/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2016 Joyent, Inc. */ /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ /* * Core `TritonApi` client class. A TritonApi client object is a wrapper around * a lower-level `CloudApi` client that makes raw calls to * [Cloud API](https://apidocs.joyent.com/cloudapi/). The wrapper provides * some conveniences, for example: * - referring to resources by "shortId" (8-char UUID prefixes) or "name" * (e.g. an VM instance has a unique name for an account, but the raw * Cloud API only supports lookup by full UUID); * - filling in of image details for instances which only have an "image_uuid" * in Cloud API responses; * - support for waiting for async operations to complete via "wait" parameters; * - profile handling. * * * Preparing a TritonApi is a three-step process. (Note: Some users might * prefer to use the `createClient` convenience function in "index.js" that * wraps up all three steps into a single call.) * * 1. Create the client object. * 2. Initialize it (mainly involves finding the SSH key identified by the * `keyId`). * 3. Optionally, unlock the SSH key (if it is passphrase-protected and not in * an ssh-agent). If you know that your key is not passphrase-protected * or is an ssh-agent, then you can skip this step. The failure mode for * a locked key looks like this: * SigningError: error signing request: SSH private key id_rsa is locked (encrypted/password-protected). It must be unlocked before use. * at SigningError._TritonBaseVError (/Users/trentm/tmp/node-triton/lib/errors.js:55:12) * at new SigningError (/Users/trentm/tmp/node-triton/lib/errors.js:173:23) * at CloudApi._getAuthHeaders (/Users/trentm/tmp/node-triton/lib/cloudapi2.js:185:22) * * # Usage * * var mod_triton = require('triton'); * * // 1. Create the TritonApi instance. * var client = mod_triton.createTritonApiClient({ * log: log, * profile: profile, // See mod_triton.loadProfile * config: config // See mod_triton.loadConfig * }); * * // 2. Call `init` to setup the profile. This involves finding the SSH * // key identified by the profile's keyId. * client.init(function (initErr) { * if (initErr) boom(initErr); * * // 3. Unlock the SSH key, if necessary. Possibilities are: * // (a) Skip this step. If the key is locked, you will get a * // "SigningError" at first attempt to sign. See example above. * // (b) The key is not locked. * // `client.keyPair.isLocked() === false` * // (c) You have a passphrase for the key: * if (client.keyPair.isLocked()) { * // This throws if the passphrase is incorrect. * client.keyPair.unlock(passphrase); * } * * // (d) Or you use a function that will prompt for a passphrase * // and unlock with that. E.g., `promptPassphraseUnlockKey` * // is one provided by this package that with prompt on stdin. * mod_triton.promptPassphraseUnlockKey({ * tritonapi: client * }, function (unlockErr) { * if (unlockErr) boom(unlockErr); * * // 4. Now you can finally make an API call. For example: * client.listImages(function (err, imgs) { * // ... * }); * }); * }); * * * # TritonApi method callback patterns * * Guidelines for the `cb` callback form for TritonApi methods are as follows: * * - Methods that delete a resource (i.e. call DELETE endpoints on cloudapi) * should have a callback of one of the following forms: * function (err) * function (err, res) # if 'res' is useful to caller * where `res` is the response object. The latter form is used if there * is a reasonable use case for a caller needing it. * * - Other methods should have a callback of one of the following forms: * function (err, theThing) * function (err, theThing, res) * function (err, _, res) # no meaningful body; useful 'res' * function (err) * `res` is the response object (from the original cloudapi request, in * the case of methods that make an async request, and then poll waiting * for completion). `theThing` is an endpoint-specific object. Typically it * is the parsed JSON body from the cloudapi response. In some cases there * is no meaningful response body (e.g. for RenameMachine), but the res can * be useful. Here we use `_` to put a placeholder for the body, and keep * `res` in the third position. */ /* END JSSTYLED */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var auth = require('smartdc-auth'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var fs = require('fs'); var format = require('util').format; var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var once = require('once'); var path = require('path'); var restifyClients = require('restify-clients'); // We are cheating here. restify-clients should export its 'bunyan'. var restifyBunyanSerializers = require('restify-clients/lib/helpers/bunyan').serializers; var tabula = require('tabula'); var vasync = require('vasync'); var sshpk = require('sshpk'); var cloudapi = require('./cloudapi2'); var common = require('./common'); var errors = require('./errors'); // ---- globals var CLOUDAPI_ACCEPT_VERSION = '~8||~7'; // ---- internal support stuff function _assertRoleTagResourceType(resourceType, errName) { assert.string(resourceType, errName); var knownResourceTypes = ['resource', 'instance', 'image', 'package', 'network']; assert.ok(knownResourceTypes.indexOf(resourceType) !== -1, 'unknown resource type: ' + resourceType); } function _roleTagResourceUrl(account, type, id) { var ns = { instance: 'machines', image: 'images', 'package': 'packages', network: 'networks' }[type]; assert.ok(ns, 'unknown resource type: ' + type); return format('/%s/%s/%s', account, ns, id); } /** * A function appropriate for `vasync.pipeline` funcs that takes a `arg.id` * instance name, shortid or uuid, and determines the instance id (setting it * as `arg.instId`). */ function _stepInstId(arg, next) { assert.object(arg.client, 'arg.client'); assert.string(arg.id, 'arg.id'); if (common.isUUID(arg.id)) { arg.instId = arg.id; next(); } else { arg.client.getInstance({ id: arg.id, fields: ['id'] }, function (err, inst) { if (err) { next(err); } else { arg.instId = inst.id; next(); } }); } } /** * A function appropriate for `vasync.pipeline` funcs that takes a `arg.id` * fwrule shortid or uuid, and determines the fwrule id (setting it * as `arg.fwruleId`). * * If the fwrule *was* retrieved, that is set as `arg.fwrule`. */ function _stepFwRuleId(arg, next) { assert.object(arg.client, 'arg.client'); assert.string(arg.id, 'arg.id'); if (common.isUUID(arg.id)) { arg.fwruleId = arg.id; next(); } else { arg.client.getFirewallRule(arg.id, function (err, fwrule) { if (err) { next(err); } else { arg.fwruleId = fwrule.id; next(); } }); } } //---- TritonApi class /** * Create a TritonApi client. * * Public properties (TODO: doc all of these): * - profile * - config * - log * - cacheDir (only available if configured with a configDir) * - keyPair (available after init) * - cloudapi (available after init) * * @param opts {Object} * - log {Bunyan Logger} * ... */ function TritonApi(opts) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.object(opts.log, 'opts.log'); assert.object(opts.profile, 