/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2016 Joyent, Inc. * * `triton instance ssh ...` */ var path = require('path'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var vasync = require('vasync'); var common = require('../common'); var errors = require('../errors'); function do_ssh(subcmd, opts, args, callback) { if (opts.help) { this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], callback); return; } else if (args.length === 0) { callback(new errors.UsageError('missing INST arg')); return; } var id = args.shift(); var user; var i = id.indexOf('@'); if (i >= 0) { user = id.substr(0, i); id = id.substr(i + 1); } vasync.pipeline({arg: {cli: this.top}, funcs: [ common.cliSetupTritonApi, function getInstanceIp(ctx, next) { ctx.cli.tritonapi.getInstance(id, function (err, inst) { if (err) { next(err); return; } ctx.inst = inst; ctx.ip = inst.primaryIp; if (!ctx.ip) { next(new Error('primaryIp not found for instance')); return; } next(); }); }, function getUser(ctx, next) { if (user) { next(); return; } ctx.cli.tritonapi.getImage({ name: ctx.inst.image, useCache: true }, function (getImageErr, image) { if (getImageErr) { next(getImageErr); return; } /* * This is a convention as seen on Joyent's * "ubuntu-certified" KVM images. */ if (image.tags.default_user) { user = image.tags.default_user; } else { user = 'root'; } next(); }); }, function doSsh(ctx, next) { args = ['-l', user, ctx.ip].concat(args); /* * By default we disable ControlMaster (aka mux, aka SSH * connection multiplexing) because of * https://github.com/joyent/node-triton/issues/52 */ if (!opts.no_disable_mux) { /* * A simple `-o ControlMaster=no` doesn't work. With * just that option, a `ControlPath` option (from * ~/.ssh/config) will still be used if it exists. Our * hack is to set a ControlPath we know should not * exist. Using '/dev/null' wasn't a good alternative * because `ssh` tries "$ControlPath.$somerandomnum" * and also because Windows. */ var nullSshControlPath = path.resolve( ctx.cli.tritonapi.config._configDir, 'tmp', 'nullSshControlPath'); args = [ '-o', 'ControlMaster=no', '-o', 'ControlPath='+nullSshControlPath ].concat(args); } ctx.cli.log.info({args: args}, 'forking ssh'); var child = spawn('ssh', args, {stdio: 'inherit'}); child.on('close', function (code) { /* * Once node 0.10 support is dropped we could instead: * process.exitCode = code; * callback(); */ process.exit(code); /* process.exit does not return so no need to call next(). */ }); } ]}, callback); } do_ssh.options = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show this help.' } ]; do_ssh.synopses = ['{{name}} ssh [-h] [USER@]INST [SSH-ARGUMENTS]']; do_ssh.help = [ /* BEGIN JSSTYLED */ 'SSH to the primary IP of an instance', '', '{{usage}}', '', '{{options}}', 'Where INST is the name, id, or short id of an instance. Note that', 'the INST argument must come before any `ssh` options or arguments.', 'Where USER is the username to use on the instance. If not specified,', 'the instance\'s image is inspected for the default_user tag.', 'If USER is not specified and the default_user tag is not set, the user', 'is assumed to be \"root\".', '', 'There is a known issue with SSH connection multiplexing (a.k.a. ', 'ControlMaster, mux) where stdout/stderr is lost. As a workaround, `ssh`', 'is spawned with options disabling ControlMaster. See ', ' for details. If you ', 'want to use ControlMaster, an alternative is:', ' ssh root@$(triton ip INST)' /* END JSSTYLED */ ].join('\n'); do_ssh.interspersedOptions = false; // Use 'file' to fallback to the default bash completion... even though 'file' // isn't quite right. do_ssh.completionArgtypes = ['tritoninstance', 'file']; module.exports = do_ssh;