/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. * * `triton package list ...` */ var tabula = require('tabula'); var common = require('../common'); // valid filters to pass to cloudapi.listPackages var validFilters = [ 'name', 'memory', 'disk', 'swap', 'lwps', 'version', 'vcpus', 'group' ]; // columns default without -o var columnsDefault = 'shortid,name,default,memory,swap,disk,vcpus'; // columns default with -l var columnsDefaultLong = 'id,name,default,memory,swap,disk,vcpus'; // sort default with -s var sortDefault = '_groupPlus,memory'; function do_list(subcmd, opts, args, callback) { var i; if (opts.help) { this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], callback); return; } var columns = columnsDefault; if (opts.o) { columns = opts.o; } else if (opts.long) { columns = columnsDefaultLong; } columns = columns.split(','); var rightAligned = {memory: true, disk: true, swap: true, vcpus: true, lwps: true}; for (i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (rightAligned[columns[i]]) { columns[i] = {lookup: columns[i], align: 'right'}; } } var sort = opts.s.split(','); var listOpts; try { listOpts = common.kvToObj(args, validFilters); } catch (e) { callback(e); return; } this.top.tritonapi.cloudapi.listPackages(listOpts, function (err, pkgs) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (opts.json) { common.jsonStream(pkgs); } else { for (i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) { var pkg = pkgs[i]; pkg.shortid = pkg.id.split('-', 1)[0]; /* * We take a slightly "smarter" view of "group" for default * sorting, to accomodate usage in the JPC. More recent * common usage is for packages to have "foo-*" naming. * JPC includes package sets of yore *and* recent that don't * use the "group" field. We secondarily separate those * on a possible "foo-" prefix. */ pkg._groupPlus = (pkg.group || (pkg.name.indexOf('-') === -1 ? '' : pkg.name.split('-', 1)[0])); if (!opts.p) { pkg.memoryHuman = common.humanSizeFromBytes({ precision: 1, narrow: true }, pkg.memory * 1024 * 1024); pkg.swapHuman = common.humanSizeFromBytes({ precision: 1, narrow: true }, pkg.swap * 1024 * 1024); pkg.diskHuman = common.humanSizeFromBytes({ precision: 1, narrow: true }, pkg.disk * 1024 * 1024); pkg.vcpusHuman = pkg.vcpus === 0 ? '-' : pkg.vcpus; } } if (!opts.p) { columns = columns.map(function (c) { switch (c.lookup || c) { case 'memory': return {lookup: 'memoryHuman', name: 'MEMORY', align: 'right'}; case 'swap': return {lookup: 'swapHuman', name: 'SWAP', align: 'right'}; case 'disk': return {lookup: 'diskHuman', name: 'DISK', align: 'right'}; case 'vcpus': return {lookup: 'vcpusHuman', name: 'VCPUS', align: 'right'}; default: return c; } }); } tabula(pkgs, { skipHeader: opts.H, columns: columns, sort: sort }); } callback(); }); } do_list.options = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show this help.' } ].concat(common.getCliTableOptions({ includeLong: true, sortDefault: sortDefault })).concat([ { names: ['p'], type: 'bool', help: 'Display numbers in parsable (exact) values.' } ]); do_list.help = [ /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ 'List packgaes.', '', 'Usage:', ' {{name}} packages []', '', '{{options}}', 'Filters:', ' FIELD=VALUE Field equality filter. Supported fields: ', ' account, owner, state, name, os, and type.', ' FIELD=true|false Field boolean filter. Supported fields: public.', ' FIELD=~SUBSTRING Field substring filter. Supported fields: name', '', 'Notes on some fields:', '- The "memory" (a.k.a. RAM), "swap", and "disk" fields are shown in', ' more human readable units in tabular output (i.e. if neither "-p" nor', ' "-j" is specified.', '- The "vcpus" field is only relevant for KVM instances. It is therefore', ' typically set to zero for packages not intended for KVM usage. This', ' zero is shown as "-" in tabular output.', '', 'Examples:', ' {{name}} packages memory=8192 # list packages with 8G RAM' /* END JSSTYLED */ ].join('\n'); do_list.aliases = ['ls']; module.exports = do_list;