#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Copyright (c) 2014 Joyent Inc. All rights reserved. */ var p = console.log; var assert = require('assert-plus'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var sprintf = require('extsprintf').sprintf; var common = require('./common'); var errors = require('./errors'); var DEFAULT_USER_CONFIG_PATH = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, '.triton', 'config.json'); var DEFAULTS_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'etc', 'defaults.json'); var OVERRIDE_KEYS = []; // config object keys to do a one-level deep override /** * Load the Triton client config. This is a merge of the built-in "defaults" (at * etc/defaults.json) and the "user" config (at ~/.triton/config.json if it * exists). * * This includes some internal data on keys with a leading underscore. */ function loadConfigSync(configPath) { var c = fs.readFileSync(DEFAULTS_PATH, 'utf8'); var _defaults = JSON.parse(c); var config = JSON.parse(c); if (configPath && fs.existsSync(configPath)) { c = fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8'); var _user = JSON.parse(c); var userConfig = JSON.parse(c); if (typeof(userConfig) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(userConfig)) { throw new errors.ConfigError( sprintf('"%s" is not an object', configPath)); } // These special keys are merged into the key of the same name in the // base "defaults.json". Object.keys(userConfig).forEach(function (key) { if (~OVERRIDE_KEYS.indexOf(key) && config[key] !== undefined) { Object.keys(userConfig[key]).forEach(function (subKey) { if (userConfig[key][subKey] === null) { delete config[key][subKey]; } else { config[key][subKey] = userConfig[key][subKey]; } }); } else { config[key] = userConfig[key]; } }); config._user = _user; } config._defaults = _defaults; // Add 'env' profile. if (!config.profiles) { config.profiles = []; } //XXX Add TRITON_* envvars. config.profiles.push({ name: 'env', account: process.env.SDC_USER || process.env.SDC_ACCOUNT, url: process.env.SDC_URL, keyId: process.env.SDC_KEY_ID, insecure: common.boolFromString(process.env.SDC_TESTING) }); return config; } /** * Apply the given key:value updates to the user config and save it out. * * @param config {Object} The loaded config, as from `loadConfigSync`. * @param updates {Object} key/value pairs to update. */ function updateUserConfigSync(config, updates) { XXX ///XXX START HERE: to implement for 'sdc dcs add foo bar' } //---- exports module.exports = { DEFAULT_USER_CONFIG_PATH: DEFAULT_USER_CONFIG_PATH, loadConfigSync: loadConfigSync }; // vim: set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: