# node-triton changelog Known issues: - `triton ssh ...` disables ssh ControlMaster to avoid issue #52. ## not yet released ## 6.1.0 - [joyent/node-triton#250] Avoid an error from `triton profile list` if only *some* of the minimal `TRITON_` or `SDC_` envvars are defined. - [TRITON-401] Add `triton network` and `triton vlan` commands, for creating/changing/removing network fabrics and VLANs. - [TRITON-524] Add `triton inst get --credentials ...` option to match `triton inst list --credentials ...` for including generated credentials in instance metadata. - [joyent/node-triton#245] `triton profile` now generates fresh new keys during Docker setup and signs them with an account key, rather than copying (and decrypting) the account key itself. This makes using Docker simpler with keys in an SSH Agent. - [TRITON-53] x-account image clone. A user can make a copy of a shared image using the `triton image clone` command. - [TRITON-53] A shared image (i.e. when the user is on the image.acl) is no longer provisionable by default - you will need to explicitly add the --allow-shared-images cli option when calling `triton create` command to provision from a shared image (or clone the image then provision from the clone). ## 6.0.0 This release containes some breaking changes with the --affinity flag to `triton instance create`. It also does not work with cloudapi endpoints older than 8.0.0 (mid 2016); for an older cloudapi endpoint, use node-triton 5.9.0. - [TRITON-167, TRITON-168] update support for `triton instance create --affinity=...`. It now fully supports regular expressions, tags and globs, and works across a wider variety of situations. Examples: ``` # regular expressions triton instance create --affinity='instance!=/^production-db/' ... # globs triton instance create --affinity='instance!=production-db*' ... # tags triton instance create --affinity='role!=db' ``` See for more details how affinities work. However: - Use of regular expressions requires a cloudapi version of 8.8.0 or later. - 'inst' as a affinity shorthand no longer works. Use 'instance' instead. E.g.: --affinity='instance==db1' instead of --affinity='inst==db1' - The shorthand --affinity= no longer works. Use --affinity='instance===' instead. ## 5.10.0 - [TRITON-19] add support for deletion protection on instances. An instance with the deletion protection flag set true cannot be destroyed until the flag is set false. It is exposed through `triton instance create --deletion-protection ...`, `triton instance enable-deletion-protection ...`, and `triton instance disable-deletion-protection ...`. This flag is only supported on cloudapi versions 8.7.0 or above. - [TRITON-59] node-triton should support nic operations `triton instance nic get ...` `triton instance nic create ...` `triton instance nic list ...` `triton instance nic delete ...` - [TRITON-42] node-triton should support nics when creating an instance, e.g. `triton instance create --nic IMAGE PACKAGE` ## 5.9.0 - [TRITON-190] remove support for `triton instance create --brand=bhyve ...`. The rest of bhyve support will remain, but selection of bhyve brand will happen via images or packages that are bhyve-specific. ## 5.8.0 - [TRITON-124] add node-triton support for bhyve. This adds a `triton instance create --brand=bhyve ...` option that can be used for zvol images that support it. Note that bhyve support is alpha in TritonDC -- most datacenters won't yet support this option. ## 5.7.0 - [TRITON-116] node-triton image sharing. Adds `triton image share` and `triton image unshare` commands. ## 5.6.1 - [PUBAPI-1470] volume objects should expose their creation timestamp in a property named "created" instead of "create_timestamp". ## 5.6.0 - [TRITON-30] Add UpdateNetworkIP to node-triton, e.g. `triton network ip update` - [TRITON-24] node-triton ListNetworkIPs has unordered results, e.g. `triton network ip list NETWORK` - [TRITON-88] node-triton "env" doesn't call its callback ## 5.5.0 - [PUBAPI-1452] Add ip subcommand to network, e.g. `triton network ip`. ## 5.4.0 - [joyent/node-triton#74, TOOLS-1872] Filter instance list by tag, e.g. `triton instance list tag.foo=bar`. ## 5.3.2 - [joyent/node-triton#187] DTraceProviderBindings errors on FreeBSD. - [joyent/node-triton#226] added new `triton volume sizes` subcommand. - [PUBAPI-1420] added support for mounting volumes in LX and SmartOS instances. E.g., `triton instance create --volume VOLUME ...`. ## 5.3.1 - [joyent/node-triton#222] Fix the matching environment variable for the `triton -r,--role ROLE ...` option to be `TRITON_ROLE` instead of `MANTA_ROLE`. - [joyent/node-triton#201] Fix `triton -r,--role ROLE ...