback)` instead of the sometimes haphazard extra arguments. ## Development Hooks Before commiting be sure to: make check # lint and style checks make test # run unit tests A good way to do that is to install the stock pre-commit hook in your clone via: make git-hooks