/* * Copyright 2015 Joyent Inc. * * `triton delete ...` */ var common = require('./common'); function do_delete_instance(subcmd, opts, args, callback) { var self = this; var now = Date.now(); if (opts.help) { this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], callback); return; } else if (args.length !== 1) { callback(new Error('invalid args: ' + args)); return; } var arg = args[0]; var uuid; if (common.isUUID(arg)) { uuid = arg; go1(); } else { self.triton.getMachineByAlias(arg, function (err, machine) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } uuid = machine.id; go1(); }); } function go1() { // called when "uuid" is set self.triton.cloudapi.deleteMachine(uuid, function (err, body, res) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!opts.wait) { console.log('Deleted (async) instance %s (id %s, %s)', arg, uuid, common.humanDurationFromMs(Date.now() - now)); callback(); return; } self.triton.cloudapi.waitForMachineStates({ id: uuid, states: ['deleted'] }, function (err, machine, res) { if (res && res.statusCode === 410) { // gone... success! console.log('Deleted instance %s (id %s, %s)', arg, uuid, common.humanDurationFromMs(Date.now() - now)); callback(); return; } else if (err) { callback(err); return; } callback(new Error('unknown state')); }); }); } } do_delete_instance.aliases = ['delete']; do_delete_instance.help = [ 'delete a single instance.', '', 'Usage:', ' {{name}} delete ', '', '{{options}}' ].join('\n'); do_delete_instance.options = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show this help.' }, { names: ['wait', 'w'], type: 'bool', help: 'Wait for machine to be deleted.' } ]; module.exports = do_delete_instance;