` option for taking up an RBAC role. This was introduced in v4.12.0 and was accidentally broken in v5.0.0. - [joyent/node-triton#217] `triton volume ls -l` should output a `RESOURCE` column. ## 5.3.0 - [joyent/node-triton#173], [joyent/node-triton#174] and [joyent/node-triton#175] Add support for creating and managing NFS shared volumes. New `triton volume` commands are available: * `triton volume create` to create NFS shared volumes * `triton volume list` to list existing volumes * `triton volume get` to get information about a given volume * `triton volume delete` to delete one or more volumes Use `triton volume --help` to get help on all of these commands. Note that these commands are hidden for now. They will be made visible by default once the server-side support for volumes is shipped in Triton. ## 5.2.1 - [joyent/node-triton#193] Fix possible CLI crash with `triton ssh ...` if the instance's image doesn't have any tags. - [joyent/node-triton#213] commands fail unhelpfully when `cliSetupTritonApi` returns error (this includes e.g. supplying an incorrect key fingerprint, which no longer results in a cryptic stack trace and crash) ## 5.2.0 - [joyent/node-triton#197] Create triton image export command ## 5.1.1 - [joyent/node-triton#190] Fix `triton profile create|docker-setup` breakage with latest "17.03.\*" versions of `docker` installed. - [joyent/node-triton#148] Fix `triton profile edit ...` to work with an "EDITOR" environment variable with quotes and spaces. - [joyent/node-triton#183] `triton profile create` will no longer use ANSI codes for styling if stdout isn't a TTY. ## 5.1.0 - [joyent/node-triton#182] Add `-y, --yes` options to `triton profile create` and `triton profile docker-setup` to allow non-interactive setup. ## 5.0.0 - [joyent/node-triton#108] Support for passphrase-protected private keys. Before this work, an encrypted private SSH key (i.e. protected by a passphrase) would have to be loaded in an ssh-agent for the `triton` CLI to use it. Now `triton` will prompt for the passphrase to unlock the private key (in memory), if needed. For example: $ triton package list Enter passphrase for id_rsa: SHORTID NAME MEMORY SWAP DISK VCPUS 14ad9d54 g4-highcpu-128M 128M 512M 3G - 14ae2634 g4-highcpu-256M 256M 1G 5G - ... - **BREAKING CHANGE for module usage of node-triton.** To implement joyent/node-triton#108, the way a TritonApi client is setup for use has changed from being (unrealistically) sync to async. Client preparation is now a multi-step process: 1. create the client object; 2. initialize it (mainly involves finding the SSH key identified by the `keyId`); and, 3. optionally unlock the SSH key (if it is passphrase-protected and not in an ssh-agent). `createClient` has changed to take a callback argument. It will create and init the client (steps 1 and 2) and takes an optional `unlockKeyFn` parameter to handle step 3. A new `mod_triton.promptPassphraseUnlockKey` export can be used for `unlockKeyFn` for command-line tools to handle prompting for a passphrase on stdin, if required. Therefore what used to be: var mod_triton = require('triton'); try { var client = mod_triton.createClient({ # No longer works. profileName: 'env' }); } catch (initErr) { // handle err } // use `client` is now: var mod_triton = require('triton'); mod_triton.createClient({ profileName: 'env', unlockKeyFn: mod_triton.promptPassphraseUnlockKey }, function (err, client) { if (err) { // handle err } // use `client` }); See [the examples/ directory](examples/) for more complete examples. Low-level/raw handling of the three steps above is possible as follows (error handling is elided): var mod_bunyan = require('bunyan'); var mod_triton = require('triton'); // 1. create var client = mod_triton.createTritonApiClient({ log: mod_bunyan.createLogger({name: 'my-tool'}), config: {}, profile: mod_triton.loadProfile('env') }); // 2. init client.init(function (initErr) { // 3. unlock key // See top-comment in "lib/tritonapi.js". }); - [joyent/node-triton#143] Fix duplicate output from 'triton rbac key ...'. - [joyent/node-triton#157] Add `triton instance resize ...