/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. * * RBAC-related support. */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var format = require('util').format; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var sshpk = require('sshpk'); var vasync = require('vasync'); var common = require('./common'); var errors = require('./errors'); // ---- globals var DEFAULT_RBAC_USER_KEYS_DIR = 'rbac-user-keys'; // ---- internal support stuff function _rbacStateBasics(ctx, cb) { assert.object(ctx.cloudapi, 'ctx.cloudapi'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); vasync.parallel({funcs: [ function listUsers(next) { ctx.cloudapi.listUsers(function (err, users) { ctx.rbacState.users = users; next(err); }); }, function listPolicies(next) { ctx.cloudapi.listPolicies(function (err, policies) { ctx.rbacState.policies = policies; next(err); }); }, function listRoles(next) { ctx.cloudapi.listRoles(function (err, roles) { ctx.rbacState.roles = roles; next(err); }); } ]}, cb); } /** * Take `have` and `want` arrays of things (objects) and return an array of * "change" objects describing how to get from 'have' to 'want'. * * TODO: picture === 1000 words. Give an example. * * @param opts.type {String} The type of thing being compared. * @param opts.desc {String} Optional. A short descriptive phrase for this * thing. * @param opts.idField {String} The field with the unique thing id. * @param opts.have {Array} Array of things we have already. * @param opts.want {Array} Array of things we want to get to. * @param opts.crudChangesForCreate {Function} Optional. A function called: * crudChangesForCreate(wantThing) * to return zero or more change objects to add this thing. * @param opts.crudChangesForDelete {Function} Optional. A function called: * crudChangesForDelete(haveThing) * to return zero or more change objects to delete this thing. * @param opts.normThing {Function} Optional. A function called: * var normalized = normThing(thing); * to normalize a thing before comparing them with `crudChangesForUpdate`. * @param opts.crudChangesForUpdate {Function} Optional. A function called: * crudChangesForUpdate(haveThing, wantThing) * to compare to things and return zero or more change objects (of * action="update") for the update. If not specified, the default * comparison is a field-by-field "deepEqual" comparison. * @param opts.compareFields {Array} Optional. An alternative to specifying * `opts.crudChangesForUpdate` is to specify an array of field names to * consider. This will be used by the default crudChangesForUpdate. */ function crudChangesForThings(opts) { assert.object(opts, 'opts'); assert.string(opts.type, 'opts.type'); assert.optionalString(opts.desc, 'opts.desc'); assert.string(opts.idField, 'opts.idField'); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.have, 'opts.have'); assert.arrayOfObject(opts.want, 'opts.want'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.crudChangesForCreate, 'opts.crudChangesForCreate'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.crudChangesForDelete, 'opts.crudChangesForDelete'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.normThing, 'opts.normThing'); assert.optionalFunc(opts.crudChangesForUpdate, 'opts.crudChangesForUpdate'); assert.optionalArrayOfString(opts.compareFields, 'opts.compareFields'); var idField = opts.idField; var differ = function (a, b) { try { assert.deepEqual(a, b); } catch (err) { return true; } return false; }; var crudChangesForCreate = opts.crudChangesForCreate || function defaultCrudChangesForCreate(wantThing_) { return [ { action: 'create', type: opts.type, desc: opts.desc, id: wantThing_[idField], wantThing: wantThing_ } ]; }; var crudChangesForDelete = opts.crudChangesForDelete || function defaultCrudChangesForDelete(haveThing_) { return [ { action: 'delete', type: opts.type, desc: opts.desc, id: haveThing_[idField], haveThing: haveThing_ } ]; }; var crudChangesForUpdate = opts.crudChangesForUpdate || function defaultUpdatesForThing(haveThing_, wantThing_) { var diff = {}; Object.keys(haveThing_).forEach(function (field) { if (! wantThing_.hasOwnProperty(field)) { diff[field] = 'delete'; } else if (differ(haveThing_[field], wantThing_[field])) { diff[field] = 'update'; } }); Object.keys(wantThing_).forEach(function (field) { if (! haveThing_.hasOwnProperty(field)) { diff[field] = 'create'; } }); if (opts.compareFields) { var filteredDiff = {}; opts.compareFields.forEach(function (field) { if (diff.hasOwnProperty(field)) { filteredDiff[field] = diff[field]; } }); diff = filteredDiff; } if (Object.keys(diff).length === 0) { return []; } else { return [ { action: 'update', type: opts.type, desc: opts.desc, id: wantThing_[idField], diff: diff, haveThing: haveThing_, wantThing: wantThing_ } ]; } }; var normThing = opts.normThing || function defaultNormThing(thing) { return thing; }; var haveFromId = {}; opts.have.forEach( function (thing) { haveFromId[thing[idField]] = thing; }); var wantFromId = {}; opts.want.forEach( function (thing) { wantFromId[thing[idField]] = thing; }); // Updates and creates. var i, haveThing, id; var changes = []; for (i = 0; i < opts.want.length; ++i) { var wantThing = opts.want[i]; id = wantThing[idField]; haveThing = haveFromId[id]; if (haveThing) { var updates = crudChangesForUpdate( normThing(haveThing), normThing(wantThing)); changes = changes.concat(updates); } else { changes = changes.concat(crudChangesForCreate(wantThing)); } } // Deletions. for (i = 0; i < opts.have.length; ++i) { haveThing = opts.have[i]; id = haveThing[idField]; if (! wantFromId[id]) { changes = changes.concat(crudChangesForDelete(haveThing)); } } return changes; } // ---- exported functions /* * Load a Triton RBAC config file. * TODO: link to docs on this. * * The result is written to `ctx.rbacConfig`. * This calling style is used to facilitate using this in a `vasync.pipeline`. * * @param ctx {Object} The "context". * @param cb {Function} `function (err)` */ function loadRbacConfig(ctx, cb) { assert.object(ctx, 'ctx'); assert.string(ctx.rbacConfigPath, 'ctx.rbacConfigPath'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); vasync.pipeline({funcs: [ function readIt(_, next) { fs.readFile(ctx.rbacConfigPath, function (err, data) { if (err) { next(err); return; } try { ctx.rbacConfig = JSON.parse(data); } catch (jsonErr) { throw new errors.TritonError(format( 'Triton RBAC config file, %s, is not valid JSON: %s', ctx.rbacConfigPath, jsonErr)); } next(); }); }, /* * The RBAC config format allows keys to be in a separate file * or dir specified with the `.keys` property. */ function loadUserKeys(_, next) { vasync.forEachPipeline({ inputs: ctx.rbacConfig.users || [], func: function loadForOneUser(user, nextUser) { var implicit = false; if (!user.hasOwnProperty('keys')) { user.keys = DEFAULT_RBAC_USER_KEYS_DIR; implicit = true; } if (!user.keys || typeof (user.keys) !== 'string') { nextUser(); return; } var keysFile = user.keys; try { var stat = fs.statSync(keysFile); } catch (statErr) { if (implicit) { nextUser(); return; } throw new errors.TritonError(format( 'User %s keys not found in "%s": %s', user.login, keysFile, statErr)); } if (stat.isDirectory()) { keysFile = path.join(user.keys, user.login + '.pub'); try { stat = fs.statSync(keysFile); } catch (statErr) { if (implicit) { nextUser(); return; } throw new errors.TritonError(format( 'User %s keys not found in "%s": %s', user.login, keysFile, statErr)); } } if (!stat.isFile()) { if (implicit) { nextUser(); return; } throw new errors.TritonError(format( 'Expected "%s" to be a regular file', keysFile)); } var data = fs.readFileSync(keysFile, 'utf8'); var lines = data.split(/\r?\n/g); user.keys = []; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (! line.trim()) { continue; } try { var key = sshpk.parseKey(line, 'ssh', keysFile); } catch (keyErr) { // XXX more err details, wrap with TritonError nextUser(keyErr); return; } user.keys.push({ fingerprint: key.fingerprint('md5').toString(), name: key.comment || undefined, key: line }); } nextUser(); } }, next); } // XXX Add JSON schema validations // XXX disallow password in the config file // XXX cannot use a login in default_members/members that // isn't in "users" // function validateConfig(_, next) { // } ]}, function (err) { cb(err); }); } /* * Gather RBAC users, policies, roles and add those to the given `ctx` object. * * The result is written to `ctx.rbacState`. * This calling style is used to facilitate using this in a `vasync.pipeline`. * * @param ctx {Object} The "context". * - rbacStateAll {Boolean} Set to true to gather extra details like * user keys. Default false. * @param cb {Function} `function (err)` */ function loadRbacState(ctx, cb) { assert.object(ctx.cloudapi, 'ctx.cloudapi'); assert.object(ctx.log, 'ctx.log'); var rbacState = ctx.rbacState = {}; vasync.pipeline({arg: ctx, funcs: [ _rbacStateBasics, function gatherUserKeys(_, next) { if (ctx.rbacStateAll) { next(); return; } // XXX Q! or concurrency forEachParallel // TODO: