/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc. */ /* * Integration tests for `triton key ...` */ var h = require('./helpers'); var test = require('tape'); var backoff = require('backoff'); // --- Globals var KEY_PATH = 'data/id_rsa.pub'; var KEY_SIG = '66:ca:1c:09:75:99:35:69:be:91:08:25:03:c0:17:c0'; var KEY_EMAIL = 'test@localhost.local'; var MAX_CHECK_KEY_TRIES = 10; // --- Tests test('triton key', function (tt) { tt.test(' triton key add', function (t) { h.triton('key add ' + KEY_PATH, function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (h.ifErr(t, err, 'triton key add')) return t.end(); t.ok(stdout.match('Added key "' + KEY_SIG + '"')); t.end(); }); }); tt.test(' triton key get', function (t) { h.triton('key get ' + KEY_SIG, function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (h.ifErr(t, err, 'triton key get')) return t.end(); t.ok(stdout.match(KEY_EMAIL)); t.end(); }); }); tt.test(' triton key list', function (t) { h.triton('key list', function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (h.ifErr(t, err, 'triton key list')) return t.end(); // there should always be at least two keys -- the original // account's key, and the test key these tests added var keys = stdout.split('\n'); t.ok(keys.length > 2, 'triton key list expected key num'); var testKeys = keys.filter(function (key) { return key.match(KEY_EMAIL); }); // this test is a tad dodgy, since it's plausible that there might // be other test keys with different signatures lying around t.equal(testKeys.length, 1, 'triton key list test key found'); t.end(); }); }); tt.test(' triton key delete', function (t) { var cmd = 'key delete ' + KEY_SIG + ' --yes'; h.triton(cmd, function (err, stdout, stderr) { if (h.ifErr(t, err, 'triton key delete')) return t.end(); t.ok(stdout.match('Deleted key "' + KEY_SIG + '"')); // verify key is gone, which sometimes takes a while var call = backoff.call(function checkKey(next) { h.triton('key get ' + KEY_SIG, function (err2) { next(!err2); }); }, function (err3) { h.ifErr(t, err3, 'triton key delete did not remove key'); t.end(); }); call.failAfter(MAX_CHECK_KEY_TRIES); call.start(); }); }); });