` command and `TritonApi.resizeInstance` method. - [joyent/node-triton#129] Fix `triton reboot --wait` to properly wait. Before it would often return immediately, before the instance started rebooting. Add `--wait-timeout N` option to `triton reboot`. Also add `TritonApi#rebootInstance()` api method. - [joyent/node-triton#166] Update sshpk to fix issue with the TLS client cert created by `triton profile docker-setup` so that it doesn't create a cert that Go's TLS library doesn't like. - [joyent/node-triton#156] Providing all required profile options as command line flags (account, url, keyId) no longer produces an incomplete profile error. - PUBAPI-1171/PUBAPI-1205/PUBAPI-1351 The handling of legacy `SDC_*` environment variables has been cleaned up. These environment variables are used for compatibility with the node-smartdc toolset. * `SDC_TESTING` is now evaluated the same way as node-smartdc. Any set value but the empty string is true. * Errors on boolean environment variables will now identify the variable at fault. * `triton env` will emit additional comments grouping variables. - [joyent/node-triton#80] Add `triton network list public=true|false` filtering. Note that this filtering is client-side. - [joyent/node-triton#146] Add `--wait` flag to `triton instance rename`. - [joyent/node-triton#133] Add `triton inst fwrule list` and `triton fwrules` shortcuts for the existing `triton inst fwrules` and `triton fwrule list`, respectively. - [joyent/node-triton#3] triton ssh command not aware of "ubuntu" login for ubuntu-certified images. - [joyent/node-triton#137] Improve the handling for the getting started case when a user may not have envvars or a profile setup. - [joyent/node-triton#158] tritonapi image cache never expires - [joyent/node-triton#153] Bump restify-clients dep. Thanks, github.com/tomgco. ## 4.15.0 - [joyent/node-triton#64] Support 'triton instance rename ...' (by github.com/YangYong3). - [trentm/node-dashdash#30, joyent/node-triton#144] Change the output used by Bash completion support to indicate "there are no completions for this argument" to cope with different sorting rules on different Bash/platforms. For example: $ triton -p test2 package get # before ##-no -tritonpackage- completions-## $ triton -p test2 package get # after ##-no-completion- -results-## ## 4.14.2 - TOOLS-1592 First workaround for a possible BadDigestError when using node v6. ## 4.14.1 - TOOLS-1587 'triton profile docker-setup' fails when path to 'docker' has spaces. This can help on Windows where Docker Toolbox installs docker.exe to "C:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox". - [#136] bash completion for `triton profile create --copy ` ## 4.14.0 - [#130] Include disabled images when using an image cache (e.g. for filling in image name and version details in `triton ls` output. ## 4.13.0 - [#120] Don't fail `triton instance list` if the retrieval of *image* info (retrieved to get image name and version, as a bonus) fails with an authorization error -- in case it is an RBAC failure where a subuser can ListMachines, but not ListImages. - [#113] *Usage* errors now some "error help", including option or command synopses. Some examples (the new thing is marked with `>`): - Command synopses when argument errors: ``` $ triton create triton instance create: error (Usage): incorrect number of args > usage: triton instance create [OPTIONS] IMAGE PACKAGE ``` - Option synopsis with option errors: ``` $ triton image ls --bogus triton image ls: error (Option): unknown option: "--bogus" > usage: triton image ls [ --help | -h ] [ --all | -a ] [ -H ] [ -o field1,... ] > [ --long | -l ] [ -s field1,... ] [ --json | -j ] ... ``` - Suggested command name misspellings: ``` $ triton in triton: error (UnknownCommand): unknown command: "in" > Did you mean this? > info > inst ``` ## 4.12.0 - [#120] `triton -r,--role ROLE ...` option to take up an RBAC role(s). ## 4.11.0 - [#112] Fix `triton completion`, broke a while back. - [#111] `triton env --unset,-u` option to emit environment commands to *unset* relevant envvars. - Unhide `triton env` from `triton --help` output. ## 4.10.0 - [#82] Affinity (a.k.a. locality hints) support for instance creation, e.g.: # Use same server as instance 'db0': triton create -a instance==db0 ... triton create -a db0 ... # shortcut for same thing # Use different server than instance 'db0': triton create -a 'instance!=db0' ... # *Attempt* to use same server as instance 'db0', but don't fail # if cannot. This is called a "non-strict" or "soft" rule. triton create -a instance==~db0 ... # *Attempt* to use a different server than instance 'db0': triton create -a 'instance!=~db0' ... "Affinity" here refers to providing rules for deciding on which server a new instance should by provisioned. Rules are in terms of existing instances. As a shortcut, 'inst' can be used in place of 'instance' above (e.g. `triton create -a 'inst!=db0' ...