/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2017, Joyent, Inc. */ /* * Test volume create command's size parameter. */ var format = require('util').format; var os = require('os'); var test = require('tape'); var vasync = require('vasync'); var common = require('../../lib/common'); var h = require('./helpers'); var FABRIC_NETWORKS = []; var testOpts = { skip: !(h.CONFIG.allowWriteActions && h.CONFIG.allowVolumesTests) }; if (testOpts.skip) { console.error('** skipping %s tests', __filename); console.error('** set "allowWriteActions" and "allowVolumesTests" ' + 'in test config to enable'); } test('triton volume create with non-default size...', testOpts, function (tt) { var validVolumeName = h.makeResourceName('node-triton-test-volume-create-non-default-' + 'size'); var validVolumeSize = '20g'; var validVolumeSizeInMib = 20 * 1024; tt.comment('Test config:'); Object.keys(h.CONFIG).forEach(function (key) { var value = h.CONFIG[key]; tt.comment(format('- %s: %j', key, value)); }); tt.test(' cleanup leftover resources', function (t) { h.triton(['volume', 'delete', '-y', '-w', validVolumeName].join(' '), function onDelVolume(delVolErr, stdout, stderr) { // If there was nothing to delete, this will fail so that's the // normal case. Too bad we don't have a --force option. t.end(); }); }); tt.test(' triton volume create volume with non-default size', function (t) { h.triton([ 'volume', 'create', '--name', validVolumeName, '--size', validVolumeSize, '-w' ].join(' '), function (volCreateErr, stdout, stderr) { t.equal(volCreateErr, null, 'volume creation should not error'); t.end(); }); }); tt.test(' check volume was created', function (t) { h.safeTriton(t, ['volume', 'get', validVolumeName], function onGetVolume(getVolErr, stdout) { var volume; t.equal(getVolErr, null, 'Getting volume should not error'); volume = JSON.parse(stdout); t.equal(volume.size, validVolumeSizeInMib, 'volume size should be ' + validVolumeSizeInMib + ', got: ' + volume.size); t.end(); }); }); tt.test(' delete volume', function (t) { h.safeTriton(t, ['volume', 'delete', '-y', '-w', validVolumeName], function onDelVolume(delVolErr, stdout) { t.equal(delVolErr, null, 'Deleting volume should not error'); t.end(); }); }); tt.test(' check volume was deleted', function (t) { h.triton(['volume', 'get', validVolumeName].join(' '), function onGetVolume(getVolErr, stdout, stderr) { t.ok(getVolErr, 'Getting volume ' + validVolumeName + 'after deleting it ' + 'should error'); t.notEqual(stderr.indexOf('ResourceNotFound'), -1, 'Getting volume ' + validVolumeName + 'should not find it'); t.end(); }); }); });