'opts.profile'); assert.object(opts.config, 'opts.config'); this.profile = opts.profile; this.config = opts.config; this.keyPair = null; // Make sure a given bunyan logger has reasonable client_re[qs] serializers. // Note: This was fixed in restify, then broken again in // https://github.com/mcavage/node-restify/pull/501 if (opts.log.serializers && (!opts.log.serializers.client_req || !opts.log.serializers.client_req)) { this.log = opts.log.child({ serializers: restifyBunyanSerializers }); } else { this.log = opts.log; } if (this.config._configDir) { this.cacheDir = path.resolve(this.config._configDir, this.config.cacheDir, common.profileSlug(this.profile)); this.log.trace({cacheDir: this.cacheDir}, 'cache dir'); } } TritonApi.prototype.close = function close() { if (this.cloudapi) { this.cloudapi.close(); delete this.cloudapi; } }; TritonApi.prototype.init = function init(cb) { var self = this; if (this.cacheDir) { fs.exists(this.cacheDir, function (exists) { if (!exists) { mkdirp(self.cacheDir, function (err) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } self._setupProfile(cb); }); } else { self._setupProfile(cb); } }); } else { self._setupProfile(cb); } }; TritonApi.prototype._setupProfile = function _setupProfile(cb) { var self = this; var profile = this.profile; assert.object(profile, 'profile'); assert.string(profile.account, 'profile.account'); assert.optionalString(profile.actAsAccount, 'profile.actAsAccount'); assert.string(profile.keyId, 'profile.keyId'); assert.string(profile.url, 'profile.url'); assert.optionalString(profile.user, 'profile.user'); assert.optionalArrayOfString(profile.roles, 'profile.roles'); assert.optionalString(profile.privKey, 'profile.privKey'); assert.optionalBool(profile.insecure, 'profile.insecure'); assert.optionalString(profile.acceptVersion, 'profile.acceptVersion'); var rejectUnauthorized = (profile.insecure === undefined ? true : !profile.insecure); var acceptVersion = profile.acceptVersion || CLOUDAPI_ACCEPT_VERSION; var opts = { url: profile.url, account: profile.actAsAccount || profile.account, principal: { account: profile.account, user: profile.user }, roles: profile.roles, version: acceptVersion, rejectUnauthorized: rejectUnauthorized, log: this.log }; if (profile.privKey) { var key = sshpk.parsePrivateKey(profile.privKey); this.keyPair = opts.principal.keyPair = auth.KeyPair.fromPrivateKey(key); this.cloudapi = cloudapi.createClient(opts); cb(null); } else { var kr = new auth.KeyRing(); var fp = sshpk.parseFingerprint(profile.keyId); kr.findSigningKeyPair(fp, function (err, kp) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } self.keyPair = opts.principal.keyPair = kp; self.cloudapi = cloudapi.createClient(opts); cb(null); }); } }; TritonApi.prototype._cachePutJson = function _cachePutJson(key, obj, cb) { var self = this; assert.string(this.cacheDir, 'this.cacheDir'); assert.string(key, 'key'); assert.object(obj, 'obj'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var keyPath = path.resolve(this.cacheDir, key); var data = JSON.stringify(obj); fs.writeFile(keyPath, data, {encoding: 'utf8'}, function (err) { if (err) { self.log.info({err: err, keyPath: keyPath}, 'error caching'); } cb(); }); }; /** * Lookup the given key in the cache and return a hit or `undefined`. * * @param {String} key: The cache key, e.g. 'images.json'. * @param {Number} ttl: The number of seconds the cached data is valid. * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, hit)`. * `err` is an Error if there was an unexpected error loading from the * cache. `hit` is undefined if there was no cache hit. On a hit, the * type of `hit` depends on the key. */ TritonApi.prototype._cacheGetJson = function _cacheGetJson(key, ttl, cb) { var self = this; assert.string(this.cacheDir, 'this.cacheDir'); assert.string(key, 'key'); assert.number(ttl, 'ttl'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var keyPath = path.resolve(this.cacheDir, key); fs.stat(keyPath, function (statErr, stats) { if (!statErr && // TTL is in seconds so we need to multiply by 1000. stats.mtime.getTime() + (ttl * 1000) >= (new Date()).getTime()) { fs.readFile(keyPath, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') { self.log.trace({keyPath: keyPath}, 'cache file does not exist'); cb(); } else if (err) { self.log.warn({err: err, keyPath: keyPath}, 'error reading cache file'); cb(); } var obj; try { obj = JSON.parse(data); } catch (dataErr) { self.log.trace({err: dataErr, keyPath: keyPath}, 'error parsing JSON cache file, removing'); fs.unlink(keyPath, function (err2) { if (err2) { self.log.warn({err: err2}, 'failed to remove JSON cache file'); } cb(); }); return; } cb(null, obj); }); } else if (statErr && statErr.code !== 'ENOENT') { cb(statErr); } else { cb(); } }); }; /** * CloudAPI listImages wrapper with optional caching. * * @param opts {Object} Optional. * - useCache {Boolean} Default false. Whether to use Triton's local cache. * Currently the cache is only used and updated if the filters are * exactly `{state: "all"}`. IOW, the ListImages call that returns * all visible images. * - ... all other cloudapi ListImages options per * * @param {Function} callback `function (err, imgs)` */ TritonApi.prototype.listImages = function listImages(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (cb === undefined) { cb = opts; opts = {}; } assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.optionalBool(opts.useCache, 'opts.useCache'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var listOpts = common.objCopy(opts); delete listOpts.useCache; // For now at least, we only cache full results (no filtering). var useCache = Boolean(opts.useCache); var cacheKey; if (Object.keys(listOpts).length === 1 && listOpts.state === 'all') { cacheKey = 'images.json'; } else { useCache = false; } var cached; var fetched; var res; vasync.pipeline({funcs: [ function tryCache(_, next) { if (!useCache) { return next(); } self._cacheGetJson(cacheKey, 5*60, function (err, cached_) { if (err) { return next(err); } cached = cached_; next(); }); }, function listImgs(_, next) { if (cached) { return next(); } self.cloudapi.listImages(listOpts, function (err, imgs, res_) { if (err) { return next(err); } fetched = imgs; res = res_; next(); }); }, function cacheFetched(_, next) { if (cacheKey && fetched) { self._cachePutJson(cacheKey, fetched, next); } else { next(); } } ]}, function (err) { if (err) { cb(err, null, res); } else { cb(null, fetched || cached, res); } }); }; /** * Get an image by ID, exact name, or short ID, in that order. * * If there is more than one image with that name, then the latest * (by published_at) is returned. */ TritonApi.prototype.getImage = function getImage(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (typeof (opts) === 'string') opts = {name: opts}; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.name, 'opts.name'); assert.optionalBool(opts.useCache, 'opts.useCache'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var img; if (common.isUUID(opts.name)) { vasync.pipeline({funcs: [ function tryCache(_, next) { if (!opts.useCache) { next(); return; } var cacheKey = 'images.json'; self._cacheGetJson(cacheKey, 60*60, function (err, images) { if (err) { next(err); return; } if (images) { for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (images[i].id === opts.name) { img = images[i]; break; } } } next(); }); }, function cloudApiGetImage(_, next) { if (img !