/* * Copyright 2012 Mark Cavage, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2015, Joyent, Inc. */ /* * TODO: this should be a separate module. Both node-triton and * node-docker-registry-client are using (slightly different versions of) this. * * Adapted from * * now at * * This subclasses the Restify StringClient to add the following features: * * 1. Extend the callback from * callback(err, req, res, ); * to: * callback(err, req, res, , ); * This allows one to work on the raw body for special case handling, if * wanted. I'm not sure I'd propose this for restify core because it * shouldn't add features that make it harder to go all streaming. * * 2. In restify.JsonClient, if the body is not parseable JSON, it log.trace's * an error, and returns `{}` (see mcavage/restify#388). I don't particularly * like that because it is ambiguous (and also disallows returning a JSON * body that is false-y: `false`, `0`, `null`). * * Instead this client will do the following: * (a) If the response is an error status (>=400), then return `undefined` * for the body. This allows the caller to know if the body was parsed * because `undefined` is not representable in JSON. * (b) If the response is a success (<400), then return an * InvalidContentError restify error. * * (TODO: I'd support this for restify code, but it *is* backward * incompatible.) * * 3. `.write()` doesn't default a null `body` to `{}`. * This change isn't because I came across the need for it, but because that * just seems wrong. * * 4. Doesn't set `res.body` which restify's StringClient.parse seems to do * ... as an accident of history I'm guessing? */ /* jsl:ignore */ 'use strict'; /* jsl:end */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var strsplit = require('strsplit').strsplit; var util = require('util'); var zlib = require('zlib'); var errors = require('restify-errors'); var codeToHttpError = errors.codeToHttpError; var RestError = errors.RestError; var StringClient = require('restify-clients').StringClient; // --- API function SaferJsonClient(options) { assert.object(options, 'options'); options.accept = 'application/json'; options.name = options.name || 'SaferJsonClient'; options.contentType = 'application/json'; StringClient.call(this, options); this._super = StringClient.prototype; } util.inherits(SaferJsonClient, StringClient); SaferJsonClient.prototype.write = function write(options, body, callback) { assert.object(body, 'body'); // This is change #3. var resBody = JSON.stringify(body); return (this._super.write.call(this, options, resBody, callback)); }; SaferJsonClient.prototype.parse = function parse(req, callback) { function parseResponse(err, res) { var chunks = []; // gunzipped response chunks (Buffer objects) var len = 0; // accumulated count of chunk lengths var contentMd5; var contentMd5Hash; var gz; var resErr = err; function finish() { var body = Buffer.concat(chunks, len); if (res.log.trace()) { res.log.trace({body: body.toString(), len: len}, 'body received'); } // Content-Length check var contentLength = Number(res.headers['content-length']); if (req.method !== 'HEAD' && !isNaN(contentLength) && len !== contentLength) { resErr = new errors.InvalidContentError(util.format( 'Incomplete content: Content-Length:%s but got %s bytes', contentLength, len)); callback(resErr, req, res); return; } // Content-MD5 check. if (contentMd5Hash && contentMd5 !== contentMd5Hash.digest('base64')) { resErr = new errors.BadDigestError('Content-MD5'); callback(resErr, req, res); return; } // Parse the body as JSON, if we can. // Note: This regex-based trim works on a buffer. `trim()` doesn't. var obj; if (len && !/^\s*$/.test(body)) { // Skip all-whitespace body. try { obj = JSON.parse(body); } catch (jsonErr) { res.log.trace(jsonErr, 'Invalid JSON in response'); if (!resErr) { // TODO: Does this mask other error statuses? resErr = new errors.InvalidContentError( 'Invalid JSON in response'); } } } // Special error handling. if (resErr) { resErr.message = body.toString('utf8'); } if (res && res.statusCode >= 400) { // Upcast error to a RestError (if we can) // Be nice and handle errors like // { error: { code: '', message: '' } } // in addition to { code: '', message: '' }. if (obj && (obj.code || (obj.error && obj.error.code))) { var _c = obj.code || (obj.error ? obj.error.code : '') || ''; var _m = obj.message || (obj.error ? obj.error.message : '') || ''; resErr = new RestError({ message: _m, restCode: _c, statusCode: res.statusCode }); resErr.name = resErr.restCode; if (!/Error$/.test(resErr.name)) { resErr.name += 'Error'; } } else if (!resErr) { resErr = codeToHttpError(res.statusCode, obj.message || '', body); } } if (resErr) { resErr.body = obj; } callback(resErr, req, res, obj, body); } if (!res) { // Early out if we didn't even get a response. callback(resErr, req); return; } // Content-MD5 setup. contentMd5 = res.headers['content-md5']; if (contentMd5 && req.method !== 'HEAD' && res.statusCode !== 206) { contentMd5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5'); } if (res.headers['content-encoding'] === 'gzip') { gz = zlib.createGunzip(); gz.on('data', function (chunk) { chunks.push(chunk); len += chunk.length; }); gz.once('end', finish); res.once('end', gz.end.bind(gz)); } else { res.once('end', finish); } res.on('data', function onData(chunk) { if (contentMd5Hash) { contentMd5Hash.update(chunk.toString('utf8'), 'binary'); } if (gz) { gz.write(chunk); } else { chunks.push(chunk); len += chunk.length; } }); } return (parseResponse); }; // --- Exports module.exports = SaferJsonClient;