`). ## 4.9.0 - [#46] Initial support for `triton` helping setup and manage configuration for using `docker` against a Triton datacenter. Triton datacenters can provide a Docker Remote API endpoint against which you can run the normal `docker` client. See for and overview and for developer details. - `triton profile create` will now setup the profile for running Docker, if the Triton datacenter provides a docker endpoint. The typical flow would be: $ triton profile create name: foo ... $ triton profile set foo # make foo my default profile $ eval "$(triton env --docker)" # set 'DOCKER_' envvars $ docker info This profile setup for Docker requires making requests to the CloudAPI endpoint which can fail (e.g. if CloudAPI is down, credentials are invalid, etc.). You can use the `--no-docker` option to skip the Docker setup part of profile creation. - For existing Triton CLI profiles, there is a new `triton profile docker-setup [PROFILE]`. $ triton profile docker-setup $ eval "$(triton env --docker)" $ docker info - `triton env` will now emit commands to setup `DOCKER_` envvars. That can be limited to just the Docker-relevant env via `triton env --docker`. ## 4.8.0 - #103 `triton ip ` to output the instance's primaryIp - #52 Workaround for `triton ssh ...`. In version 4.6.0, `triton ssh ...` interactive sessions were broken. This version reverts that change and adds a workaround for #52 (by disabling ControlMaster when spawning `ssh`). See for details. - #97 `triton profile set -` to set the *last* profile as current. - PUBAPI-1266 Added `instance enable-firewall` and `instance disable-firewall` ## 4.7.0 **Known issue: `triton ssh` interactive sessions are broken. Upgrade to v4.7.1.** - #101 Bash completion for server-side data: instances, images, etc. Bash completion on TAB should now work for things like the following: `triton create `. Cached (with a 5 minute TTL) completions for the following data are supported: instances, images, packages, networks, fwrules, account keys. See `triton completion --help` for adding/updating Bash completion. - #99 `triton profile set ...` alias for `set-current` ## 4.6.0 **Known issue: `triton ssh` interactive sessions are broken. Upgrade to v4.7.1.** - #98 `triton inst get ID` for a deleted instance will now emit the instance object and error less obtusely. This adds a new `InstanceDeleted` error code from `TritonApi`. - PUBAPI-1233 firewalls: `triton fwrule ...` - PUBAPI-1234 instance snapshots: `triton inst snapshot ...` - #52 Fix 'triton ssh ...' stdout/stderr to fully flush with node >= 4.x. ## 4.5.2 - #95 Fix breakage of `triton image create` in v4.5.0. (By Kris Shannon.) - #94, #93 `triton inst create ...` is broken if "images.json" cache file is missing. (By Kris Shannon.) ## 4.5.1 - #92 `triton` CLI should summarize `err.body.errors` from CloudAPI Per , CloudAPI error response will sometimes have extra error details to show. ## 4.5.0 - #88 'triton inst tag ...' for managing instance tags. ## 4.4.4 - #90 Update sshpk and smartdc-auth to attempt to deal with multiple package inter-deps. ## 4.4.3 - #86 Ensure `triton profile ls` and `triton profile set-current` work when there is no current profile. ## 4.4.2 - Support `triton.createClient(...)` creation without requiring a `configDir`. Basically this then fallsback to a `TritonApi` with the default config. ## 4.4.1 - #83, #84 Fix running `triton` on Windows. Note: Triton config is stored in "%APPDATA%/Joyent/Triton/..." on Windows, "~/.triton/..." on other platforms. ## 4.4.0 - #78 `triton image delete IMAGE` - #79 Fix `triton instance get NAME` to make sure it gets the `dns_names` CNS field. - PUBAPI-1227: Note that `triton image list` doesn't include Docker images, at least currently. ## 4.3.1 - #77 triton create error in v4.3.0 ## 4.3.0 **Bad release. Use >=4.3.1.** - #76 `triton image create ...` and `triton image wait ...` - #72 want `triton image` to still return image details even when it is not in 'active' state ## 4.2.0 - Bash completion: Add completion for *args* to `triton account update `. This isn't perfect because a space is added after completion of "FIELD=", but hopefully is helpful. - #75 `triton account update ...