`sdc` is a CLI for Joyent SmartDataCenter and the Joyent Public Cloud (, ). # Installation 1. Install [node.js](http://nodejs.org/). 2. `npm install -g sdc` Verify that installed and is on your PATH: $ sdc --version sdc CLI 1.0.0 Before you can used the CLI you'll need a Joyent account, an SSH key uploaded and `sdc` configured with those account details. # Setup TODO # Getting Started TODO # cloudapi2.js differences with node-smartdc/lib/cloudapi.js The old node-smartdc module included an lib for talking directly to the SDC Cloud API (node-smartdc/lib/cloudapi.js). Part of this module (node-sdc) is a re-write of the Cloud API lib with some backward incompatibilities. The differences and backward incompatibilities are discussed here. - Currently no caching options in cloudapi2.js (this should be re-added in some form). The `noCache` option to many of the cloudapi.js methods will not be re-added, it was a wart. - The leading `account` option to each cloudapi.js method has been dropped. It was redundant for the constructor `account` option. - "account" is now "user" in the CloudAPI constructor. - All (all? at least at the time of this writing) methods in cloudapi2.js have a signature of `function (options, callback)` instead of the sometimes haphazard extra arguments.