/* * Copyright 2016 Joyent Inc. * * `triton profile docker-setup ...` */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var errors = require('../errors'); var profilecommon = require('./profilecommon'); function do_docker_setup(subcmd, opts, args, cb) { if (opts.help) { this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], cb); return; } else if (args.length > 1) { return cb(new errors.UsageError('too many arguments')); } var profileName = args[0] || this.top.tritonapi.profile.name; profilecommon.profileDockerSetup({ cli: this.top, name: profileName }, cb); } do_docker_setup.options = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show this help.' } ]; do_docker_setup.help = [ /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ 'Setup for using Docker with the current Triton CLI profile.', '', 'Usage:', ' {{name}} docker-setup [PROFILE]', '', '{{options}}', 'A Triton datacenter can act as a virtual Docker Engine, where the entire', 'datacenter is available on for running containers. The datacenter provides', 'an endpoint against which you can run the regular `docker` client. This', 'requires a one time setup to (a) generate a client TLS certificate to enable', 'secure authentication with the Triton Docker Engine, and (b) to determine', 'the DOCKER_HOST and related environment variables.', '', 'After running this, you can setup your shell environment for `docker` via:', ' eval "$(triton env --docker)"', 'or the equivalent. See `triton env --help` for details.' /* END JSSTYLED */ ].join('\n'); module.exports = do_docker_setup;