/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Joyent Inc. All rights reserved. * * The `triton` CLI class. */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var bunyan = require('bunyan'); var child_process = require('child_process'), spawn = child_process.spawn, exec = child_process.exec; var cmdln = require('cmdln'), Cmdln = cmdln.Cmdln; var fs = require('fs'); var util = require('util'), format = util.format; var path = require('path'); var vasync = require('vasync'); var common = require('./common'); var errors = require('./errors'); var Triton = require('./triton'); //---- globals var p = console.log; var pkg = require('../package.json'); var name = 'triton'; var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: name, serializers: bunyan.stdSerializers, stream: process.stderr, level: 'warn' }); var OPTIONS = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Print this help and exit.' }, { name: 'version', type: 'bool', help: 'Print version and exit.' }, { names: ['verbose', 'v'], type: 'bool', help: 'Verbose/debug output.' }, // XXX disable profile selection for now //{names: ['profile', 'p'], type: 'string', env: 'TRITON_PROFILE', // helpArg: 'NAME', help: 'Triton client profile to use.'} { group: 'CloudAPI Options' }, // XXX SDC_USER support. I don't grok the node-smartdc/README.md discussion // of SDC_USER. { names: ['account', 'a'], type: 'string', env: 'SDC_ACCOUNT', help: 'Triton account (login name)', helpArg: 'ACCOUNT' }, // XXX //{ // names: ['subuser', 'user'], // type: 'string', // env: 'MANTA_SUBUSER', // help: 'Manta User (login name)', // helpArg: 'USER' //}, //{ // names: ['role'], // type: 'arrayOfString', // env: 'MANTA_ROLE', // help: 'Assume a role. Use multiple times or once with a list', // helpArg: 'ROLE,ROLE,...' //}, { names: ['keyId', 'k'], type: 'string', env: 'SDC_KEY_ID', help: 'SSH key fingerprint', helpArg: 'FINGERPRINT' }, { names: ['url', 'u'], type: 'string', env: 'SDC_URL', help: 'CloudAPI URL', helpArg: 'URL' }, { names: ['J'], type: 'string', hidden: true, help: 'Joyent Public Cloud (JPC) datacenter name. This is ' + 'a shortcut to the "https://$dc.api.joyent.com" ' + 'cloudapi URL.' }, { names: ['insecure', 'i'], type: 'bool', help: 'Do not validate SSL certificate', 'default': false, env: 'SDC_TLS_INSECURE' // Deprecated SDC_TESTING supported below. } ]; //---- CLI class function CLI() { Cmdln.call(this, { name: pkg.name, desc: pkg.description, options: OPTIONS, helpOpts: { includeEnv: true, minHelpCol: 30 }, helpSubcmds: [ 'help', { group: 'Other Commands' }, 'info', 'account', 'keys', 'services', 'datacenters', { group: 'Instances (aka VMs/Machines/Containers)' }, 'create-instance', 'instances', 'instance', 'instance-audit', 'start-instance', 'stop-instance', 'reboot-instance', 'delete-instance', 'wait-instance', 'ssh', { group: 'Images' }, 'images', 'image', { group: 'Packages' }, 'packages', 'package', { group: 'Networks' }, 'networks', 'network' ] }); } util.inherits(CLI, Cmdln); CLI.prototype.init = function (opts, args, callback) { var self = this; if (opts.version) { p(this.name, pkg.version); callback(false); return; } this.opts = opts; if (opts.verbose) { log.level('trace'); log.src = true; this.showErrStack = true; } this.__defineGetter__('triton', function () { if (self._triton === undefined) { var userConfigPath = require('./config').DEFAULT_USER_CONFIG_PATH; var dir = path.dirname(userConfigPath); var cacheDir = path.join(dir, 'cache'); if (!fs.existsSync(cacheDir)) { try { fs.mkdirSync(cacheDir); } catch (e) { log.info({err: e}, 'failed to make dir %s', cacheDir); } } // XXX support keyId being a priv or pub key path, a la imgapi-cli // XXX Add TRITON_* envvars. var envProfile = { name: 'env', account: opts.account, url: opts.url, keyId: opts.keyId, insecure: opts.insecure }; // If --insecure not given, look at envvar(s) for that. var specifiedInsecureOpt = opts._order.filter( function (opt) { return opt.key === 'insecure'; }).length > 0; if (!specifiedInsecureOpt && process.env.SDC_TESTING) { opts.insecure = common.boolFromString(process.env.SDC_TESTING, false, '"SDC_TESTING" envvar'); } if (opts.J) { envProfile.url = format('https://%s.api.joyent.com', opts.J); } log.trace({envProfile: envProfile}, 'envProfile'); self._triton = new Triton({ log: log, profileName: opts.profile, envProfile: envProfile, configPath: userConfigPath, cacheDir: cacheDir }); } return self._triton; }); // Cmdln class handles `opts.help`. Cmdln.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); }; //CLI.prototype.do_profile = require('./do_profile'); // Operator CLI.prototype.do_account = require('./do_account'); CLI.prototype.do_services = require('./do_services'); CLI.prototype.do_datacenters = require('./do_datacenters'); CLI.prototype.do_info = require('./do_info'); CLI.prototype.do_keys = require('./do_keys'); // Images CLI.prototype.do_images = require('./do_images'); CLI.prototype.do_image = require('./do_image'); // Instances (aka VMs/containers/machines) CLI.prototype.do_instance = require('./do_instance'); CLI.prototype.do_instances = require('./do_instances'); CLI.prototype.do_create_instance = require('./do_create_instance'); CLI.prototype.do_instance_audit = require('./do_instance_audit'); CLI.prototype.do_stop_instance = require('./do_startstop_instance')('stop'); CLI.prototype.do_start_instance = require('./do_startstop_instance')('start'); CLI.prototype.do_reboot_instance = require('./do_startstop_instance')('reboot'); CLI.prototype.do_delete_instance = require('./do_startstop_instance')('delete'); CLI.prototype.do_wait_instance = require('./do_wait_instance'); CLI.prototype.do_ssh = require('./do_ssh'); // Packages CLI.prototype.do_packages = require('./do_packages'); CLI.prototype.do_package = require('./do_package'); // Networks CLI.prototype.do_networks = require('./do_networks'); CLI.prototype.do_network = require('./do_network'); // Hidden commands CLI.prototype.do_cloudapi = require('./do_cloudapi'); CLI.prototype.do_badger = require('./do_badger'); //---- mainline if (require.main === module) { var cli = new CLI(); cmdln.main(cli, {showNoCommandErr: false}); } //---- exports module.exports = CLI;