/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc. */ /* * Test helpers for the integration tests */ var error = console.error; var assert = require('assert-plus'); var f = require('util').format; var path = require('path'); var mod_config = require('../../lib/config'); var testcommon = require('../lib/testcommon'); // --- globals var CONFIG; if (process.env.TRITON_TEST_PROFILE) { CONFIG = mod_config.loadProfile({ configDir: path.join(process.env.HOME, '.triton'), name: process.env.TRITON_TEST_PROFILE }); CONFIG.destructiveAllowed = !!process.env.TRITON_TEST_DESTRUCTIVE_ALLOWED; } else { try { CONFIG = require('../config.json'); assert.object(CONFIG, 'test/config.json'); assert.string(CONFIG.url, 'test/config.json#url'); assert.string(CONFIG.account, 'test/config.json#account'); assert.string(CONFIG.keyId, 'test/config.json#keyId'); assert.optionalBool(CONFIG.insecure, 'test/config.json#insecure'); assert.optionalBool(CONFIG.destrectiveAllowed, 'test/config.json#destructiveAllowed'); } catch (e) { error('* * *'); error('node-triton integration tests require a ./test/config.json'); error('or TRITON_TEST_PROFILE to be set to a profile'); error(''); error(' {'); error(' "url": "",'); error(' "account": "",'); error(' "keyId": "",'); error(' "insecure": true|false, // optional'); error(' "destructiveAllowed": true|false // optional'); error(' }'); error(''); error('Note: This test suite with create machines, images, etc. using'); error('this CloudAPI and account. That could *cost* you money. :)'); error('* * *'); throw e; } } if (CONFIG.insecure === undefined) CONFIG.insecure = false; if (CONFIG.destructiveAllowed === undefined) CONFIG.destructiveAllowed = false; var TRITON = [process.execPath, path.resolve(__dirname, '../../bin/triton')]; var UA = 'node-triton-test'; var LOG = require('../lib/log'); // --- internal support routines /* * Call the `triton` CLI with the given args. */ function triton(args, cb) { var command = [].concat(TRITON).concat(args); if (typeof (args) === 'string') command = command.join(' '); testcommon.execPlus({ command: command, execOpts: { maxBuffer: Infinity, env: { PATH: process.env.PATH, HOME: process.env.HOME, SSH_AUTH_SOCK: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK, TRITON_PROFILE: 'env', TRITON_URL: CONFIG.url, TRITON_ACCOUNT: CONFIG.account, TRITON_KEY_ID: CONFIG.keyId, TRITON_TLS_INSECURE: CONFIG.insecure } }, log: LOG }, cb); } /* * triton wrapper that: * - tests no error is present * - tests stdout is not empty * - tests stderr is empty * * In the event that any of the above is false, this function will NOT * fire the callback, which will result in the early terminate of these * tests as `t.end()` will never be called. * * @param {Tape} t - tape test object * @param {Object|Array} opts - options object * @param {Function} cb - callback called like "cb(stdout)" */ function safeTriton(t, opts, cb) { if (Array.isArray(opts)) { opts = {args: opts}; } t.comment(f('running: triton %s', opts.args.join(' '))); triton(opts.args, function (err, stdout, stderr) { t.error(err, 'no error running child process'); t.equal(stderr, '', 'no stderr produced'); t.notEqual(stdout, '', 'stdout produced'); if (opts.json) { try { stdout = JSON.parse(stdout); } catch (e) { t.fail('failed to parse JSON'); return; } } if (!err && stdout && !stderr) cb(stdout); }); } // --- exports module.exports = { CONFIG: CONFIG, triton: triton, safeTriton: safeTriton, ifErr: testcommon.ifErr };