/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Copyright 2017 Joyent, Inc. */ /* * `triton profile create ...` */ var assert = require('assert-plus'); var format = require('util').format; var fs = require('fs'); var sshpk = require('sshpk'); var vasync = require('vasync'); var auth = require('smartdc-auth'); var wordwrap = require('wordwrap'); var common = require('../common'); var errors = require('../errors'); var mod_config = require('../config'); var profilecommon = require('./profilecommon'); function _createProfile(opts, cb) { assert.object(opts.cli, 'opts.cli'); assert.optionalString(opts.file, 'opts.file'); assert.optionalString(opts.copy, 'opts.copy'); assert.optionalBool(opts.noDocker, 'opts.noDocker'); assert.func(cb, 'cb'); var cli = opts.cli; var log = cli.log; var data; var wrap80 = wordwrap(Math.min(process.stdout.columns, 80)); vasync.pipeline({arg: {}, funcs: [ function getExistingProfiles(ctx, next) { try { ctx.profiles = mod_config.loadAllProfiles({ configDir: cli.configDir, log: cli.log }); } catch (err) { return next(err); } next(); }, function getCopy(ctx, next) { if (!opts.copy) { return next(); } for (var i = 0; i < ctx.profiles.length; i++) { if (ctx.profiles[i].name === opts.copy) { ctx.copy = ctx.profiles[i]; break; } } if (!ctx.copy) { next(new errors.UsageError(format( 'no such profile from which to copy: "%s"', opts.copy))); } else { next(); } }, function determineInputType(ctx, next) { /* * Are we gathering profile data from stdin, a file, or * interactively? */ if (opts.file === '-') { ctx.inputType = 'stdin'; } else if (opts.file) { ctx.inputType = 'file'; } else if (!process.stdin.isTTY) { return next(new errors.UsageError('cannot interactively ' + 'create profile: stdin is not a TTY')); } else if (!process.stdout.isTTY) { return next(new errors.UsageError('cannot interactively ' + 'create profile: stdout is not a TTY')); } else { ctx.inputType = 'interactive'; } next(); }, function gatherDataStdin(ctx, next) { if (ctx.inputType !== 'stdin') { next(); return; } var stdin = ''; process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.on('data', function (chunk) { stdin += chunk; }); process.stdin.on('end', function () { try { data = JSON.parse(stdin); } catch (err) { log.trace({stdin: stdin}, 'invalid profile JSON on stdin'); return next(new errors.TritonError( format('invalid profile JSON on stdin: %s', err))); } next(); }); }, function gatherDataFile(ctx, next) { if (ctx.inputType !== 'file') { next(); return; } ctx.filePath = opts.file; var input = fs.readFileSync(opts.file); try { data = JSON.parse(input); } catch (err) { return next(new errors.TritonError(format( 'invalid profile JSON in "%s": %s', opts.file, err))); } next(); }, function interactiveGatherKeyChoices(ctx, next) { if (ctx.inputType !== 'interactive') { next(); return; } /* * The description of the `keyId` field includes discovered SSH keys * for this user. */ var kr = new auth.KeyRing(); ctx.keyChoices = []; kr.list(function (err, pairs) { if (err) { next(err); return; } Object.keys(pairs).forEach(function (keyId) { var valid = pairs[keyId].filter(function (kp) { return (kp.canSign()); }); if (valid.length < 1) return; ctx.keyChoices.push({ keyId: keyId, keyPairs: pairs[keyId], pubKey: valid[0].getPublicKey() }); }); next(); }); }, function gatherDataInteractive(ctx, next) { if (ctx.inputType !== 'interactive') { next(); return; } var defaults = {}; if (ctx.copy) { defaults = ctx.copy; delete defaults.name; // we don't copy a profile name } else { defaults.url = 'https://us-sw-1.api.joyent.com'; } /* * The description of the `keyId` field includes discovered SSH keys * for this user. */ var keyIdDesc = 'The fingerprint of the SSH key you want to use ' + 'to authenticate with CloudAPI.\n' + 'Specify the fingerprint or the index of one of the found ' + 'keys in the list\n' + 'below. If the key you want to use is not listed, make sure ' + 'it is either saved\n' + 'in your SSH keys directory (~/.ssh) or loaded into your ' + 'SSH agent.\n'; if (ctx.keyChoices.length === 0) { keyIdDesc += '\n(No SSH keys were found.)\n'; } else { var n = 1; ctx.keyChoices.forEach(function (keyChoice) { keyIdDesc += format('\n%d. Fingerprint "%s" (%s-bit %s)\n', n, keyChoice.keyId, keyChoice.pubKey.size, keyChoice.pubKey.type.toUpperCase()); keyChoice.keyPairs.forEach(function (kp) { var lockedStr = (kp.isLocked() ? ' (locked)' : ''); var comment = kp.comment || kp.getPublicKey().comment; var detailsStr; switch (kp.plugin) { case 'agent': detailsStr = comment; break; case 'homedir': detailsStr = format('$HOME/.ssh/%s (comment "%s")', kp.source, comment); break; default: detailsStr = format('%s %s', comment, (kp.source || '')); break; } keyIdDesc += format(' - in %s%s: %s\n', kp.plugin, lockedStr, detailsStr); }); n++; }); } var fields = [ { desc: 'A profile name. A short string to identify this ' + 'profile to the `triton` command.', key: 'name', default: defaults.name, validate: function validateName(value, valCb) { var regex = /^[a-z][a-z0-9_.