== undefined) { next(); return; } self.cloudapi.getImage({id: opts.name}, function (err, img_) { img = img_; if (err && err.restCode === 'ResourceNotFound') { err = new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(err, format( 'image with id %s was not found', opts.name)); } next(err); }); } ]}, function done(err) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { cb(null, img); } }); } else { var s = opts.name.split('@'); var name = s[0]; var version = s[1]; var nameSelector; var listOpts = { // Explicitly include inactive images. state: 'all' }; if (version) { nameSelector = name + '@' + version; listOpts.name = name; listOpts.version = version; // XXX This is bogus now? listOpts.useCache = opts.useCache; } else { nameSelector = name; } this.cloudapi.listImages(listOpts, function (err, imgs) { if (err) { return cb(err); } var nameMatches = []; var shortIdMatches = []; for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { img = imgs[i]; if (img.name === name) { nameMatches.push(img); } if (common.uuidToShortId(img.id) === name) { shortIdMatches.push(img); } } if (nameMatches.length === 1) { cb(null, nameMatches[0]); } else if (nameMatches.length > 1) { tabula.sortArrayOfObjects(nameMatches, 'published_at'); cb(null, nameMatches[nameMatches.length - 1]); } else if (shortIdMatches.length === 1) { cb(null, shortIdMatches[0]); } else if (shortIdMatches.length === 0) { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(format( 'no image with %s or short id "%s" was found', nameSelector, name))); } else { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError( format('no image with %s "%s" was found ' + 'and "%s" is an ambiguous short id', nameSelector, name, name))); } }); } }; /** * Get an active package by ID, exact name, or short ID, in that order. * * If there is more than one package with that name, then this errors out. */ TritonApi.prototype.getPackage = function getPackage(name, cb) { assert.string(name, 'name'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); if (common.isUUID(name)) { this.cloudapi.getPackage({id: name}, function (err, pkg) { if (err) { if (err.restCode === 'ResourceNotFound') { err = new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(err, format('package with id %s was not found', name)); } cb(err); } else { cb(null, pkg); } }); } else { this.cloudapi.listPackages(function (err, pkgs) { if (err) { return cb(err); } var nameMatches = []; var shortIdMatches = []; for (var i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) { var pkg = pkgs[i]; if (pkg.name === name) { nameMatches.push(pkg); } if (pkg.id.slice(0, 8) === name) { shortIdMatches.push(pkg); } } if (nameMatches.length === 1) { cb(null, nameMatches[0]); } else if (nameMatches.length > 1) { cb(new errors.TritonError(format( 'package name "%s" is ambiguous: matches %d packages', name, nameMatches.length))); } else if (shortIdMatches.length === 1) { cb(null, shortIdMatches[0]); } else if (shortIdMatches.length === 0) { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(format( 'no package with name or short id "%s" was found', name))); } else { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError( format('no package with name "%s" was found ' + 'and "%s" is an ambiguous short id', name))); } }); } }; /** * Get an network by ID, exact name, or short ID, in that order. * * If the name is ambiguous, then this errors out. */ TritonApi.prototype.getNetwork = function getNetwork(name, cb) { assert.string(name, 'name'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); if (common.isUUID(name)) { this.cloudapi.getNetwork(name, function (err, net) { if (err) { if (err.restCode === 'ResourceNotFound') { // Wrap with *our* ResourceNotFound for exitStatus=3. err = new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(err, format('network with id %s was not found', name)); } cb(err); } else { cb(null, net); } }); } else { this.cloudapi.listNetworks(function (err, nets) { if (err) { return cb(err); } var nameMatches = []; var shortIdMatches = []; for (var i = 0; i < nets.length; i++) { var net = nets[i]; if (net.name === name) { nameMatches.push(net); } if (net.id.slice(0, 8) === name) { shortIdMatches.push(net); } } if (nameMatches.length === 1) { cb(null, nameMatches[0]); } else if (nameMatches.length > 1) { cb(new errors.TritonError(format( 'network name "%s" is ambiguous: matches %d networks', name, nameMatches.length))); } else if (shortIdMatches.length === 1) { cb(null, shortIdMatches[0]); } else if (shortIdMatches.length === 0) { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(format( 'no network with name or short id "%s" was found', name))); } else { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(format( 'no network with name "%s" was found ' + 'and "%s" is an ambiguous short id', name))); } }); } }; /** * Get an instance. * * Alternative call signature: `getInstance(id, cb)`. * * @param {Object} opts * - {UUID} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {Array} fields: Optional. An array of instance field names that are * wanted by the caller. This *can* allow the implementation to avoid * extra API calls. E.g. `['id', 'name']`. * @param {Function} cb `function (err, inst, res)` * Note that deleted instances will result in `err` being a * `InstanceDeletedError` and `inst` being defined. On success, `res` is * the response object from a `GetMachine`, if one was made (possibly not * if the instance was retrieved from `ListMachines` calls). */ TritonApi.prototype.getInstance = function getInstance(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (typeof (opts) === 'string') { opts = {id: opts}; } assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.optionalArrayOfString(opts.fields, 'opts.fields'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); /* * Some wrapping/massaging of some CloudAPI GetMachine errors. */ var errFromGetMachineErr = function (err) { if (!err) { // jsl:pass } else if (err.restCode === 'ResourceNotFound') { // The CloudApi 404 error message sucks: "VM not found". err = new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(err, format('instance with id %s was not found', opts.id)); } else if (err.statusCode === 410) { // GetMachine returns '410 Gone' for deleted machines. err = new errors.InstanceDeletedError(err, format('instance %s was deleted', opts.id)); } return err; }; var res; var shortId; var inst; var instFromList; vasync.pipeline({funcs: [ function tryUuid(_, next) { var uuid; if (common.isUUID(opts.id)) { uuid = opts.id; } else { shortId = common.normShortId(opts.id); if (shortId && common.isUUID(shortId)) { // E.g. a >32-char docker container ID normalized to a UUID. uuid = shortId; } else { return next(); } } self.cloudapi.getMachine(uuid, function (err, inst_, res_) { res = res_; inst = inst_; err = errFromGetMachineErr(err); next(err); }); }, function tryName(_, next) { if (inst || instFromList) { return next(); } self.cloudapi.listMachines({name: opts.id}, function (err, insts) { if (err) { return next(err); } for (var i = 0; i < insts.length; i++) { if (insts[i].name === opts.id) { instFromList = insts[i]; // Relying on rule that instance name is unique // for a user and DC. return next(); } } next(); }); }, function tryShortId(_, next) { if (inst || instFromList || !shortId) { return next(); } var nextOnce = once(next); var match; var s = self.cloudapi.createListMachinesStream(); s.on('error', function (err) { nextOnce(err); }); s.on('readable', function () { var candidate; while ((candidate = s.read()) !