# node-triton changelog ## 2.1.5 (not yet released) (nothing yet) ## 2.1.4 - #51: Update deps to get dtrace-provider 0.6 build fix for node v4.2.x. - #49: `triton create ... --firewall` to enable [Cloud Firewall](https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/network/firewall). ## 2.1.3 - #44 'triton rm' alias for delete - #43 `triton profile ...` doesn't use the profile from `TRITON_PROFILE` envvar ## 2.1.2 - #41 Add compatibility with ed25519 keys in ssh-agent - #42 Tools using sshpk should lock in an exact version ## 2.1.1 - #40 Update smartdc-auth so that newer OpenSSH `ssh-keygen` default fingerprint formats for setting `keyId` work. - #39 Test suite: Change the test config 'destructiveAllowed' var to 'writeActionsAllowed'. ## 2.1.0 - Errors and exit status: Change `Usage` errors to always have an exit status of `2` (per common practice in at least some tooling). Add `ResourceNotFound` error for `triton {instance,package,image,network}` with exit status `3`. This can help tooling (e.g. the test suite uses this in one place). Add `triton help` docs on exit status. - Test suite: Integration tests always require a config file (either `$TRITON_TEST_CONFIG` path or "test/config.json"). Drop the other `TRITON_TEST_*` envvars. ## 2.0.0 - Changed name to `triton` npm package, graciously given up by [suguru](https://www.npmjs.com/~suguru) from his project. <3 The latest previous release of the triton package was 1.0.7, so we'll separate with a major version bump for *this* triton package. ## 1.0.0 Initial release as `joyent-triton` npm package.