#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Example using cloudapi2.js to call cloudapi's ListMachines endpoint. * * Usage: * ./example-list-images.js | bunyan */ var p = console.log; var bunyan = require('bunyan'); var triton = require('../'); // typically `require('triton');` var URL = process.env.SDC_URL || 'https://us-sw-1.api.joyent.com'; var ACCOUNT = process.env.SDC_ACCOUNT || 'bob'; var KEY_ID = process.env.SDC_KEY_ID || 'b4:f0:b4:6c:18:3b:44:63:b4:4e:58:22:74:43:d4:bc'; var log = bunyan.createLogger({ name: 'test-list-instances', level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'trace' }); /* * More details on `createClient` options here: * https://github.com/joyent/node-triton/blob/master/lib/index.js#L18-L61 * For example, if you want to use an existing `triton` CLI profile, you can * pass that profile name in. */ var client = triton.createClient({ log: log, profile: { url: URL, account: ACCOUNT, keyId: KEY_ID } }); // TODO: Eventually the top-level TritonApi will have `.listInstances()` to use. client.cloudapi.listMachines(function (err, insts) { client.close(); // Remember to close the client to close TCP conn. if (err) { console.error('listInstances err:', err); } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(insts, null, 4)); } });