== null) { if (candidate.id.slice(0, shortId.length) === shortId) { if (match) { return nextOnce(new errors.TritonError( 'instance short id "%s" is ambiguous', shortId)); } else { match = candidate; } } } }); s.on('end', function () { if (match) { instFromList = match; } nextOnce(); }); }, /* * There can be fields that only exist on the machine object from * GetMachine, and not from ListMachine. `dns_names` is one of these. * Therefore, if we got the machine from filtering ListMachine, then * we need to re-GetMachine. */ function reGetIfFromList(_, next) { if (inst || !instFromList) { next(); return; } else if (opts.fields) { // If already have all the requested fields, no need to re-get. var missingAField = false; for (var i = 0; i < opts.fields.length; i++) { if (! instFromList.hasOwnProperty(opts.fields[i])) { missingAField = true; break; } } if (!missingAField) { inst = instFromList; next(); return; } } var uuid = instFromList.id; self.cloudapi.getMachine(uuid, function (err, inst_, res_) { res = res_; inst = inst_; err = errFromGetMachineErr(err); next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { if (err || inst) { cb(err, inst, res); } else { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(format( 'no instance with name or short id "%s" was found', opts.id))); } }); }; // ---- instance enable/disable firewall /** * Enable the firewall on an instance. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: Required. The instance ID, name, or short ID. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, fauxInst, res)` * On failure `err` is an error instance, else it is null. * On success: `fauxInst` is an object with just the instance id, * `{id: }` and `res` is the CloudAPI * `EnableMachineFirewall` response. * The API call does not return the instance/machine object, hence we * are limited to just the id for `fauxInst`. */ TritonApi.prototype.enableInstanceFirewall = function enableInstanceFirewall(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var fauxInst; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function enableFirewall(arg, next) { fauxInst = {id: arg.instId}; self.cloudapi.enableMachineFirewall(arg.instId, function (err, _, _res) { res = _res; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, fauxInst, res); }); }; /** * Disable the firewall on an instance. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: Required. The instance ID, name, or short ID. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, fauxInst, res)` * On failure `err` is an error instance, else it is null. * On success: `fauxInst` is an object with just the instance id, * `{id: }` and `res` is the CloudAPI * `EnableMachineFirewall` response. * The API call does not return the instance/machine object, hence we * are limited to just the id for `fauxInst`. */ TritonApi.prototype.disableInstanceFirewall = function disableInstanceFirewall(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var fauxInst; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function disableFirewall(arg, next) { fauxInst = {id: arg.instId}; self.cloudapi.disableMachineFirewall(arg.instId, function (err, _, _res) { res = _res; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, fauxInst, res); }); }; // ---- instance snapshots /** * Create a snapshot of an instance. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {String} name: The name for new snapshot. Optional. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, snapshots, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.createInstanceSnapshot = function createInstanceSnapshot(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.optionalString(opts.name, 'opts.name'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var snapshot; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function createSnapshot(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.createMachineSnapshot({ id: arg.instId, name: opts.name }, function (err, snap, _res) { res = _res; res.instId = arg.instId; // gross hack, in case caller needs it snapshot = snap; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, snapshot, res); }); }; /** * List an instance's snapshots. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, snapshots, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.listInstanceSnapshots = function listInstanceSnapshots(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var snapshots; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function listSnapshots(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.listMachineSnapshots({ id: arg.instId, name: opts.name }, function (err, snaps, _res) { res = _res; res.instId = arg.instId; // gross hack, in case caller needs it snapshots = snaps; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, snapshots, res); }); }; /** * Get an instance's snapshot. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {String} name: The name of the snapshot. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, snapshot, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.getInstanceSnapshot = function getInstanceSnapshot(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.string(opts.name, 'opts.name'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var snapshot; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function getSnapshot(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.getMachineSnapshot({ id: arg.instId, name: opts.name }, function (err, _snap, _res) { res = _res; res.instId = arg.instId; // gross hack, in case caller needs it snapshot = _snap; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, snapshot, res); }); }; /** * Delete an instance's snapshot. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {String} name: The name of the snapshot. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, res)` * */ TritonApi.prototype.deleteInstanceSnapshot = function deleteInstanceSnapshot(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.string(opts.name, 'opts.name'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function deleteSnapshot(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.deleteMachineSnapshot({ id: arg.instId, name: opts.name }, function (err, _res) { res = _res; res.instId = arg.instId; // gross hack, in case caller needs it next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, res); }); }; // ---- instance tags /** * List an instance's tags. * * * Alternative call signature: `listInstanceTags(id, callback)`. * * @param {Object} opts * - {UUID} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, tags, res)` * On success, `res` is *possibly* the response object from either a * `ListMachineTags` or a `GetMachine` call. */ TritonApi.prototype.listInstanceTags = function listInstanceTags(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (typeof (opts) === 'string') { opts = {id: opts}; } assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); if (common.isUUID(opts.id)) { self.cloudapi.listMachineTags(opts, cb); return; } self.getInstance({ id: opts.id, fields: ['id', 'tags'] }, function (err, inst, res) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } // No need to call `ListMachineTags` now. cb(null, inst.tags, res); }); }; /** * Get an instance tag value. * * * @param {Object} opts * - {UUID} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {String} tag: The tag name. Required. * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, value, res)` * On success, `value` is the tag value *as a string*. See note above. * On success, `res` is *possibly* the response object from either a * `GetMachineTag` or a `GetMachine` call. */ TritonApi.prototype.getInstanceTag = function getInstanceTag(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.string(opts.tag, 'opts.tag'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); if (common.isUUID(opts.id)) { self.cloudapi.getMachineTag(opts, cb); return; } self.getInstance({ id: opts.id, fields: ['id', 'tags'] }, function (err, inst, res) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } // No need to call `GetMachineTag` now. if (inst.tags.hasOwnProperty(opts.tag)) { var value = inst.tags[opts.tag]; cb(null, value, res); } else { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(format( 'tag with name "%s" was not found', opts.tag))); } }); }; /** * Shared implementation for any methods to change instance tags. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {Object} change: Required. Describes the tag change to make. It * has an "action" field and, depending on the particular action, a * "tags" field. * - {Boolean} wait: Wait (via polling) until the tag update is complete. * Warning: A concurrent tag update to the same tags can result in this * polling being unable to notice the change. Use `waitTimeout` to * put an upper bound. * - {Number} waitTimeout: The number of milliseconds after which to * timeout (call `cb` with a timeout error) waiting. Only relevant if * `opts.wait === true`. Default is Infinity (i.e. it doesn't timeout). * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, tags, res)` * On success, `tags` is the updated set of instance tags and `res` is * the response object from the underlying CloudAPI call. Note that `tags` * is not set (undefined) for the "delete" and "deleteAll" actions. */ TritonApi.prototype._changeInstanceTags = function _changeInstanceTags(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.object(opts.change, 'opts.change'); var KNOWN_CHANGE_ACTIONS = ['set', 'replace', 'delete', 'deleteAll']; assert.ok(KNOWN_CHANGE_ACTIONS.indexOf(opts.change.action) != -1, 'invalid change action: ' + opts.change.action); switch (opts.change.action) { case 'set': case 'replace': assert.object(opts.change.tags, 'opts.change.tags for action=' + opts.change.action); break; case 'delete': assert.string(opts.change.tagName, 'opts.change.tagName for action=delete'); break; case 'deleteAll': break; default: throw new Error('unexpected action: ' + opts.change.action); } assert.optionalBool(opts.wait, 'opts.wait'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.waitTimeout, 'opts.waitTimeout'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var theRes; var updatedTags; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function changeTheTags(arg, next) { switch (opts.change.action) { case 'set': self.cloudapi.addMachineTags({ id: arg.instId, tags: opts.change.tags }, function (err, tags, res) { updatedTags = tags; theRes = res; next(err); }); break; case 'replace': self.cloudapi.replaceMachineTags({ id: arg.instId, tags: opts.change.tags }, function (err, tags, res) { updatedTags = tags; theRes = res; next(err); }); break; case 'delete': self.cloudapi.deleteMachineTag({ id: arg.instId, tag: opts.change.tagName }, function (err, res) { theRes = res; next(err); }); break; case 'deleteAll': self.cloudapi.deleteMachineTags({ id: arg.instId }, function (err, res) { theRes = res; next(err); }); break; default: throw new Error('unexpected action: ' + opts.change.action); } }, function waitForChanges(arg, next) { if (!opts.wait) { next(); return; } self.waitForInstanceTagChanges({ id: arg.instId, timeout: opts.waitTimeout, change: opts.change }, next); } ]}, function (err) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { cb(null, updatedTags, theRes); } }); }; /** * Wait (via polling) for the given tag changes to have taken on the instance. * * Dev Note: This polls `ListMachineTags` until it looks like the given changes * have been applied. This is unreliable with concurrent tag updates. A * workaround for that is `opts.timeout`. A better long term solution would * be for cloudapi to expose some handle on the underlying Triton workflow * jobs performing these, and poll/wait on those. * * @param {Object} opts: Required. * - {UUID} id: Required. The instance id. * Limitation: Currently requiring this to be the full instance UUID. * - {Number} timeout: Optional. A number of milliseconds after which to * timeout (callback with `TimeoutError`) the wait. By default this is * Infinity. * - {Object} changes: Required. It always has an 'action' field (one of * 'set', 'replace', 'delete', 'deleteAll') and, depending on the * action, a 'tags' (set, replace), 'tagName' (delete) or 'tagNames' * (delete). * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, updatedTags)` * On failure, `err` can be an error from `ListMachineTags` or * `TimeoutError`. */ TritonApi.prototype.waitForInstanceTagChanges = function waitForInstanceTagChanges(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.uuid(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.timeout, 'opts.timeout'); var timeout = opts.hasOwnProperty('timeout') ? opts.timeout : Infinity; assert.ok(timeout > 0, 'opts.timeout must be greater than zero'); assert.object(opts.change, 'opts.change'); var KNOWN_CHANGE_ACTIONS = ['set', 'replace', 'delete', 'deleteAll']; assert.ok(KNOWN_CHANGE_ACTIONS.indexOf(opts.change.action) != -1, 'invalid change action: ' + opts.change.action); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var tagNames; switch (opts.change.action) { case 'set': case 'replace': assert.object(opts.change.tags, 'opts.change.tags'); break; case 'delete': if (opts.change.tagNames) { assert.arrayOfString(opts.change.tagNames, 'opts.change.tagNames'); tagNames = opts.change.tagNames; } else { assert.string(opts.change.tagName, 'opts.change.tagName'); tagNames = [opts.change.tagName]; } break; case 'deleteAll': break; default: throw new Error('unexpected action: ' + opts.change.action); } /* * Hardcoded 2s poll interval for now. Not yet configurable, being mindful * of avoiding lots of clients naively swamping a CloudAPI and hitting * throttling. * TODO: General client support for dealing with polling and throttling. */ var POLL_INTERVAL = 2 * 1000; var startTime = Date.now(); var poll = function () { self.log.trace({id: opts.id}, 'waitForInstanceTagChanges: poll inst'); self.cloudapi.listMachineTags({id: opts.id}, function (err, tags) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } // Determine in changes are not yet applied (incomplete). var incomplete = false; var i, k, keys; switch (opts.change.action) { case 'set': keys = Object.keys(opts.change.tags); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { k = keys[i]; if (tags[k] !