-]*$/; if (!regex.test(value)) { return valCb(new Error('Must start with a lowercase ' + 'letter followed by lowercase letters, numbers ' + 'and "_", "." and "-".')); } for (var i = 0; i < ctx.profiles.length; i++) { if (ctx.profiles[i].name === value) { return valCb(new Error(format( 'Profile "%s" already exists.', value))); } } valCb(); } }, { desc: 'The CloudAPI endpoint URL.', default: defaults.url, key: 'url' }, { desc: 'Your account login name.', key: 'account', default: defaults.account, validate: function validateAccount(value, valCb) { var regex = /^[^\\]{3,}$/; if (value.length < 3) { return valCb(new Error( 'Must be at least 3 characters')); } if (!regex.test(value)) { return valCb(new Error('Must not container a "\\"')); } valCb(); } }, { desc: keyIdDesc, key: 'keyId', validate: function validateKeyId(value, valCb) { // First try as a fingerprint. try { sshpk.parseFingerprint(value); return valCb(); } catch (fpErr) { } // Try as a list index. var idx = Number(value) - 1; if (ctx.keyChoices[idx] !== undefined) { var keyId = ctx.keyChoices[idx].keyId; console.log('Using key %s: %s', value, keyId); return valCb(null, keyId); } valCb(new Error(format( '"%s" is neither a valid fingerprint, nor an index ' + 'from the list of available keys', value))); } } ]; data = {}; /* * There are some value profile fields that we don't yet prompt * for -- because they are experimental, optional, or I'm just * unsure about adding them yet. :) We should still *copy* those * over for a `triton profile create --copy ...`. * * Eventually the need for this block should go away. */ if (ctx.copy) { var promptKeys = fields.map( function (field) { return field.key; }); Object.keys(ctx.copy).forEach(function (key) { if (promptKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) { data[key] = ctx.copy[key]; } }); } vasync.forEachPipeline({ inputs: fields, func: function getField(field, nextField) { if (field.key !== 'name') console.log('\n'); common.promptField(field, function (err, value) { data[field.key] = value; nextField(err); }); } }, function (err) { console.log(); next(err); }); }, function guardAlreadyExists(ctx, next) { for (var i = 0; i < ctx.profiles.length; i++) { if (data.name === ctx.profiles[i].name) { return next(new errors.TritonError(format( 'profile "%s" already exists', data.name))); } } next(); }, function validateIt(ctx, next) { // We ignore 'curr'. For now at least. delete data.curr; try { mod_config.validateProfile(data, ctx.filePath); } catch (err) { return next(err); } next(); }, function saveIt(_, next) { try { mod_config.saveProfileSync({ configDir: cli.configDir, profile: data }); } catch (err) { return next(err); } next(); }, function dockerSetup(ctx, next) { if (opts.noDocker || process.platform === 'win32') { next(); return; } console.log(common.ansiStylize('\n\n# Docker setup\n', 'bold')); console.log(wrap80('This section will setup authentication to ' + 'Triton DataCenter\'s Docker endpoint using your account ' + 'and key information specified above. This is only required ' + 'if you intend to use `docker` with this profile.\n')); profilecommon.profileDockerSetup({ cli: cli, name: data.name, keyPaths: ctx.keyPaths, implicit: true }, next); }, function setCurrIfTheOnlyProfile(ctx, next) { if (ctx.profiles.length !== 0) { next(); return; } mod_config.setConfigVars({ configDir: cli.configDir, vars: { profile: data.name } }, function (err) { if (err) { next(err); return; } console.log('\nSet "%s" as current profile (because it is ' + 'your only profile).', data.name); next(); }); } ]}, cb); } function do_create(subcmd, opts, args, cb) { if (opts.help) { this.do_help('help', {}, [subcmd], cb); return; } else if (args.length !== 0) { return cb(new errors.UsageError('too many arguments')); } else if (opts.copy && opts.file) { return cb(new errors.UsageError( 'cannot specify --file and --copy at the same time')); } _createProfile({ cli: this.top, file: opts.file, copy: opts.copy, noDocker: opts.no_docker }, cb); } do_create.options = [ { names: ['help', 'h'], type: 'bool', help: 'Show this help.' }, { names: ['file', 'f'], type: 'string', helpArg: 'FILE', help: 'A JSON file (of the same form as "triton profile get -j") ' + 'with the profile, or "-" to read JSON from stdin.' }, { names: ['copy'], type: 'string', helpArg: 'PROFILE', help: 'A profile from which to copy values.', completionType: 'tritonprofile' }, { names: ['no-docker'], type: 'bool', help: 'As of Triton CLI 4.9, creating a profile will attempt (on ' + 'non-Windows) to also setup for running Docker. This is ' + 'experimental and might fail. Use this option to disable ' + 'the attempt.' } ]; do_create.synopses = ['{{name}} {{cmd}} [OPTIONS]']; do_create.help = [ 'Create a Triton CLI profile.', '', '{{usage}}', '', '{{options}}', '', 'Examples:', ' triton profile create # interactively create a profile', ' triton profile create --copy env # ... copying from "env" profile', '', ' # Or non-interactively create from stdin or a file:', ' cat a-profile.json | triton profile create -f -', ' triton profile create -f another-profile.json' ].join('\n'); module.exports = do_create;