/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc. */ /* * Unit tests for "lib/common.js". */ var common = require('../../lib/common'); var test = require('tape'); // ---- globals var log = require('../lib/log'); // ---- tests test('objCopy+deepObjCopy', function (t) { var o1 = {foo: 'bar'}; var o2 = {arr: [1,2,3]}; // shallow copy var c1 = common.objCopy(o1); var c2 = common.objCopy(o2); t.notEqual(c1, o1); t.deepEqual(c1, o1); t.notEqual(c2, o2); t.deepEqual(c2, o2); t.equal(c2.arr, o2.arr); var foo = {}; common.objCopy(o1, foo); t.notEqual(foo, o1); t.deepEqual(foo, o1); // deep copy var d1 = common.deepObjCopy(o1); var d2 = common.deepObjCopy(o2); t.notEqual(d1, o1); t.deepEqual(d1, o1); t.notEqual(d2, o2); t.deepEqual(d2, o2); t.notEqual(d2.arr, o2.arr); t.deepEqual(d2.arr, o2.arr); t.end(); }); test('zeroPad', function (t) { var zp = common.zeroPad; t.equal(zp(5, 3), '005'); t.equal(zp(50, 3), '050'); t.equal(zp(500, 3), '500'); t.equal(zp('5', 3), '005'); t.equal(zp('50', 3), '050'); t.equal(zp('500', 3), '500'); t.end(); }); test('boolFromString', function (t) { var bfs = common.boolFromString; t.equal(bfs(true), true); t.equal(bfs('true'), true); t.equal(bfs('1'), true); t.equal(bfs(false), false); t.equal(bfs('false'), false); t.equal(bfs('0'), false); t.equal(bfs(undefined, false), false); t.equal(bfs(undefined, true), true); t.equal(bfs(undefined, 'foo'), 'foo'); t.throws(bfs.bind(null, '2')); t.throws(bfs.bind(null, 500)); t.throws(bfs.bind(null, Infinity)); t.throws(bfs.bind(null, NaN)); t.end(); }); test('jsonStream', function (t) { // TODO this is a lame excuse for a stream var s = ''; var stream = { write: function (o) { s += o; } }; var obj = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]; common.jsonStream(obj, stream); t.equal(s, '"foo"\n"bar"\n"baz"\n'); t.end(); }); test('kvToObj', function (t) { var arr = ['foo=1', 'bar=2', 'baz=3']; var o = { foo: '1', bar: '2', baz: '3' }; var kv; // no valid parameter kv = common.kvToObj(arr); t.deepEqual(kv, o); // valid parameters kv = common.kvToObj(arr, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); t.deepEqual(kv, o); // invalid parameters t.throws(function () { common.kvToObj(arr, ['uh-oh']); }); t.end(); }); test('longAgo', function (t) { var la = common.longAgo; var now = new Date(); var then; t.equal(la(now, now), '0s'); then = now - 1000; t.equal(la(then, now), '1s'); then = now - 60 * 1000; t.equal(la(then, now), '1m'); then = now - 60 * 60 * 1000; t.equal(la(then, now), '1h'); then = now - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; t.equal(la(then, now), '1d'); then = now - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; t.equal(la(then, now), '1w'); then = now - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; t.equal(la(then, now), '1y'); t.end(); }); test('humanDurationFromMs', function (t) { var humanDurationFromMs = common.humanDurationFromMs; var ms = 1000; var second = 1 * ms; var minute = 60 * second; var hour = minute * 60; var day = hour * 24; var week = day * 7; var year = day * 365; t.equal(humanDurationFromMs(47*second), '47s'); t.equal(humanDurationFromMs(1*week), '1w'); t.equal(humanDurationFromMs(0), '0ms'); t.end(); }); test('humanSizeFromBytes', function (t) { var humanSizeFromBytes = common.humanSizeFromBytes; t.equal(humanSizeFromBytes(-1), '-1.0 B'); t.equal(humanSizeFromBytes(0), '0 B'); t.equal(humanSizeFromBytes(1), '1.0 B'); t.equal(humanSizeFromBytes({}, 0), '0 B'); t.equal(humanSizeFromBytes({}, 1024), '1.0 KiB'); t.equal(humanSizeFromBytes({narrow: true}, 1024), '1K'); t.equal(humanSizeFromBytes({precision: 2}, 1024), '1.00 KiB'); t.end(); });