== opts.change.tags[k]) { self.log.trace({tag: k}, 'waitForInstanceTagChanges incomplete set: ' + 'unexpected value for tag'); incomplete = true; break; } } break; case 'replace': keys = Object.keys(opts.change.tags); var tagsCopy = common.objCopy(tags); for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { k = keys[i]; if (tagsCopy[k] !== opts.change.tags[k]) { self.log.trace({tag: k}, 'waitForInstanceTagChanges incomplete replace: ' + 'unexpected value for tag'); incomplete = true; break; } delete tagsCopy[k]; } var extraneousTags = Object.keys(tagsCopy); if (extraneousTags.length > 0) { self.log.trace({extraneousTags: extraneousTags}, 'waitForInstanceTagChanges incomplete replace: ' + 'extraneous tags'); incomplete = true; } break; case 'delete': for (i = 0; i < tagNames.length; i++) { k = tagNames[i]; if (tags.hasOwnProperty(k)) { self.log.trace({tag: k}, 'waitForInstanceTagChanges incomplete delete: ' + 'extraneous tag'); incomplete = true; break; } } break; case 'deleteAll': if (Object.keys(tags).length > 0) { self.log.trace({tag: k}, 'waitForInstanceTagChanges incomplete deleteAll: ' + 'still have tags'); incomplete = true; } break; default: throw new Error('unexpected action: ' + opts.change.action); } if (!incomplete) { self.log.trace('waitForInstanceTagChanges: complete'); cb(null, tags); } else { var elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime; if (elapsedTime > timeout) { cb(new errors.TimeoutError(format('timeout waiting for ' + 'tag changes on instance %s (elapsed %ds)', opts.id, Math.round(elapsedTime / 1000)))); } else { setTimeout(poll, POLL_INTERVAL); } } }); }; setImmediate(poll); }; /** * Set instance tags. * * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {Object} tags: The tag name/value pairs. Required. * - {Boolean} wait: Wait (via polling) until the tag update is complete. * Warning: A concurrent tag update to the same tags can result in this * polling being unable to notice the change. Use `waitTimeout` to * put an upper bound. * - {Number} waitTimeout: The number of milliseconds after which to * timeout (call `cb` with a timeout error) waiting. Only relevant if * `opts.wait === true`. Default is Infinity (i.e. it doesn't timeout). * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, updatedTags, res)` * On success, `updatedTags` is the updated set of instance tags and `res` * is the response object from the `AddMachineTags` CloudAPI call. */ TritonApi.prototype.setInstanceTags = function setInstanceTags(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.object(opts.tags, 'opts.tags'); assert.optionalBool(opts.wait, 'opts.wait'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.waitTimeout, 'opts.waitTimeout'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); this._changeInstanceTags({ id: opts.id, change: { action: 'set', tags: opts.tags }, wait: opts.wait, waitTimeout: opts.waitTimeout }, cb); }; /** * Replace all instance tags. * * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {Object} tags: The tag name/value pairs. Required. * - {Boolean} wait: Wait (via polling) until the tag update is complete. * Warning: A concurrent tag update to the same tags can result in this * polling being unable to notice the change. Use `waitTimeout` to * put an upper bound. * - {Number} waitTimeout: The number of milliseconds after which to * timeout (call `cb` with a timeout error) waiting. Only relevant if * `opts.wait === true`. Default is Infinity (i.e. it doesn't timeout). * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, tags, res)` * On success, `tags` is the updated set of instance tags and `res` is * the response object from the `ReplaceMachineTags` CloudAPI call. */ TritonApi.prototype.replaceAllInstanceTags = function replaceAllInstanceTags(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.object(opts.tags, 'opts.tags'); assert.optionalBool(opts.wait, 'opts.wait'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.waitTimeout, 'opts.waitTimeout'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); this._changeInstanceTags({ id: opts.id, change: { action: 'replace', tags: opts.tags }, wait: opts.wait, waitTimeout: opts.waitTimeout }, cb); }; /** * Delete the named instance tag. * * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {String} tag: The tag name. Required. * - {Boolean} wait: Wait (via polling) until the tag update is complete. * Warning: A concurrent tag update to the same tags can result in this * polling being unable to notice the change. Use `waitTimeout` to * put an upper bound. * - {Number} waitTimeout: The number of milliseconds after which to * timeout (call `cb` with a timeout error) waiting. Only relevant if * `opts.wait === true`. Default is Infinity (i.e. it doesn't timeout). * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.deleteInstanceTag = function deleteInstanceTag(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.string(opts.tag, 'opts.tag'); assert.optionalBool(opts.wait, 'opts.wait'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.waitTimeout, 'opts.waitTimeout'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); this._changeInstanceTags({ id: opts.id, change: { action: 'delete', tagName: opts.tag }, wait: opts.wait, waitTimeout: opts.waitTimeout }, function (err, updatedTags, res) { cb(err, res); }); }; /** * Delete all tags for the given instance. * * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * - {Boolean} wait: Wait (via polling) until the tag update is complete. * Warning: A concurrent tag update to the same tags can result in this * polling being unable to notice the change. Use `waitTimeout` to * put an upper bound. * - {Number} waitTimeout: The number of milliseconds after which to * timeout (call `cb` with a timeout error) waiting. Only relevant if * `opts.wait === true`. Default is Infinity (i.e. it doesn't timeout). * @param {Function} cb: `function (err, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.deleteAllInstanceTags = function