` ## 4.1.0 - Unhide `triton completion` so hopefully more find it and use it. - node-triton#73 `triton instance list --credentials` to include "metadata.credentials" in instance listing. - node-triton#35 More easily distinguish KVM and LX and Docker images and instances. In PUBAPI-1161 CloudAPI (v8.0.0) started exposing IMG.type, INST.brand and INST.docker. One of the main issues for users is that telling KVM ubuntu from LX ubuntu is confusing (see also joyent/smartos-live#532). tl;dr: - `triton image list` default output now includes the `type` instead of `state`. The `state` column is still in output with `-l`, `-j`, `-o state`. - `triton instance list` default output now includes a `flags` column instead of `primaryIp`. The 'D' and 'K' flags identify Docker and KVM instances. - `triton instance list -l` includes the brand. Default output examples showing the various cases (and the attempt to stay within 80 columns): ```bash $ triton imgs SHORTID NAME VERSION FLAGS OS TYPE PUBDATE 1bd84670 minimal-64-lts 14.4.2 P smartos zone-dataset 2015-05-28 b67492c2 base-64-lts 14.4.2 P smartos zone-dataset 2015-05-28 ffe82a0a ubuntu-15.04 20151105 P linux lx-dataset 2015-11-05 8a1dbc62 centos-6 20160111 P linux zvol 2016-01-11 $ triton insts SHORTID NAME IMG STATE FLAGS AGE da7c6edd cocky_noyce 3d996aaa running DF 10m deedeb42 ubu0 ubuntu-15.04@20151105 running - 9m aa9ccfda mini2 minimal-64-lts@14.4.2 running - 9m e8fc0b96 centi0 centos-6@20160111 running K 8m ``` - Filtering instances on `docker=true`: ```bash $ triton insts docker=true SHORTID NAME IMG STATE FLAGS AGE da7c6edd cocky_noyce 3d996aaa running DF 13m ``` ## 4.0.1 - Add `triton env -t` to be able to emit a shell environment to configure `triton` itself. This allows one to have the following Bash function to select a Triton profile for `triton` and node-smartdc tooling: function triton-select { eval $(triton env $1); } ## 4.0.0 - [backwards incompat] #66 New consistent `triton` CLI style. See [the issue](https://github.com/joyent/node-triton/issues/66) for discussion. The major changes is that where some sub-commands used to be some flavour of: triton things # list all the things triton thing ID # get a thing triton thing -a ID # create a new thing Now commands are consistently: triton thing list # list all the things triton thing get ID # get a thing triton thing create ... # create a new thing ... The most annoying incompatility is the need for "get" to get a thing. E.g.: BEFORE AFTER triton img blah triton img get blah triton inst web0 triton inst get web0 For *listing* things, there is typically a shortcut with the old form, e.g. `triton images` is a shortcut for `triton image list`. Currently all of the CLI *except* the experimental `triton rbac ...` is converted to the new consistent style. - [backwards incompat] `triton whoami` was dropped. This used to be a shortcut for `triton account get`. It could possibly come back. - *Much* improved [Bash completion](https://github.com/joyent/node-triton#bash-completion). See `triton completion -h` for notes on how to install. - Add the ability to create a profile copying from an existing profile, via `triton profile create --copy NAME`. - `triton key add` was added (). ## 3.6.0 - #67 Add `triton create --network,-N NETWORK ...` option for specifying networks for instance creation. "NETWORK" is a network id, name, or short id; or a comma-separated array of networks. ## 3.5.0 - #67 Add `triton create --tag|-t ...` option for adding tags on instance creation. E.g. `triton create -n NAME -t foo=bar -t @my-tags-file.json IMAGE PACKAGE`. ## 3.4.2 - #63 "triton images" with a filter should not be cached. - #65 Fix `triton profile(s)` handling when the user has no profiles yet. ## 3.4.1 - #60 Display `vcpus` in `triton packages` output. - Add `-d,--data ` option to `triton cloudapi`. - Fix `triton rbac role ROLE`. Also get that command to have a stable order for the displayed fields. ## 3.4.0 - Improvements for using node-triton as a module. E.g. a simple example: var triton = require('triton'); var client = triton.createClient({profileName: 'env'}); client.listImages(function (err, imgs) { console.log(err); console.log(imgs); }); See the README and "lib/index.js" for more info. ## 3.3.0 - #59 CLI options to `triton create` to add metadata on instance creation: - `triton create -m,--metadata KEY=VALUE` to add a single value - `triton create -m,--metadata @FILE` to add values from a JSON or key/value-per-line file - `triton create -M,--metadata-file KEY=FILE` to set a key from a file - `triton create --script FILE` to set the special "user-script" key from a file ## 3.2.0 - #58 `triton --act-as=ACCOUNT ...` for an operator account to auth as themself, but operator on another account's resources. Note that operator accesses like this are audited on the CloudAPI server side. - `triton --accept-version VER` hidden top-level option for development. This allows calling the target cloudapi with the given value for the "Accept-Version" header -- which is how CloudAPI does API versioning. By default `triton` is coded to a particular cloudapi version range, so forcing a different version *could* result in breaking in the triton client code that handles the response. IOW, this is just a tool for developers of this Triton client and CloudAPI itself. ## 3.1.0 - New (hidden for now, i.e. experimental) `triton env ...