Optimization: could avoid getting keys for users that are // going to be deleted, for the `triton rbac apply` use case. vasync.forEachParallel({ inputs: rbacState.users, func: function oneUser(user, nextUser) { ctx.cloudapi.listUserKeys({userId: user.id}, function (err, userKeys) { user.keys = userKeys; nextUser(err); }); } }, next); }, function fillInUserRoles(_, next) { var i; var userFromLogin = {}; for (i = 0; i < rbacState.users.length; i++) { var user = rbacState.users[i]; user.default_roles = []; user.roles = []; userFromLogin[user.login] = user; } for (i = 0; i < rbacState.roles.length; i++) { var role = rbacState.roles[i]; role.default_members.forEach(function (login) { userFromLogin[login].default_roles.push(role.name); }); role.members.forEach(function (login) { userFromLogin[login].roles.push(role.name); }); } next(); } ]}, function (err) { cb(err); }); } /* * For each of users (must be before roles), policies (must be before * roles), and roles we calculate updates, creates, and deletions. */ function createRbacUpdatePlan(ctx, cb) { assert.object(ctx.rbacConfig, 'ctx.rbacConfig'); assert.object(ctx.rbacState, 'ctx.rbacState'); // XXX want option to exclude user list from the rbac config? // XXX handle user key updates // XXX guard for a full delete of all objects of any type // XXX guard for removal of a role that resources tagged with that // role could leave orphaned role tags // XXX can *rename* of policies and roles be supported? // would need 'id' to be more complex var sections = [ { type: 'user', desc: 'user', idField: 'login', have: ctx.rbacState.users || [], want: ctx.rbacConfig.users || [], /* * *User* update is loose: we only compare fields specified in * the RBAC config file. Also, user updates include updates to keys. */ crudChangesForUpdate: function userUpdates(haveUser, wantUser) { var updates = []; var fields = []; Object.keys(wantUser).forEach(function (field) { if (field === 'keys') { return; // keys handled below } if (haveUser[field] !== wantUser[field]) { fields.push(field); } }); if (fields.length) { updates.push({ action: 'update', type: 'user', id: haveUser.login, fields: fields, haveThing: haveUser, wantThing: wantUser }); } // Note: If we get fingerprint formats other than 'md5', then // id comparison will have to switch to // `sshpk.parseKey().matches`. var keyChanges = crudChangesForThings({ type: 'key', desc: format('user %s key', haveUser.login), idField: 'fingerprint', have: haveUser.keys || [], want: wantUser.keys || [] }); keyChanges.forEach(function (c) { c.user = haveUser.login; updates.push(c); }); return updates; }, crudChangesForCreate: function userCreates(wantUser) { var creates = [ { action: 'create', type: 'user', id: wantUser.login, wantThing: wantUser } ]; // Add any keys. (wantUser.keys || []).forEach(function (key) { creates.push({ action: 'create', type: 'key', desc: format('user %s key', wantUser.login), user: wantUser.login, id: key.fingerprint, wantThing: key }); }); return creates; }, crudChangesForDelete: function userDeletes(haveUser) { var deletes = []; (haveUser.keys || []).forEach(function (key) { deletes.push({ action: 'delete', type: 'key', desc: format('user %s key', haveUser.login), user: haveUser.login, id: key.fingerprint, haveThing: key }); }); deletes.push({ action: 'delete', type: 'user', id: haveUser.login, haveThing: haveUser }); return deletes; } }, { type: 'policy', idField: 'name', have: ctx.rbacState.policies || [], want: ctx.rbacConfig.policies || [], compareFields: ['description', 'rules'], normThing: function normPolicy(policy) { policy.rules.sort(); return policy; } }, { type: 'role', idField: 'name', have: ctx.rbacState.roles || [], want: ctx.rbacConfig.roles || [], compareFields: ['members', 'default_members', 'policies'], normThing: function normRole(role) { role.members.sort(); role.default_members.sort(); role.policies.sort(); return role; } } ]; var changes = []; sections.forEach(function (section) { var someChanges = crudChangesForThings(section); changes = changes.concat(someChanges); }); ctx.rbacUpdatePlan = changes; cb(); } function executeRbacUpdatePlan(ctx, cb) { assert.object(ctx.log, 'ctx.log'); assert.arrayOfObject(ctx.rbacUpdatePlan, 'ctx.rbacUpdatePlan'); assert.object(ctx.cloudapi, 'ctx.cloudapi'); assert.optionalBool(ctx.rbacDryRun, 'ctx.rbacDryRun'); // TODO: ctx.progress instead of console.log vasync.forEachPipeline({ inputs: ctx.rbacUpdatePlan, func: function executeOneChange(c, next) { ctx.log.info({change: c, dryRun: ctx.rbacDryRun}, 'execute rbac update change'); var extra, delOpts, updateOpts; if (ctx.rbacDryRun) { console.log('[dry-run] %s %s %s', c.action, c.desc || c.type, c.id); next(); return; } switch (c.action + '-' + c.type) { case 'create-user': // Generate (throw away) password, if necessary. if (! c.wantThing.hasOwnProperty('password')) { c.wantThing.password = common.generatePassword(); } ctx.cloudapi.createUser(c.wantThing, function (err, user) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Created user %s (use `triton rbac passwd ' + '%s` to change password)', c.wantThing.login, c.wantThing.login); next(); }); break; case 'update-user': updateOpts = {id: c.wantThing.login}; extra = []; Object.keys(c.diff).forEach(function (field) { updateOpts[field] = c.wantThing[field]; extra.push(format('%s=%s', field, c.wantThing[field])); }); ctx.cloudapi.updateUser(updateOpts, function (err, user) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Updated user %s: %s', c.wantThing.login, extra.join(', ')); next(); }); break; case 'delete-user': delOpts = {id: c.haveThing.login}; ctx.cloudapi.deleteUser(delOpts, function (err) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Deleted user %s', c.haveThing.login); next(); }); break; case 'create-key': ctx.cloudapi.createUserKey({ userId: c.user, key: c.wantThing.key, name: c.wantThing.name }, function (err, key) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Created user %s key %s%s', c.user, key.fingerprint, key.name ? format(' (%s)', key.name) : ''); next(); }); break; case 'update-key': vasync.pipeline({funcs: [ function delKey(_, next2) { ctx.cloudapi.deleteUserKey({ userId: c.user, fingerprint: c.haveThing.fingerprint }, next2); }, function createKey(_, next2) { ctx.cloudapi.createUserKey({ userId: c.user, key: c.wantThing.key, name: c.wantThing.name }, next2); }, function noteIt(_, next2) { extra = Object.keys(c.diff).map(function (field) { if (field === 'key') { return 'key=...'; } return format('%s=%s', field, c.wantThing[field]); }); console.log('Updated user %s key %s: %s', c.user, c.wantThing.fingerprint, extra.join(', ')); next2(); } ]}, next); break; case 'delete-key': ctx.cloudapi.deleteUserKey({ userId: c.user, fingerprint: c.haveThing.fingerprint }, function (err) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Deleted user %s key %s', c.user, c.haveThing.fingerprint); next(); }); break; case 'create-policy': ctx.cloudapi.createPolicy(c.wantThing, function (err, poli) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Created policy %s (%s rule%s)', poli.name, poli.rules.length, poli.rules.length === 1 ? '' : 's'); next(); }); break; case 'update-policy': updateOpts = {id: c.wantThing.name}; extra = []; Object.keys(c.diff).forEach(function (field) { updateOpts[field] = c.wantThing[field]; // XXX This is poor for large rules update. extra.push(format('%s=%s', field, c.wantThing[field])); }); ctx.cloudapi.updatePolicy(updateOpts, function (err, poli) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Updated policy %s: %s', poli.name, extra.join(', ')); next(); }); break; case 'delete-policy': delOpts = {id: c.haveThing.id}; // DeletePolicy requires `id`. ctx.cloudapi.deletePolicy(delOpts, function (err) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Deleted policy %s', c.haveThing.name); next(); }); break; case 'create-role': ctx.cloudapi.createRole(c.wantThing, function (err, role) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Created role %s (%s member%s)', role.name, role.members.length, role.members.length === 1 ? '' : 's'); next(); }); break; case 'update-role': updateOpts = {id: c.wantThing.name}; extra = []; Object.keys(c.diff).forEach(function (field) { updateOpts[field] = c.wantThing[field]; extra.push(format('%s=%s', field, c.wantThing[field])); }); ctx.cloudapi.updateRole(updateOpts, function (err, role) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Updated role %s: %s', role.name, extra.join(', ')); next(); }); break; case 'delete-role': delOpts = {id: c.haveThing.id}; ctx.cloudapi.deleteRole(delOpts, function (err) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('Deleted role %s', c.haveThing.name); next(); }); break; default: throw new Error(format( 'unknown action-type: %s-%s', c.action, c.type)); } } }, function (err) { cb(err); }); } module.exports = { loadRbacConfig: loadRbacConfig, loadRbacState: loadRbacState, createRbacUpdatePlan: createRbacUpdatePlan, executeRbacUpdatePlan: executeRbacUpdatePlan };