deleteAllInstanceTags(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.optionalBool(opts.wait, 'opts.wait'); assert.optionalNumber(opts.waitTimeout, 'opts.waitTimeout'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); this._changeInstanceTags({ id: opts.id, change: { action: 'deleteAll' }, wait: opts.wait, waitTimeout: opts.waitTimeout }, function (err, updatedTags, res) { cb(err, res); }); }; // ---- Firewall Rules /** * Get a firewall rule by ID, or short ID, in that order. * * If there is more than one firewall rule with that short ID, then this errors * out. */ TritonApi.prototype.getFirewallRule = function getFirewallRule(id, cb) { assert.string(id, 'id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); if (common.isUUID(id)) { this.cloudapi.getFirewallRule(id, function (err, fwrule) { if (err) { if (err.restCode === 'ResourceNotFound') { err = new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(err, format('firewall rule with id %s was not found', id)); } cb(err); } else { cb(null, fwrule); } }); } else { this.cloudapi.listFirewallRules({}, function (err, fwrules) { if (err) { return cb(err); } var shortIdMatches = fwrules.filter(function (fwrule) { return fwrule.id.slice(0, 8) === id; }); if (shortIdMatches.length === 1) { cb(null, shortIdMatches[0]); } else if (shortIdMatches.length === 0) { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(format( 'no firewall rule with short id "%s" was found', id))); } else { cb(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError( format('"%s" is an ambiguous short id, with multiple ' + 'matching firewall rules', id))); } }); } }; /** * List all firewall rules affecting an instance. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The instance ID, name, or short ID. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, instances, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.listInstanceFirewallRules = function listInstanceFirewallRules(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var fwrules; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function listRules(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.listMachineFirewallRules({ id: arg.instId }, function (err, rules, _res) { res = _res; fwrules = rules; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, fwrules, res); }); }; /** * List all instances affected by a firewall rule. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The fwrule ID, or short ID. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, instances, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.listFirewallRuleInstances = function listFirewallRuleInstances(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var instances; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepFwRuleId, function listInsts(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.listFirewallRuleMachines({ id: arg.fwruleId }, function (err, machines, _res) { res = _res; instances = machines; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, instances, res); }); }; /** * Update a firewall rule. * * Dev Note: Currently cloudapi UpdateFirewallRule *requires* the 'rule' field, * which is overkill. `TritonApi.updateFirewallRule` adds sugar by making * 'rule' optional. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The fwrule ID, or short ID. Required. * - {String} rule: The fwrule text. Optional. * - {Boolean} enabled: Default to false. Optional. * - {String} description: Description of the rule. Optional. * At least one of the fields must be provided. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, fwrule, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.updateFirewallRule = function updateFirewallRule(opts, cb) { // TODO: strict opts field validation assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.optionalString(opts.rule, 'opts.rule'); assert.optionalBool(opts.enabled, 'opts.enabled'); assert.optionalString(opts.description, 'opts.description'); assert.ok(opts.rule !== undefined || opts.enabled !== undefined || opts.description !== undefined, 'at least one of opts.rule, ' + 'opts.enabled, or opts.description is required'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var updatedFwrule; var updateOpts = common.objCopy(opts); vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepFwRuleId, /* * CloudAPI currently requires the 'rule' field. We provide sugar here * and fill it in for you. */ function sugarFillRuleField(arg, next) { if (updateOpts.rule) { next(); } else if (arg.fwrule) { updateOpts.rule = arg.fwrule.rule; next(); } else { self.getFirewallRule(arg.fwruleId, function (err, fwrule) { if (err) { next(err); } else { updateOpts.rule = fwrule.rule; next(); } }); } }, function updateRule(arg, next) { updateOpts.id = arg.fwruleId; self.cloudapi.updateFirewallRule(updateOpts, function (err, fwrule, res_) { res = res_; updatedFwrule = fwrule; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, updatedFwrule, res); }); }; /** * Enable a firewall rule. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The fwrule ID, or short ID. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, fwrule, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.enableFirewallRule = function enableFirewallRule(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var fwrule; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepFwRuleId, function enableRule(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.enableFirewallRule({ id: arg.fwruleId }, function (err, rule, _res) { res = _res; fwrule = rule; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, fwrule, res); }); }; /** * Disable a firewall rule. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The fwrule ID, or short ID. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, fwrule, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.disableFirewallRule = function disableFirewallRule(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; var fwrule; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepFwRuleId, function disableRule(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.disableFirewallRule({ id: arg.fwruleId }, function (err, rule, _res) { res = _res; fwrule = rule; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, fwrule, res); }); }; /** * Delete a firewall rule. * * @param {Object} opts * - {String} id: The fwrule ID, or short ID. Required. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, res)` * */ TritonApi.prototype.deleteFirewallRule = function deleteFirewallRule(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepFwRuleId, function deleteRule(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.deleteFirewallRule({ id: arg.fwruleId }, function (err, _res) { res = _res; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, res); }); }; // ---- RBAC /** * Get role tags for a resource. * * @param {Object} opts * - resourceType {String} One of: * resource (a raw RBAC resource URL) * instance * image * package * network * - id {String} The resource identifier. E.g. for an instance this can be * the ID (a UUID), login or short id. Whatever `triton` typically allows * for identification. * @param {Function} callback `function (err, roleTags, resource)` */ TritonApi.prototype.getRoleTags = function getRoleTags(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); _assertRoleTagResourceType(opts.resourceType, 'opts.resourceType'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); function roleTagsFromRes(res) { return ( (res.headers['role-tag'] || '') /* JSSTYLED */ .split(/\s*,\s*/) .filter(function (r) { return r.trim(); }) ); } var roleTags; var resource; vasync.pipeline({arg: {}, funcs: [ function resolveResourceId(ctx, next) { if (opts.resourceType === 'resource') { next(); return; } var getFuncName = { instance: 'getInstance', image: 'getImage', 'package': 'getPackage', network: 'getNetwork' }[opts.resourceType]; self[getFuncName](opts.id, function (err, resource_, res) { if (err) { next(err); return; } resource = resource_; /* * Sometimes `getInstance` et al return a CloudAPI `GetMachine` * res on which there is a 'role-tag' header that we want. */ if (res) { roleTags = roleTagsFromRes(res); } next(); }); }, function getResourceIfNecessary(ctx, next) { if (roleTags) { next(); return; } var resourceUrl = (opts.resourceType === 'resource' ? opts.id : _roleTagResourceUrl(self.profile.account, opts.resourceType, resource.id)); self.cloudapi.getRoleTags({resource: resourceUrl}, function (err, roleTags_, resource_) { if (err) { next(err); return; } roleTags = roleTags_; resource = resource_; next(); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, roleTags, resource); }); }; /** * Set role tags for a resource. * * @param {Object} opts * - resourceType {String} One of: * resource (a raw RBAC resource URL) * instance * image * package * network * - id {String} The resource identifier. E.g. for an instance this can be * the ID (a UUID), login or short id. Whatever `triton` typically allows * for identification. * - roleTags {Array} * @param {Function} callback `function (err)` */ TritonApi.prototype.setRoleTags = function setRoleTags(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); _assertRoleTagResourceType(opts.resourceType, 'opts.resourceType'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.arrayOfString(opts.roleTags, 'opts.roleTags'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); vasync.pipeline({arg: {}, funcs: [ function resolveResourceId(ctx, next) { if (opts.resourceType === 'resource') { next(); return; } var getFuncName = { instance: 'getInstance', image: 'getImage', 'package': 'getPackage', network: 'getNetwork' }[opts.resourceType]; self[getFuncName](opts.id, function (err, resource, res) { if (err) { next(err); return; } ctx.resource = resource; next(); }); }, function setTheRoleTags(ctx, next) { var resourceUrl = (opts.resourceType === 'resource' ? opts.id : _roleTagResourceUrl(self.profile.account, opts.resourceType, ctx.resource.id)); self.cloudapi.setRoleTags({ resource: resourceUrl, roleTags: opts.roleTags }, function (err) { if (err) { next(err); return; } next(); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err); }); }; /** * Get an RBAC user by ID or login. * * @param {Object} opts * - id {UUID|String} The user ID (a UUID) or login. * - roles {Boolean} Optional. Whether to includes roles of which this * user is a member. Default false. * - keys {Boolean} Optional. Set to `true` to also (with a separate * request) retrieve the `keys` for this user. Default is false. * @param {Function} callback of the form `function (err, user)` */ TritonApi.prototype.getUser = function getUser(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.optionalBool(opts.roles, 'opts.roles'); assert.optionalBool(opts.keys, 'opts.keys'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var context = {}; vasync.pipeline({arg: context, funcs: [ function tryGetUser(ctx, next) { var getOpts = { id: opts.id, membership: opts.roles }; self.cloudapi.getUser(getOpts, function (err, user) { if (err) { if (err.restCode === 'ResourceNotFound') { // TODO: feels like overkill to wrap this, ensure // decent cloudapi error for this, then don't wrap. next(new errors.ResourceNotFoundError(err, format('user with login or id "%s" was not found', opts.id))); } else { next(err); } } else { ctx.user = user; next(); } }); }, function getKeys(ctx, next) { if (!opts.keys) { next(); return; } self.cloudapi.listUserKeys({userId: ctx.user.id}, function (err, keys) { if (err) { next(err); return; } ctx.user.keys = keys; next(); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, context.user); }); }; /** * Delete an RBAC role by ID or name. * * @param {Object} opts * - id {UUID|String} The role id (a UUID) or name. * @param {Function} callback of the form `function (err)` */ TritonApi.prototype.deleteRole = function deleteRole(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); /* * CloudAPI DeleteRole only accepts a role id (UUID). */ var context = {}; vasync.pipeline({arg: context, funcs: [ function getId(ctx, next) { if (common.isUUID(opts.id)) { ctx.id = opts.id; next(); return; } self.cloudapi.getRole({id: opts.id}, function (err, role) { if (err) { next(err); return; } ctx.id = role.id; next(); }); }, function deleteIt(ctx, next) { self.cloudapi.deleteRole({id: ctx.id}, next); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err); }); }; /** * Delete an RBAC policy by ID or name. * * @param {Object} opts * - id {UUID|String} The policy id (a UUID) or name. * @param {Function} callback of the form `function (err)` */ TritonApi.prototype.deletePolicy = function deletePolicy(opts, cb) { var self = this; assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); /* * CloudAPI DeletePolicy only accepts a policy id (UUID). */ var context = {}; vasync.pipeline({arg: context, funcs: [ function getId(ctx, next) { if (common.isUUID(opts.id)) { ctx.id = opts.id; next(); return; } self.cloudapi.getPolicy({id: opts.id}, function (err, policy) { if (err) { next(err); return; } ctx.id = policy.id; next(); }); }, function deleteIt(ctx, next) { self.cloudapi.deletePolicy({id: ctx.id}, next); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err); }); }; /** * rename a machine by id. * * @param {Object} opts * - id {UUID} or The machine name or shortID Required. * - {String} name. The machine name * @param {Function} callback of the form `function (err, res)` */ TritonApi.prototype.renameInstance = function renameInstance(opts, cb) { assert.string(opts.id, 'opts.id'); assert.string(opts.name, 'opts.name'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var self = this; var res; vasync.pipeline({arg: {client: self, id: opts.id}, funcs: [ _stepInstId, function renameMachine(arg, next) { self.cloudapi.renameMachine({id: arg.instId, name: opts.name}, function (err, _res) { res = _res; next(err); }); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err, res); }); }; //---- exports module.exports = { CLOUDAPI_ACCEPT_VERSION: CLOUDAPI_ACCEPT_VERSION, createClient: function createClient(opts) { return new TritonApi(opts); } };