` to dump `eval`able shell commands for [node-smartdc](https://github.com/joyent/node-smartdc) environment setup for a given Triton CLI profile. E.g.: eval $(triton env east1) sdc-listmachines I think this should grow to support setting up Docker env as well. - #54 `triton rbac role-tags` for now can't be hidden (as long we have the need to role-tag raw resource URLs like '/my/images'). - #54 `triton rbac apply --dev-create-keys-and-profiles` for experimenting/dev/testing to quickly generate and add user keys and setup Triton CLI profiles for all users in the RBAC config. - #54 RBAC support, see to start. - `triton rbac info` improvements: better help, use brackets to show non-default roles. - `triton rbac reset` - change `triton rbac user USER` output a little for the 'keys' (show the key fingerprint and name instead of the key content), 'roles', and 'default_roles' fields. - #54 *Drop* support for shortIds for `triton rbac {users,roles,policies}` commands. They all have unique *`name`* fields, just use that. - #54 `triton rbac apply` will implicitly look for a user key file at "./rbac-user-keys/$login.pub" if no `keys` field is provided in the "rbac.json" config file. - Change default `triton keys` and `triton rbac keys` output to be tabular. Otherwise it is a little obtuse to see fingerprints (which is what currently must be included in a profile). `triton [rbac] keys -A` can be used to get the old behaviour (just the key content, i.e. output appropriate for "~/.ssh/authorized\_keys"). ## 3.0.0 - #54 RBAC support, see to start. - [Backward incompatible.] The `triton` CLI option for the cloudapi URL has changed from `--url,-u` to **`--url,-U`**. - Add `triton --user,-u USER` CLI option and `TRITON_USER` (or `SDC_USER`) environment variable support for specifying the RBAC user. - `triton profiles` now shows the optional `user` fields. - A (currently experimental and hidden) `triton rbac ...` command to house RBAC CLI functionality. - `triton rbac users` to list all users. - `triton rbac user ...` to show, create, edit and delete users. - `triton rbac roles` to list all roles. - `triton rbac role ...` to show, create, edit and delete roles. - `triton rbac policies` to list all policies. - `triton rbac policy ...` to show, create, edit and delete policies. - `triton rbac keys` to list all RBAC user SSH keys. - `triton rbac key ...` to show, create, edit and delete user keys. - `triton rbac {instance,image,network,package,}role-tags ...` to list and manage role tags on each of those resources. - `triton rbac info` will dump a summary of the full current RBAC state. This command is still in development. - `triton rbac apply` will synchronize a local RBAC config (by default it looks for "./rbac.json") to live RBAC state. Current the RBAC config file format is undocumented. See "examples/rbac-\*" for examples. - #55 Update of smartdc-auth/sshpk deps, removal of duplicated code for composing Authorization headers ## 2.1.4 - #51: Update deps to get dtrace-provider 0.6 build fix for node v4.2.x. - #49: `triton create ... --firewall` to enable [Cloud Firewall](https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/network/firewall). ## 2.1.3 - #44 'triton rm' alias for delete - #43 `triton profile ...` doesn't use the profile from `TRITON_PROFILE` envvar ## 2.1.2 - #41 Add compatibility with ed25519 keys in ssh-agent - #42 Tools using sshpk should lock in an exact version ## 2.1.1 - #40 Update smartdc-auth so that newer OpenSSH `ssh-keygen` default fingerprint formats for setting `keyId` work. - #39 Test suite: Change the test config 'destructiveAllowed' var to 'writeActionsAllowed'. ## 2.1.0 - Errors and exit status: Change `Usage` errors to always have an exit status of `2` (per common practice in at least some tooling). Add `ResourceNotFound` error for `triton {instance,package,image,network}` with exit status `3`. This can help tooling (e.g. the test suite uses this in one place). Add `triton help` docs on exit status. - Test suite: Integration tests always require a config file (either `$TRITON_TEST_CONFIG` path or "test/config.json"). Drop the other `TRITON_TEST_*` envvars. ## 2.0.0 - Changed name to `triton` npm package, graciously given up by [suguru](https://www.npmjs.com/~suguru) from his project. <3 The latest previous release of the triton package was 1.0.7, so we'll separate with a major version bump for *this* triton package. ## 1.0.0 Initial release as `joyent-triton` npm package.